'Every Flower Blooms at the Perfect Moment' - 100 Day Poetry Challenge Day 5

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Welcome... To a 100 day journey into the poetic mind of Hart Floe!

I am so excited and honored to be a part of THIS INCREDIBLE CONTEST devised and facilitated by the legend that is @d-pend.

I start everything I do with Gratitude... so thank you my friend for creating such an amazing contest, and thank you to everybody that also participates and supports me along the way... I got your back too y'all!!

Don't be shy...
Come say hi!

The momentum is building... day 5 and still 95 to go... Already had so much fun with this... Gonna have so much extra ammo under my belt once this challenge is done!

My name is Hart Floe Poet and I've been writing and performing spoken word and poetry for 2 years now... Which is precisely why I am so excited to find myself here on Steemit, and especially taking part in this contest.

So below is my poem for day 5 of The 100 Day Poetry Challenge.

Every Flower Blooms at the Perfect Moment

There’s an intelligence at work,
That makes everything here work.
The cells in our body,
Trillions at a time,
All intimately connected,
To your body,
And your mind.
Your heart keeps beating,
You don’t even need to think,
Your lungs keep on drawing breath,
Your neural pathways link.
And your mind…
It’s always thinking.
Sometimes your sailing,
Sometimes Sinking.
Because our thoughts are full of power.
They dictate our whole experience.
But if we let our thoughts turn sour,
This can be extremely serious.

Because -
We tend to love to sabotage ourselves.
We tend to take up habits that we know are bad for our health.
Sometimes it’s as if,
We have a death wish.
The food-for-thoughts we eat,
Soon dirty-the-dish.
We, belittle ourselves and try to deny our true strength -
To sabotage ourselves we seem to go to great lengths.
We try to pick the fruits before they’re properly ripe,
We try to force things to happen before the timing is right.

You see.
Every flower will bloom at the perfect moment.
There’s nothing we have to do,
We do not need much involvement.
We just have to sit back,
Kick back and relax,
Because the intelligence of the Universe
Has got your back.

We tend to run in cycles,
Stuck in loops,
Repeating patterns.
Just try to break the chains,
Try to break free,
Just to see what happens.
People get stuck in cycles that may repeat for many lifetimes.
The patterns of our ego that keep us locked in the grind.
We try in vein to flee
but never really try hard enough to just…
Break... Free.

Just happened to be here with these words for you now,
Just happened to come to this Earth just to help you see how.
And why.
Because it’s so important that you realize,
That you once were a seed,
And the seed that you are will flower and bloom,
But you have to believe.
You have to stop picking off the leaves
and Practice Patience as you grow,
And one day when the time is right,
The true beauty will show.

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This piece was inspired by my own comment I left on @ajremy's post Floods of Spilt Milk where he opened up a space for others to interpret his written piece.

I really enjoyed writing the comment and when I read it back, I felt like there was some sparks of inspiration there for a new piece... and here it is!

So thanks @ajremy for adding so much value to this contest... and helping me to self-inspire myself to write something new today!

Thank you all for reading.

Sending love always.
In All Ways.
Hart Floe Poet


Your post is so rife with messages and meaning I can't seem to figure out which one to talk about.
So i just decided to pick the end

But you have to believe.
You have to stop picking off the leaves
and Practice Patience as you grow,
And one day when the time is right,
The true beauty will show.

Yes! Belief is one thing which is a necessity for our advancement because in belief, there is a cause, and to that cause we aspire, aspiring to the cause leads to success.
So one day, when the time is just right, the true beauty of the booming flowers of our lives would show.
Not forgetting your scholarly thought on thought...

Because our thoughts are full of power.
They dictate our whole experience.
But if we let our thoughts turn sour,
This can be extremely serious.

I have always considered thought to be where our lives start or end, where we emerge victors or simply vanquished. The happenings of our physical self i also believe are the manifestations of the thoughts we possess and the dreams we habour. The consequences you havbe outlined as a result of negative thought are clear enough.
Great poem with a great message.

Thank you again so much for such a thoughtful response. I really appreciate you and your support and the time you've taken to interact with my posts. I'm really glad you've been enjoying them! As you know... it's a mutual feeling!


