Steemit Ultimate Challenge 8 Weeks ( Prize Fund 2000 SBD ) Week #7 - My entry "How Steemit changed my life..." @dobartim

in #steemitultimatechallenge6 years ago (edited)
First of all, I would like say “thank you” to sir @dobartim, for this life changing challenge. I am so excited to tell you my story. Special mention to sir @flysky madam @aidasfg7 for sponsoring this greatness.

You might be wondering why I joined this contest, for me it’s an opportunity to share my experiences with others, other beautiful souls out there hoping to get inspired like me.

How steemit changed my life.jpg

I want to share with you a little about my life, hope you don’t mind. I am the youngest in the family. I have eight siblings, three brothers and four sisters. We may not be the perfect family, but I am very proud to say that we are united. We love and respect each other. We support and understand our differences. It is true that sometimes there are misunderstandings, but if you have an open communication in one umbrella, any problems or challenges can be ironed out.

My parents are very old fashioned. They were born in the 1930s; yes it was a decade of the Gregorian calendar. LOL. We were not born with a silver spoon in our mouths, but we have what we need. Growing up, I saw my father working very hard to provide our basic needs; food, shelter and clothing. I think the only luxury but the most important luxury in the whole world my parents gave me, is education; yes I consider it as luxury because not everybody can afford it. Not everybody had the opportunity to go to Universities. Don’t get me wrong, with this kind of thinking, I graduated with flying colors. From pre-school to College, because I treasured the importance of education. And I am very grateful they are my parents.

Also, I want to give credit to my brothers and sisters, who have helped me financially, especially my brother Romeo. I am very close to him, he is my best-friend. He has a huge contribution in my well being, he has helped me a lot in all aspects, especially when I was in college, when tuition fees were increasing every year so as miscellaneous. I wouldn’t be the person I am today, if my family didn’t support me in acquiring knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and wisdom to survive in this crazy world. LOL.

My parents always told me… first, say thank you to our creator every single day. Then just be honest even when it hurts, believe in yourself, never give up in your dreams, share what you have and respect others. There are a lot of good morals I have learned from my family, friends, and people around me through times, but these are the biggest foundations of my life.

In these photos, you'll see my parents and my siblings, together with my nieces and nephews. One big happy family.

When I graduated in college, I started to work immediately. My mother advised me to relax for a while, even for a few months before looking for a job, but I was so eager and motivated to start right away. Currently, I am working in a corporate world by profession and managing a lot of people, teaching and influencing them to be a leader as well.

I am a family and people-oriented type of person. I dedicate my whole life to my loved ones. When I started working, I supported my parents financially (my siblings are still giving their share little by little which is understandable since they all have families of their own). It is fine, but they got old and prone to illnesses. My father was the first one who got sick; he was in medication due to cardiovascular stroke. My mother also needs maintenance to keep the balance of her blood pressure.

I am happy with my job, but I was totally considering other avenues to where I can have a fair share, where I can be a business leader. One day, a friend of mine @deveerie, introduced me to Steemit in 2017. I have no idea what he was talking about, so to give him a satisfaction, I signed up in June 2017, but never had any interests in it. LOL. My account has been approved but it was dormant for six months. Until January 6, 2017, I was thinking about what I want, I know I can do more, I know I can be brilliant in other paths but I didn’t know what it was. I opened my computer searching for other jobs, but I saw the Steemit bookmark that I made on my computer when I signed up. It was like shining brightly with flashes of light and talking to me to open it. Then I got excited, not sure why but I did log in and start reading random articles for an hour. I thought, this is the right time to start to introduce myself. Before I even started my very first “introduce yourself” article, I got a call from my eldest brother that my father has passed away (my parents are in the province with my brother Tony, while I am here in Manila because of my job). It was so emotional, like seriously? Just when I thought I found a new horizon, I am losing my dad? I am very close with my dad, he was my hero, and I missed him so much.

Anyways, there is something about steemit that pushed me to create my very first article, despite of losing my dad the same day. Do you believe in the saying that when someone dies, a baby is born? For me steemit is the new born baby in my life… It’s just waiting to be taken cared of to grow. It gave me strength and shield to fight that day. With tears, I wrote my introduction in steemit. I had to leave steemit for a couple of weeks to attend my father’s wake and burial, but I know steemit is waiting for me. After the storm, I got back on my feet and steemit has become my social media platform best friend. I’m not into social media by the way, I’m not even fond of facebook, but steemit platform changed the way I look in communication through social media. This platform has become my niche in expressing myself well, by sharing my knowledge, my hidden talents and joining contest that surely boost my confidence in the end.
Steemit showed me that I can do more than I thought I am capable of. Through steemit I gained new friends and we learned from each other. I discovered that there are more to life, than my comfort zone.

