'Ride The Storm' - 100 Day Poetry Challenge Day 1

100 Day Poetry Day 1 Image 1.jpg

Welcome... To a 100 day journey into the poetic mind of Hart Floe!

I am so excited and honored to be a part of THIS INCREDIBLE CONTEST devised and facilitated by the legend that is @d-pend.

I start everything I do with Gratitude... so thank you my friend for creating such an amazing contest, and thank you to everybody that also participates and supports me along the way... I got your back too y'all!!

Don't be shy...
Come say hi!

This is gonna produce some pure gold from the wonderful community of writers here... I can just feel it!

My name is Hart Floe Poet and I've been writing and performing spoken word and poetry for 2 years now... Which is precisely why I am so excited to find myself here on Steemit, and especially taking part in this contest.

So below is my poem for The 100 Day Poetry Challenge - Day 1.

Ride The Storm -

The challenge was set.
It was set from the very day that the Universe first twitched,
A switch-flipped,
and all of a sudden burst into creation.
Since then many obstacles have been placed before us.
Mountains to climb.
Waves to surf.
Earthquakes to outrun.
Wars to fight.
Mother Nature to survive.
Yet we are always provided for.
The world does not set us challenges without providing the resources for us to be able to meet those challenges.
To successfully complete those challenges.
That would just be cruel.
Everything you need to achieve,
Will be precisely what you find yourself receive.
Just believe.
You will jump any hurdle if you can believe you can fly.
But otherwise,
You’ll just keep falling,
Keep on failing,
Getting up again,
And questioning…
When all you had to do was try.

So there we go... Day 1 complete! Excited to see what comes out of me tomorrow now!

Please make sure that you join the -

Steemitschool Discord Channel to stay in touch, get involved, post your submissions and do your bit to become a part of the community there... Let's make this extra special by coming together!

100 Day Poetry Day 1 Image 2.jpg

Both images were created on Canva and I believe support the poem. I plan to make my own images every day.. and any ACTUAL images used in the composition of the images will be my own - most probably from my past 13 months of travel adventures!


Absolutely perfect my friend @hartflow.
Yes, all the world is ours for the taking. There are absolutely no obstacles that we face that are out of oir means to overcome.
Like you said,

The world does not set us challenges without providing the resources for us to be able to meet those challenges. To successfully complete those challenges
However, sometimes you fail, you give up...
When all you had to do was try.
Powerful, life-changing message you have here. Looking out for more wisdom from you Friend.

Thank you so much... really glad you enjoyed this piece... Your comment is meaningful and very much appreciated... so thank you so much for the support my friend and for adding to this :)

I look forward to reading more from you too. Almost ready for day 2!
Keep up the amazing work...

With love
Hart Floe Poet

Nice, we must never give up trying, life is all about learning mostly through our mistakes. I really like the flow of your poem, well done.

Thank you very much... I really appreciate you reading and letting me know your thoughts..

and I totally agree, because mistakes are only mistakes if we don't learn from them, right?

Stay in tune, I look forward to reading your submissions too!

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

Wow man this is really good i love that you write about life and it's ups and downs.
You're really a creative writer. keep on writing bro

Thank you very much for reading... I'm glad you enjoyed it! Appreciate the comment too my friend...

Hmm... ups and downs... I'm inspired! Life is like a Rollercoaster... that's for sure.

But like a rollercoaster it was meant to thrill us... it may get scary but...

we will always be safe in the end.

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

You like this

I do hehe :) Do you?!

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

Awesome stuff, @hartfloe! Love the vibe, message, and flow, and your fantastic attitude. Adding you to the advanced section. Keep it up!

Thanks soooo much for following directions properly :-D

Legend @d-pend... thank you so much... It's a true honor to be in the advanced section and I will endeavor that all my submissions live up to that and exceed it.. Thanks again so much for everything that's happening right now thanks to you and everyone at @steemitschool .. It's incredibly inspiring!

Here to help if ever need my man.. Look forward to touching down tomorrow with a new poem!

Keep up the great work.

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

Great poem, @hartfloe. I liked your topic. It’s true that we don’t get challenged with any more than we can handle! Happy 1st challenge day. :)

Thaaank you... I really appreciate you reading it and commenting :) Don't be a stranger... plenty more coming of course!

With love
Hart Floe Poet

I love that you're making your own images. I really liked with this poem had to say. I like how you alternated between long lines and short lines. It was a visual representation of how varied life can be and how some trials are short and some are long. This is going to be a lot of fun. I can't wait to read more of your poems.

That's really epic feedback... I don't think about what I'm doing so much but I love to hear how other people interpret it and the things they point out... I would never have thought that about the line lengths so... Thank you!

It's fun creating the images too.. I'm glad they added that in, because it gets me thinking more and ultimately enables us to add more value and meaning into the post :)

So excited about this... just did my Day 2 Post if you have time to read it at some point... I look forward to reading yours today too!

Exciting times ahead!

With love
Hart Floe Poet

An inspiring entry into the challenge, hartfloe. I have taken on the challenge too. Stop by my post. Maybe we can help each other through the challenge:)

Hey, thanks for checking it out! I enjoyed yours too... beautiful words and photos! I look forward to continuing to write together throughout this challenge... so much goodness still to come... over 13,000 poems in the next 99 days... wow!

See you tomorrow I guess!

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

Very inspiring. Makes me want really believe in my self

Awww I'm so happy to hear that... this is what I am here for! To inspire others to believe in themselves... to believe that they can take their dreams and turn them into reality... We can all do it... We all the infinite power of intelligence and creation that was given by the Universe... we need to use it!

Thanks for reading and commenting, and I hope that you will continue to read my pieces each day and find more inspiration.

With love
Hart Floe Poet

For some people like you, i thank God i found steemit...this poem is Awesome... and you really deserve the advance level... I'll be waiting to read more from you @hartfloe

Awwww thank you!! I would never have placed myself in the 'advanced' category but... it's beautiful to hear that others believe I should be there!

I will endeavor to ensure that I deserve that title throughout the whole 100 days.

I look forward to reading your posts too.

Thank you again for reading and commenting.

With love
Hart Floe Poet

You are very welcome 😊😊☺

Thank you. It means a lot to me :)

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

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