Steemit Ultimate Challenge 8 Weeks - Week #6

in #steemitultimatechallenge6 years ago (edited)

First and foremost, i would like to thank @dobartim for this great opportunity given to us to show how far we have gone and the experiences gatthered so far since we joined steemit beforei proceed with the challenge.


My life has really changed tremendously from from lack of self confidence to total gain of self confidence since i have joined this platform. I am from Nigeria, a country where government doesn't care about it citizensbe graduate or not. A country that is full of potentials, natural resources that other developed countries are dying to have my all means, citizens that are so intelligent, but its quite unfortunate that every Nigerian realky struggle hard to meet ends meet especially if your family os nit financially stabled.



Life is something one has to live and enjoy to it to the fullest because we only live it once. Before i joined steemit, things were very rough and unstable for me. Everything seems to appear to me like a mirrage, the closer i get the farther it becomes in my eyes, but thanks to steemit coming at the right time and a friend @admiralsp that introduced it to me.
If there are something i never liked doing is to beg for things i could really work for. But how could i when there are no work in the country i can get an offer for because my country is so corrupt that i would need connect what my people call "paddy paddy or who knows who" before i could get a work. But on faithful day while i having a moment with myself all alone reminiscing about life, i stumbled on this quote;

"The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well".........Ralph Waldo Emerson

That little quote about LIFE changed my sense of reasoning and when i started steeming, i promised myself that i was going to help each and every one i could really help if i stand a better position of doing so. And as we all know, that steemit is all about helping each other growm adding values to the platformand to our communities too which makes everything so easy for me to do.
There was a day i was actually walking to the mall to get some groceries for myself and i saw some kids that were suppose to be in school approachedme that they were hungry that i should help them they haven't eaten since morning, i shook my head because i know exactly how it feels for not have food to eat, so i gave the little i could and fortunately as God would have it way in my life them, @damarth was doing a one meal campaign for those without waht to eat and that was where the huge change all began in my life. One-Meal A Day Campaign where i decided to celebrate Valentine's Day with the orphanage homes where i visited Two children orphange homes that day and the feelings was so emotional for me because that was my first time of doing such a huge project and the support to was overwhelming for that very day and i was refreshed and happy i could put a smile on peoples faces through steemit.

Proof of the visitation


At the market shopping for the project. Can you see those kids? They are meant to be in school but because our government doesn't care about it masses and the economy is so bad that their parent had no choice than for them to sell to earn a living to feed theirselves and that was the main purpose i visited the orphanage homes.

The first orphanage home visitation of the day.

These pictures are from the second visitation and there were all happy that they were remembered and loved by all.
The picture with the two kids was my favourites of all the collections i have, because it shows how happy they were, knowing within me i did great for the first time in my life, look at the great and priceless smile on their faces.

Still on the orphanage visitation, kindly go through it.



Being a graduate majored in Agricultural Engineering, it was very tough for me because i don't know how to beg for money, i never liked that. Immediately my service, i was partaking in a ponzi scheme to survive, knowing fully well the risk involved but i still had no choice because i must eat and as a man, "they say there is no food for a lazy man" so, i just try my best not until the exact meaning of ponzi prove itself properly that i was in a wrong dealing. I hardly have money to get new clothings for myself or shoe but thank God steemit changed everthing for and i now understand the importance of being financially stable.
There was sometime that for a month, i barely had three thousand naira which is less than 3sbd now and feeding was a hell of calculations but just drinking of water was what kept me going till i get what to eat.
I now look good than ever, could hangout with couple of friends and could actually help my family member out especially my younger ones. With steemit, i can now plan ahead easily.

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Here is a simple proof of when i haven't joined steemit and twitter seems to be the only way to seek for job or opportunity to hold on to but thanks to steemit for coming to my rescue, look at the date.


Since i joined steemit, i have been business inclined than ever. I now know more about digital currencies that i had to acquire some coins at a cheaper rate and also venturing into other businesses to survive and to be able to get whatever my heart desires.
Steemit has taught me well on how to connect and sell myself to people. so, i don't take chances anymore, get involved in real estate businesses and any other busines i could leverage on.