My very first earning in steemit was $38.44 USD, about 2000php (two thousand pesos), not bad at all and it all came only from my introduction post. As you can see, it really helped me a lot to pay my bills, such as electric, internet and cable, etc. Most importantly, I can buy medicine for my mom. Yay! I can treat myself as well, like good food or watching movies without touching my paycheck or savings. To be honest, in my profession here in the Philippines, my paycheck can only support myself if you want to live like you have a financial freedom. Given the fact that you are being deducted 32% taxes from your salary. The rest will be divided to your family, if you are considered as breadwinner; to yourself as allowance going to and from the office, your daily food, personal hygiene products etc. I know my wallet is not huge, I am still a minnow but with my earnings, it really assisted me with my bills. LOL. Thank you so much, Steemit.


2x 1000 peso bill.

Last year, I ventured together with my other friends a small RTW/garments business. It’s pretty much new, but we can clearly see the future, that if we put more capital in it, it will grow and surely help other people by consigning with us. Through the help of steemit as we grow, portion of my earnings will be put into growing up my small business. How amazing that is huh?

Also, I love to travel and currently I am saving my earnings in my wallet for my future get away abroad. Me and my friends already booked a ticket going to Taiwan on December 2 to 9, 2018. So yes.. I still have time to save and I am positive, steemit will make my dream come true. That is my challenge, as a reward to myself for working so hard, I want it all expense by steemit though my SBD. LOL. Ofcourse, it needs commitment, hardwork, and business leadership style to go up.

I never thought I will be able to gain friends in this platform who have been very supportive of me. I would like to mention my whole steemph, steemph.manila family. Steemit is indeed the place where beautiful people from different races are one together. Where the main purpose of communication is to learn from each other, share knowledge, and ultimately go up the ladder.

With this proof of light from this platform, I invited my friends to join steemit and I am glad they are here already. Even my nieces and nephews would be signing up already. Soon they will be part of this growing family. I would also want to extend my warm-thanks to all my friends here on steemit, my steemph and steemph.manila family, and steemit school family. You know who you are. Thank you very much.

I consider steemit as my online media family. One of the most significant changes that happened into my life is when I joined the Steemit School and became a student. I met a lot of talented souls, I learned how to be successful in steemit through sir @dobartim’s live classes, I am not an artist but I never thought I could make art through sir @flysky’s Art Images live classes, I am not a poet, but my mind was opened wide when I listened to @d-pend’s live classes. Never heard about acroyoga, but got interested into it when I attended @karensuestudios’ live classes. I am looking forward for more.

Also, I am excited to tell you that on Saturday, March 17, 2018, I will be part of the fundraiser for the Philippine School of Interior Design (PSID) through this rocking party at the exclusive club, Valkyrie in Bonifacio Global City on March 17, 10PM. I will write an article about it after the event. Watch out.

And guess what? I got my ticket... thank you @grazz for sponsoring my ticket.

To summarize, how steemit changed my life? This is in all honesty. If you are reading this my steemians friends, I hope you appreciate my honesty.

  1. Steemit earnings assists with my bills, without touching much from my paycheck.
  2. Gives me a chance to learn about my hidden talents like doing art images and poetry, by getting out of my comfort zone. It enhances my writing skills and I believe I am becoming a writer. 
  3. Gain new real friends from all over the world and hopefully more friends in the future.
  4. Gives me the opportunity to help others through participation in a charity work and fundraising.
  5. Gives me a reason to plan a travel with less expense from my own pocket. LOL. Yay!
  6. I learned to strive harder to go up the ladder, and eventually be a full timer in steemit school and steemit community.
  7. Helps me manage my time efficiently. It is not easy to work at night and be awake in the morning to collaborate and learn from the beautiful steemians in this community. Honestly, we all need rest to regain our energy when our body complains. But sleep is for the weak. I know you get what I mean.
  8. I learned how to be a business leader, not just a leader. Steemit heard my voice.
  9. Provides me different avenues to help me grow more, not just by managing people but by teaching others to create a future leader. You are not a true leader, if you can’t create your own leaders.
  10. Steemit gives me happiness and positive energy, even if I only have 2-3 hours sleep every day, before going to work, in my corporate world. This platform is my beautiful escape.
I would like to invite you to join this amazing contest. Share your experiences on how Steemit changed your life. Just click the link from sir @dobartim here
Meet you on top...
Remember my friends, if you don’t believe in yourself, nobody will. Success is never an accident, it is always the result of your perseverance and hard work.
I would like to thank you all my friends, for reading and supporting me.

