POETRY | DAY 5 | Dreams

in #steemitschoolpoetry6 years ago (edited)

Dreams, poetry by @naquoya.

Day 5 of 100 for @d-pend's Poetry Challenge


Twisting into thought forms of murderous intrigue
From the depths of someone else's dream
From the memories that I have cared for
And caressed throughout the years
Yet now I have lost sight of that which has been
Nurtured as my very own

Sometimes they amuse me like a circus just for two
We ride around one big lost circle
And forever count the stars that smile above
A twinkle in the sky
More than a twinkle in the eye
Just as a diamond rises from it's blackened depths

Yet once I was confined by four walls that menaced
And snarled with an intent that reeked of pain
And they closed within, growing smaller
No, I was the one that grew so much smaller
A terror laid out upon the floor
A dream that suffocated every night

So often now the eyes open to a new day
Forgetful of the worlds that slip far away
They were there, or was it here, all around me
And I'm left to wonder which way is up
And which was is down, in this twisting madness
What clues will fall from my mind tonight?

Reading Notes: This poetry is new and written exclusively for the 100 Day Poetry Challenge, which is explained in more detail here and here.

Images sourced from unsplash.com.

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What if the dream worlds are always there, it's just that "waking up to reality" means getting fogged up with an illusion of what's real, a fraction of the multitude of possibilities. I can't imagine how we would be able to function with so many worlds at play, at the same time. Perhaps the real world is just a filter to help us navigate through life.

Thanks for taking us on a journey to the surreal on a daily basis. I just want to say that I'm heading for a break because of you-know-what. I guess it's my turn to take that indefinite hiatus, mate!

Thanks for you, as always, illuminating comment. The dream world, the real world - which one is which. How do we know this is not a dream? Those ancient Greeks may have been onto something.

And all the best for your wedding celebrations. Try to enjoy the moment as much as you can. :)

Darkly captivating piece, Scott. May you continue to outdistance your pain (writing is one way...)

Bravo on this 🙏🏼

Thank you Yahia. Writing helps out a lot, I find. Shines a light into those dark places, so to speak.

I know what you mean, and have been writing myself sane-ish, for 2 decades or so. Wishing you continued success, on the screen and off.

Likewise Yahia. Thanks for dropping by.

"And I'm left to wonder which way is up
And which was is down, in this twisting madness"

Great poem. I always enjoy your poems so much. Keep it up :)

Thank you. Happy to know you appreciate them :)

Dreams provide such vivid imagery. I have been simply telling myself that I remember my dreams before I go to sleep and it has worked surprisingly well that I remember them when i wake!

A simple but effective technique. I knew a guy who would set an internal alarm in the same manner. And wake up on time without fail. But remembering my dreams is something I'd be more interested in achieving. I have them there in a more nebulous manner. I remember snippets. And very occasionally I will recall vividly.

I'm trying to recognize them while I am dreaming, but need to come up with a better reality check for myself.
I would love to have an internal alarm clock, i slept through my 4am and the fire was almost all the way out when i woke up 😒

Thank you @naquoya. Strangely I feel refreshed reading this and ready for a new day. I guess my dream was lighter.

That's good to hear, thank you :)

I enjoyed reading this. Just like of your other work's!

You're too kind. I appreciate you letting me know :)

I always love what you write. This one is really beautiful. I like "circus just for two" bit.

I'm happy to hear that. Thank you for your feedback.

Dreams, consciousness in subconsciousness. I love the poetry, really carried out the message

Thanks, I appreciate reading your thoughts.

Wow. I was so engrossed till I read it through. The power imagery used was well portrayed. Nice read up. It was really emotion putting in to written. I love poetry or any imaginative work of art

Thank you, happy to know you could feel the emotion in the words.

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