in #steemjet6 years ago

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Steem Blockchain is all about building Communities

The steem blockchain has affected the way people socialize on the internet, the way people make money as well as the way people market their skills. It is therefore of vital importance to be a vehicle of its growth and development.

To promote steem, for me, means to grow communities and not just the steem community but also the offline communities. To promote steem, there needs to be a physical presence of the steem blockchain in our communities. This is to ensure that when we speak of the steem blockchain, there will be a connection in the minds of people to that physical entity which contributes positively to the growth of their communities.

I grew up in a community that is rich in human resources but due to poverty, poor education as well as a failed government, these potentials have remained dormant within the community. For me, a steem sponsored library/Creatives school for kids in my community is the way in which I can promote steem.

Students in the school would each own an account on the platform and they will be encouraged to polish their skills and at the same time make some money. This will remove some of the delinquent elements from the streets. The library would also offer readings for little kids during weekends as well as encourage reading among the youths as part of the community initiative.

The more popular the project becomes, the more popular steem becomes and that will mean more signups,more retention of users, increase in price and the bringing to life of a dormant and dying community. This I can get behind, what about you?

©warpedpoetic, 2018.


That is a very good Idea, a library is a place of learning, and they are generally free to use. A couple volunteers over a few days of the week, and the community could improve it's educational reach to those who want it.

Yes it's a dream that I have had since before I joined steemit, to open a pseudo-educational facility that caters to creativity and enables creatives find a path to a successful career in their chosen field of expression.
The library I feel is one important aspect of the society that has been mostly ignored by my government. It is not only a place of learning but it is a community building instruments. A private library would bridge the gap among people in the community. It would be a place for people to meet, exchange ideas, relax. In my place, everyone mostly meet in a bar. It is tiresome. One day, all of this will become a reality.

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