Steemit Sandwich Contest Week #77 - Chorizo Stuffed Portobello SandwichsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemitsandwichcontest5 years ago (edited)


Why have I been writing a lot about the weather of late and what on earth does it have to do with food?

Well, for starters it's been extremely hot which has a huge impact on my choice of menu, and I do not enjoy generating more heat in the kitchen so will rather opt for a walk in the shady garden to pick herbs for a crunchy fresh garden salad.

But when there's an unexpected chill in the air; most unusual for this time of the year in our sub-tropical climate, I start thinking about grilling and stewing and baking, so this week I'm bringing you a really flavourful Chorizo Stuffed Mushroom Sandwich - Chorizo Sausage, Garlic, Spring Onions, Strong Cheddar Cheese, Portobello Mushrooms, a touch of Rosemary & Honey & Oats bread, plus a little Onion & Balsamic Cream Cheese as garnish, yep there she goes again with cream cheese I hear you say @jaybird!
We've had a couple of gorgeous cool days and nights, like a boon to body and soul!



  • Chorizo Sausage diced
  • Garlic crushed
  • Spring Onions diced
  • Green chillies sliced
  • Sprig of Rosemary finely chopped
  • Strong Cheddar Cheese grated
  • Portobello Mushrooms stalks removed & diced
  • Honey & Oats bread cut into rounds & toasted
  • Onion & Balsamic Cream Cheese


Sautee Chorizo & hollowed out Mushrooms in a little olive oil

Remove mushrooms and drain on paper towel, add diced mushroom stalks, garlic, green chillies, spring onions & sautee further

Add cheese to sauteed ingredients and stuff mushrooms with mixture

Extra cheese on top

Pop under grill to melt cheese & pop onto toasted bread circles

Garnish with Onion & Balsamic Cream Cheese


Stack the two sandwich rounds & secure with food pick

A closer look

All the layers of a real flavourful Chorizo Stuffed Portobello Sandwich revealed

A quick look at the making of a delicious sandwich for @jaybird's SSC Week#77 - thank you to @jaybird for 77 weeks of sandwiches!


Why not join in the fun and show us what sandwiches you make in your part of the world, we'd love to see it!

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Original Content by @lizelle
Thank you for stopping by
Comments, upvotes & resteems all much appreciated :)
Copyright @lizelle - All Rights Reserved

Team South Africa banner designed by @bearone

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What a great idea @lizelle! I love stuffed mushrooms and using the sausage along with cheeses....yum! Truly a creative sandwich for SSC this week! :) Glad you have had a break in the is chilly here right now as well. Enjoy that baking'll be hot again before you know it.

Oh for sure, February usually is the hottest month here, will share my baking session later today, was my nephew's 30th and I had to provide a dessert platter, had fun in the kitchen ;)
Thank you for your lovely comments my friend :)

I've never been a fan of eating mushrooms but I swear these look too good not to dare :)

It was delicious @gabrielatravels, thank you for your support:)

That's very delicious looking as usual! I love the gif showing the whole process too :)

Thank you so much @daan:)

That looks so good, I to have been talking about the weather a lot maybe to much in my posts but for the opposite reason its so cold here

We're all complaining about the weather as we're in the midst if heat waves in the southern hemisphere abd up north you're freezing, weird world we live in not so:)
Thank you for your feedback @tattoodjay!

yes it is weird it seems to me the extremes both hot and cold are slowly getting worse

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Thank you so very much for this @adsactly, really appreciate your awesome support!

@lizelle I like the way you cook, congratulations

Thank you very much @ladyfont:)

Mushrooms always make a great dish, never tried this method something new for lunch or dinner one day, thanks @lizelle

This one was really a nice change, thank you @joanstewart :)

wow this is loos delicious my friend..
Thanks for share recipes..

Thank you @tussar11, appreciated :)

So cool sandwich, so big ♥️

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Thank you @noemilunastorta, agree it was quite a large one!

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