Beliefs are the number one most important thing in life. The thing is... most people don't realize that our beliefs are stored and operate from the unconscious mind... and so we do not really know what's really in there unless we take the time and do the necessary work to look into that and discover.

Luckily beliefs are like CDs or video games, they can be changed in and out pretty easily, and when you do you play a completely different tune - you have a different experience of life.

So a belief is just a thought that's been thought so many times, over and over, that is goes from a conscious thought to a subconscious belief, and dictates everything...

So yeah!

It all begins with the thought

Thought > Word > Deed

The 3 stages of manifestation!

Love this challenge so much. Thanks for being here and will be over to check yours out and comment each day I can too :)

With Love
Hart Floe Poet


I’m in love with your poetry! I feel positively positive after reading it. Thank you for sharing your work here.

Awwww that's so heart-warming! Thank you! I hope you will continue to read and feel positively positive afterwards each time :D

Sorry it took me so long to reply to this... somehow I missed a lot of comments and never replied... oops!

My bad.

Thank you for being here, reading, commenting and supporting...

It means a lot <3

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

Oh yes! This is a hard learned thing, to let be, to let be! Looking to the natural world teaches us so much if we just look, listen, feel... it is always prudent to get out in it, be with it, see the cycles, see ourselves in the them, as them, and even see our death as birth as it all rolls in on itself again.
Thank you for a lovely reminder here. :)

Yeah, one of the hardest things we will ever learn! Because our ego likes to 'hold on' - letting it be isn't in it's nature... it's a control freak!

Thank you for your insightful and meaningful comment. Birth and Death too are just different stages of the same flowering process. We are always in a state of creation, and death is no different!

Thanks for your reading and commenting... sorry I somehow missed this and only just got back to you!

Looking forward to reading what you've been up to in the contest, saw one or two last night but will be back for more!

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

This is such an uplifting piece it gave me goosebumps. The power of perception is everything.
"The food for thoughts we eat soon dirty the dish."
I love that. That's why eliminating toxic people from your life is so important. Snakes hissing in your ear. Silence guides the mind. Intelligent or spiritual conversation is a stimulant for the soul.
But the more negativity we surround ourselves with, the more we put out, the more we get back and so on. Until eventually you wake the fuck up and realize where you are, who you've become... And find a way to go back to how you were before.
We search for success, expecting it to be sudden and stable. When it's not, we lose pieces of hope. The search continues and as it goes, so does our hope, our confidence, our motivation.
"Every flower will bloom at the perfect moment."
I really hope you're right.

Yes I can't agree more - you HAVE to eliminate toxic people from your life. It's not like you say goodbye forever and have to shun them forever - but whilst they remain toxic they are just a poison that slowly brings you to the same level of toxicity!

I am very sure though that this is right... that every flower does indeed bloom at the perfect moment... In fact I am beyond certain... but if it were not perfect timing, it simply would not flower... until it is perfect ;)

Thank you so much for reading and such an insightful and important comment.

Sorry it took me so long to reply! I seem to have some how overlooked a load of replying that should have been done a while back!

I hope you continue to find writings that inspire you on my page.. don't be a stranger!

Looking forward to checking yours out too.

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

Thank you for all these truths. My favorite part :”We try in vein to flee
but never really try hard enough to just…
Break... Free.”
These words will give me plenty to think about for awhile. And perhaps, with your permission, I may use them in a poem of my own (giving you credit of course.)

Heya! Sorry for such a delayed reply.

Yes of course! Please do... I'd love to see what inspiration comes through you with that line! I realise this reply is really late - So if you have already used it and have a piece that came from that please send it to me...

I'd love to read it!

Thanks for checking this out and commenting... it means a lot to me!

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

‘But if we let our thoughts turn sour,
This can be extremely serious’. You my friend are a philosopher. I must add, if our thoughts turn sour, so will our lives.

Yes I totally agree... that's why it's important to keep our thoughts fresh, full of zest, life and energy!

Then our live reflects that!

What happened with your account man? Fill me in!

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

I just recovered it recently bacause it was hacked buddy, it killed my rep.

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