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I chatted him up seen that he is not far from me and i knowing that i could make cool, cash out it too. I called him today and funny enough, he told me he is a lawyer and we would be meeting on monday at his chambers, it wouldn't have been that easy for me connect with him on twitter and if the deal happens to come my way, another cash through knowledge on steemit.

I was able to buy three poppies from my neigbour that is relocating to another destination and urgently in need of funds, i was able to buy three from him with sbd dollars and i made substantial profit from it. It wouldn't have been possible if not for steemit.


Education is something i don't joke with at all. Since i joined steemit, i have able to read and educate myself more online than just surfing internet for fun. I now attend seminars, workshops and any other educative gathering i can attend and this was made posssible after reading numerious post on steemit.

In seminar to learn more about life because education is learning new things everyday.

In another seminar just to educate myself the more and this was made possible through the kind post i have read on steemit.
I am even saving for some professional programme to enrol myself and of course, i would be paying with earnings i make on steemit.

"Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else." ....................Les Brown

This is what i have learnt in my time of struggle and i discovered i own myself that life i want for myself and that would only be possible if i accept responsibilities and face my challenges too. The most reason why i invest my earnings on steemit to make more money and for financial stability.




Appearance makes you look loved and appealing to the eyes, thanks to steemit.
I would really like to appreaciate those that have been supporting me from day one like @swissclive, @greenman, @damarth@acidyo @papa-pepper @ surpassinggoogle, @liondani @sircork the founder of @youarehope i really appreciate you all for the love.

I would really to send a big shout out tonthisnlovely people for supporting this great initive challenge: @dobartim , @flysky , @aidasfg7 .


"In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years."

"Life is inherently risky. There is only one big risk you should avoid at all costs, and that is the risk of doing nothing."



This is really awesome with so many different engagement with the community. Can see How committed are you to promote an alternative for the people. Keep it up man and Steem on!

Thank you very much. The words from people like you keep me going here even when it seems like there is no way for me anymore, when think of the encouragement and the people showing love from no where, it kept me strong and to keep my cool. Thank you once again.

Most welcome @tyrex. We all have our own cause and fight in our life. Nonetheless, we need some motivation to carry us on, as the journey is a tough one. Keep it up bro!

You are right, that is life for you. Hardly will a man be without a struggle he is facing. Life is just a journey that we need to accomplish.

Concur on that. It is a continuous grind and there's always an option to take on an easy one or a challenging one, depends on the life satisfaction you get. All the best and I will drop by again :)

Thank you for believing in my story and being a source of motivation by your words, I really appreciate and your visit anytime would be welcomed.

i find it increasingly inspiring and amazing to see the impact of steemit in countries such as yours where the government support is missing. It's amazing that you've been able to take this platform and empower yourself, and not only that but be selfless about it. congratulations on everything you've been able to accomplish for yourself and others! keep it up!

Thank you very much, I am highly overwhelmed with people you supporting an ordinary me.

Your story is so inspirational! It encourages me to do a lot more with my life.

Thank you, as you know, our economy here is very bad and our government is not even helping, I have no choice but to put more effort and make every good out of nothing.

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wow... how few words can change a life!

Thank you

In the end, it's not the years in your life that counts but the life in your years.

I grab that one..

Thank you boss, I sight you for the support.

You're welcome bro...

@tyrex your post and your path are true inspirations to anyone wise enough to understand.

You could look at a country like the USA where I'm from and think, "It's so much better".

Guess what, it may be in some ways but not in the ways that matter most.

There are so many people living here with affluence and money that still don't get it. All that equals is more means to be a part of the problem.

Keep your chin up, and keep on Steeming. Control those parts of your life you are able to, and cast the others aside. :)

You could look at a country like the USA where I'm from and think, "It's so much better".

Guess what, it may be in some ways but not in the ways that matter most.

This is true, there are many Nigerians that has travelled abroad all in the quest of finding a greener pastures, some were fortunate to make it through while is the other way round without a success story. We all look at some of these developed countries like they are the best fit for some of us to be successful but the bitter truth is, it won't work for some of us, that is why I had to encourage myself to make something good here for myself.
Thank you for reading through my blog and you inspire me the more to be better at it.

@tyrex, this is a very inspiring post, from the visits to the orphanages to the thirst for knowledge and opportunities. May your heart be full and may God continue to bless you.

Amen boss, thank you and I really appreciate.

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