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RE: 100 Days of Poetry Challenge Update [Day 0] (Day 1 starts at 6 PM GMT!)

Hey quick question @d-pend - I have read the whole post thoroughly, and the original too, but I am unclear - will there be a set 'challenge' every day - like a prompt to write about... or has Day 1 now already started, and it's totally open the only constraint being the 14 line minimum limit - Because I see a lot of people posting poems already for today but I thought I was awaiting another post with a challenge for the day...

If you or anyone who reads this can give me some clarity that'd be so much appreciated. If there is no challenge to wait for I shall get on with it!

Also how can I get permission to post in the '100 days of poetry' channel on the Steemitschool discord?

With love
Hart Floe Poet


Hey @hartfloe, there is total freedom of choice, no writing prompt. There will be themes in the classes but that is just for study and consideration :-)

Thanks for reminding me to add each person to the permissions on that channel, right now it is set to admin.

Okay cool... so I can get writing today whenever I want and submit it any time after 6pm GMT... perfect! This is gonna be fuuuuun :)

I'm now in the channel so thanks for adding me... look forward to chatting... hopefully performing there and maybe even guest lecturing or coaching or something! Here to help if you need bro!

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

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