Steemit Sandwich Contest Week #8

in #steemitsandwichcontest7 years ago (edited)

Let me start off by apologizing and clarifying, I did not sponsor week 7 and I feel a little bad I got credit for it. Truth is, with SBD running near parity to Steem, I was using the opportunity to build Steem Power. I don't make all that much, but I make more then some so I can hardly complain or use that as an excuse. When I was donating 10 SBD to the prize pool, I was emptying my supply, whereas @papa-pepper can donate 20 SBD and hardly miss it in the grand scheme of things. I don't begrudge him his success, he works very hard, and is an active, helping and creative champion of community building here. I indeed thank him for the continued success of this contest. Three cheers for the wild man 🎉🎉🎉😄. I will try to get some funds together this week to throw into the sponsor pool. Anyone else who enjoys the contest, the camaraderie and the wonderful sandwiches it inspires may consider doing the same. The bigger the prize pool, the more you stand to win, and even if you don't win, like me😥, you can still feel like a winner for being a cheerleader and an incentivizer of community growth. Imagine what wild entries we could attract with a 100sbd prize pool. @ned himself might pakora gluten free bread and make a sandwich filled with minnow and dolphin meat (the can said Tuna😂)

Anyways, I got the day off because, architects, engineers, project managers, supervisors and miscommunication make for stupidity ad infinitum. There loss is your gain, cause I didn't have to saddle up a banana dog today.

So without further ado....
I present to you...
For your enlightenment...
And my future bowel movement...
The most delicious...
Delight to incite the...

tada! Do we have a prize for longest pre-amble

started simple, grabbed an everything bagel and the toaster

my toaster has a bagel function that's wasted on me, I like my bagel crisp on both sides, not black, not doughy, a solid 3

image.jpegnext grabbed some prosciutto salami from the fridge, sliced it up into strips. If this picture appears upside down, please feel free to turn your monitor over, for some reason my phone is a dick about aerial shots

image.jpegWhat's better then salami? Panfried salami! Again, not burnt, you're looking for a solid three.

image.jpegGet some eggywegs fried on in there with a hard flip to crush the yolk, believe me, this sandwich doesn't need more mess... You'll see... You'll all see🙏🏽😏

image.jpegFirst, gonna lay on that red pepper jelly, cause I'm a sucker for that farm fresh sweet heat

image.jpeg Then chop up some mozzarella

image.jpegSet it on to the eggs and turn the heat off the pan

image.jpegthen fold the eggs over, put a lid on it, let it sit.

Now we get to the best part, the best part of the trip, the part I really like (2000 points if you know the reference, plus I will follow you, resteem you and I'll send you one shiny SBD, first one to lay it in the comments, sans Google wins)

Eli's very good use of avocado.
To be fair, I wasn't always an avocado fan, in fact I had never eaten one till I was 21, it just never came up. But I worked at a restaurant in Toronto that made really great avocado spread, and since its almost 10 years after, I feel it only fair to share with you, besides, it's not rocket surgery, I'm sure most of you foodies(😉) have similar recipes.

image.jpegUna Frische Avocado, some mayo, salt and pepper

image.jpeg A perfectly ripe avocado should squeeze right out of the shell, and it's pit should pop out with the strike of a knife, this advice is not for you, but for all the avocado virgins out there. It still seems odd to me I knew the taste of a woman before the taste of an avocado

image.jpegUnless your going to consume the whole spread immediately, add a little splash of lemon juice to keep it fresh, as well as leaving the pit in the bowl. You want about one heaping scoop of mayo per avocado. As always, salt and pepper is to your own preference

image.jpeg* Time to plate up, set your eggs in the jelly, that mozzarella should be sweet pizza goo by now. Stack the other side with that fine sweet avocado sauce. I hope your monitor is still upside down.🙄*

image.jpegAs promised so delivered, a delightful day off. sandwich wasn't as messy as you might expect, but was an awesome taste, the fried salami and avocado complimented each other well, with both the mozzarella and pepper jelly doing there parts to add to the cavalcade deliciousness.