To sir @dobartim, salute to you sir. To sir @flysky madam @@@aidasfg7, thank you.

To my steemph,steemph.manila and my steemit school family, thank you so much.

To @surpassinggoogle @surpassinggoogle @luvabi @dreamiely @deveerei @grazz @monkeypattycake @steemitph @ luigienius @robiney @olawalium @sam-rt @valski. Thank you.

How about you, what is your story??? I am glad to hear it. Share your thoughts.



Paiyakin mo nga bro sa hirap haha

Hello bro. Hahahahaha. Thanks for the support bro. Lab you! :) See you! Daya mo wala ka sa valky. LOL.

Hehe next time. Dyan na lang tayo nila Stellar sa inyo invite mo din Julie :D

Hi Mechille really great story i really liked the part when you explained about your family, your father i believe he really is a great man.
As i said the first thing i did when i opened my laptop was to follow you and i really liked your story.
Steemit School is great looking forward to know more about you.
We win together.

Hello my friend @tusharraina23. Thank you so much for your support. I followed you already. We win together. If there is anything I can do to help you, just send me a dm. Everyone in steemit school will help you, we will help each other. See you around. Have a great day my friend. Keep believing in yourself.

Thanks my friend

Hey @tusharraina come and join steem it school.

I have already joined steemit schol my friend.

Wow ..hope to meet you in general chat

Wow, this is lovely dear, so has how steemit changed mine too. Lovely post

Hello dear. Thank you so much! I know you have been supportive to me from the beginning we met at steemit school. I am always here for your my dear friend. We win together. Take care my friend. See you around.

Wow! I am touched by this post, my friend. I remember then, it took you long to reply messages on your introductory post and you came back to explain what happened, and ever since that day, we have always been in touch. I am glad Steemit is like a shining light to ease the pain and make you afford some things. Steemit has really helped too. God really used it as a tool for me as well, and you are one of the many blessings i received. I love you.

My dear friend Ola! You are one of the gifts that God has given in steemit. Never thought I would be able to meet someone so true and God fearing. I really want to thank you for the love and support. I love you my friend. Take care and see you around. Keep in touch. You know I am here for you always. Thank you so much, dear Ola!

Your comments always humble me. I am really glad i met you too, and thanks for building our cord, and strengthening it from breaking. I love you too my friend. I look forward to when i will see you.

Keep steeming. Wish you success in this platform.

Thank you @jerome-morales sir. We win together. See you! Steem on!

Thank you from your @steemph.manila family. 😊

Madam @luvabi. Thank you so much, for the support. I love you all. Last night in valkyrie was a blast. Nice to see you again. See you next time madam. D pa ako nakakapag post nung valky. haha.

I saw your post na :P
Til next meetup, let's do coffee and karaoke FINALLY with @dreamiely and @st3llar.

Yes yes madam. Let's go! Saya yun. Count me in po. haha. Thank you much madam. :)

Youre such a great person sis.:) thanks also for supporting and visiting my post...i appreciate it.!!!

Sure sis. Thank you so much sis for the love. Sis, will you send me the link whenever you have new posts? You can dm me at discord same username. Just want to check on you always. Take care sis. See you!

love it, steemit is really a blessing. we can share and express ourselves. Keep steeming Ms Chille and the rest will follow. :) Thank you also for the never tiring support. :)

That is true... Steemit is life. lol. Thank you also so much for your support. See you around rob.

This is touching, keepsteeming Michelle, you are going place. Don't worry dear, you will travel to Taiwan even other continents, and sorry for your loss

Hello dear @hardebayo. Thank you so much for taking your time to read. Yes to that... it will all come true. haha. Yay! Followed you already my friend.

Yes seen thanks too, you have been away, work i guess.

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