Why Steemitworldmaps is awesome

in #steemitworldmap5 years ago (edited)

 Why is Steemitworldmap awesome for me?

The above is my first attempt at a YouTube video on Steemit - no idea if it will work, but here goes :)

The Team from Steemitworldmaps is always giving and giving! and they help me greatly in sharing my nature, animal and other interesting travel content on Steem  

For years now they have been helping to share my travel content with the world and presenting it on a great easy to use interactive map.

When they recently announced a competition to help promote @Steemitworldmap's I felt really bad. Things are tough right now and I'm a bit low on time, but these guys are always doing such a great job and contributing to a great Steem blockchain, never really asking for anything in return - Just take @choogirl for example, has anyone else given so much towards Steem? not too many I can tell you :). 

Soooo how hard can a quick presso be?? on something which sells itself! Well, lets find out,  so here's my quick submission and unique personal view.

Just like the many adventures I share on Steem and link to on steemitworldmap's this is raw, unedited, unscripted - haha so be gentle :)

Sorry about the unpredictable washing machine noise kicking in half way through...haha

Note: For those that follow me through Steemitworldmap Lordnigel's Travels are predominately about animals and nature, but that doesn't stop me from time to time sharing things about the larger world around us. Steemitworldmap's makes anyone's travels easy to share and enjoy with just a simple internet connection. Best of luck to everyone with the competition and Steemon!

 Hey everyone - you still have time to enter the contest.  here! 


Awww. Your dog is adorable. Thanks for info about entering the contest.

haha no worries; I'll let Skye know she has internet admirers.

Yay, thanks for entering! Good luck!

All good - can't wait to see what others come up with, lots of inventive people on Steemit and I'm sure others enjoy steemitworldmap's as well

Thank you for your entry @lordnigel. Nice use of a map behind you!

Oh by the way, regardless of the competition - if you want to use any of the images I have posted on Steemit to help with steemitworldmap's or your promo, you have full permission.

If you need anything in particular and I haven't posted about it, please yell out, you never know I might have something on a drive somewhere - just ask and happy to share :)

Haha thanks - later I asked Skye dog to choose my next holiday destination via paw indication.

-apparently I'm going to Hawaii!!!

Lol! Skye dog has good taste!

I didn't know about the upvotes, but I was really impressed with what they were doing on the block-chain. I thought it didn't work at first, but in reality it just took a while for my travels to show up.

Upvotes from exposure are good - I know when ever I add something I take alook around at other peoples travels and if the 7 days haven't passed I'll give a little upvote or two - it all helps

Yeah sometimes it takes a little bit to come up, but always worked for me.

Hey - Are you going to enter the contest as well? You should. Your pretty good at the movie stuff mate :)

Great post and video! Good luck

Thanks muchly - great to see others got some in on time - not easy for us introverts to submit videos :)

There are times I wish it was because I was an introvert. I am so busy with everything and there are so many amazing posts and contests. I seem to miss so many!

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