Well, you made it all the way through this post, so why not give yourself a hand. It might be noted I'm a fan of up voting meaningful, well written comments. It may only be my two cents, but if you spent the last hour reading this😉 Then you may as well take a second to say hi. You could up vote too, but I'm not going to dictate that, as the up vote should always be a reserved judgement given to those you think deserve it for their efforts. Thanks again to @jaybird for running this competition, I was a veto voter once and I can readily admit it is a stress to try to be fair and honest and diplomatic, especially with such a wonderful cornucopia of entries from all over the world. And a very special and grateful shoutout to @papa-pepper, thank you for your continued support in this venture, and indeed carrying the brunt of the funding.

Steem on, Much love. E


Firstly, I just love the dedication shown on your day off to making an entry lol.
Secondly, what an extensive entry this is! Lots of great documentation and little tid bits/fun facts lol.

My apologies for not getting the reference... whatever that was ;(

  • Thirdly, do not fret my friend re: week 7 donation, I was planning on covering you if you weren't able to help this time around. Truth be told, It's all a facade. lol...there are no sponsors! j/k or am I....?

  • @papa-pepper and yourself has been instrumental in carrying a large portion of the prize pool for the last 7 weeks and I really cannot thank you both enough for your support in that sense.

  • Although, even more valuable (to me at least) has been your unwavering enthusiasm and dedication to this contest right from the get go. There are a few participants I'm sure you could name who have also been quite supportive !

  • In any case, I have received one final lump sum from the wildman himself in support of the next few SCC weeks. His role was never to be a full time sponsor. More of an investor to get the Idea of SCC off the ground and believing that it could succeed, which it has in many ways.

  • Now it's up to me to keep her going!

  • Sooooo, never feel guilty or obligated to donate. In the past I have covered parts of the prize pool and also sent secret prizes and SCC is not anyone else responsibility unless they are veto voter lol.

  • So, for the next few weeks.. Papa's support will be present and I will continue to search for new sponsorship and also ways in which I can continue to contribute a larger share.

  • In the past the usual prize pool was 15 Papa, 10 Bleedpoet and 5-10 me and then 3-5 from the post payouts. (depending on the week and secret prizes etc.) So now you know that you are a huge help in that respect as much as Papa has been!

Hope this eases your pain ;)

I sent you five anyways😄 Guilt of a free advertisement. It would be nice if everyone payed to play like a lottery, but that's hard to enforce and may cause a lot of hurt feelings.

I know you did, and as always I very much appreciate it. Sponsorship is probably key to SSC survival however, I'm just saying, do not ever feel like you have to continue sponsoring. whenever you can/feel like it is just fine.

I'm going to try and find someone who can take over the sponsorship role !

I doubt that a pay to play thing would work, and I'm not too into that concept in general.

I'm happy so long as the contest remains effective and relevant. I'll reevaluate should that aspect stop diminish.

Yeah I hear yeah. Been throwing steem dallors down, on helping host different contests and the like. My last 60sbd went rather fast in comparison to what's coming in. My votes pretty much nothing now too. Hah
Hey I would rather be the guy that tasted a woman first.

And that sandwich contest is a hard one to win.

Happy no stupid people day...

My vote continues to be 2¢. Love is something if you give it away, amiright Anthony Kedis?

Awww @bleedpoet - You are truly awesome and everyone here truly appreciate you - thank you so much for this post!!! BTW, your little 'bear' was looking at that good looking sandwich in the last photo. I bet he was wondering when his father would finish photographing so that he could have a bite. I sure do hope you shared (just joking)... My guess is kids probably love sweet stuff and may prefer cereals or nutella or anything sweet, lol.

He had his own cereal to delve through. He doesn't understand why I'm taking pictures of my food. And at the risk he wouldn't like it and would waste a spec, I happily devoured it. And it was lovely. Thanks for your kind words and continued patronage of the SSC. You have exposed me to a whole new realm of culinary possibilities.

Hahaha - I literally LOL when I read your reply about your son not understanding why adults love to take pictures! Kids are so much fun and precious! You must have tons of funny stories to share.

It was indeed kind sir.

Nice posts...I could go for a good bagel now. Have you tried using an asiago bagel or lox instead of salami? Keep up the great content.

In fact a while back I used a nice smoked salmon. I've not tried Asiago bagels yet though, I'll have to hunt them out next time I'm shopping. Thanks for the kind words.

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