Steemit Sandwich Contest Week #21 "The Vegan"

in #steemitsandwichcontest7 years ago (edited)

I'll be honest, I usually eat vegans for lunch, and given the processes that most manufactured meat goes through, those animals may not have been on a vegan diet themselves...

But I digress, and present a brilliant breakfast sandwich I have lovingly called 'The Vegan.


It starts with going bread-less instead opting for pancakes

From a buttermilk batter that may include powdered eggs or something, didn't check the full ingredient list, but we just add water

Then we added a few strips of flavour

These particular strips seem to be bacon flavoured, and have an incredible resemblance to the real thing

Followed by a medley of vegatations

Avacado and pineapple... Wtf eh? But was a delicious combo, the pineapple was perfectly ripe

All put together, a finishing touch of Amish made maple syrup. If licking tree sap isn't vegan... I don't know what is

Was a delicious open face sandwich enjoyed in the European fashion of fork and knife lest my fingers get to sticky.

I know what you're thinking... You're thinking this vegan sandwich week entry has something wrong with it, something seems off...

Well you are wrong. Sorry. Happens to the best of us.


on closer inspection, this is week #22, not #21, making my entry nullified


Ooh avocado and pineapple salsa on French toast is delicious too!!! This reminded me of that dish!!!

I had no idea that was even a thing. All the original ideas are gone😥😂

Wow skills in writting, skills in cooking, can it ever get better than that? 😂😂😂😂😂

You'll have to check out my lovely singing voice 😂 Or my sense of humour 😂😂😂😥

Hahahaha well seeing is believing maybe it's time you starts making jokes using DTube hahaha 🤣🤣🤣

I'd love to, but dtube isn't iPhone friendly.😑

Ah I'd be damned well it would have been awesome

auahuahauhauahuahauh, I imagined little bitlejuice laughing in a maleficent way at this one!

😆 now say my name... Two more times😆

Bleedpet Bleedpet Bleedpet!

😧😨😫😖🐵🙈🐵 (scampers up tree)

Healthy sandwich
it's look yummy
I love it

Was delicious, can't lie.

Oh man, I laughed my way through that one!

Awesome :)

"Nx we will add strips...They seemed to be bacon flavoured" Btw. You wrote 21 instead of 22 dummy ;)

Dually noted, and edited to rectify. To be caught on such a small infraction😝

Se ve muy bueno, lastima que en mi país actualmente comer así es casi imposible, por lo difícil que esta la situación mucho éxito.

Soy muy afortunado de haber nacido y vivir en Canadá, puede ser frío, pero si uno trabaja duro aquí hay una oportunidad de vivir bien y mantener una familia. Trabajo mucho como carpintero sindical para mantener a mi familia.

Si amigo es afortunado, a pesar de la situación de mi país, este país Venezuela es maravilloso, y espero que pronto salgamos de esto.

Sí, veo la confusión política que ha caído sobre su gente y espero que los déspotas puedan ser eliminados para que la gente no sea lastimada por aquellos con dinero y poder. mantenerte fuerte. ojalá días más soleados.

Así es amigo muchas gracias.

Ooh I bet the pineapple really compliments the bacon and good shout with the pancakes!

Bacon? Nope, no bacon here😉 But yes, those two would taste delicious together

Honestly I can't never understand people using pineapple for any type of cooking.
Blasphemy for an Italian.

Not even on Pizza 😆 You crazy! Pineapple is delicious and should always be served with pork.
Btw, tons of things are blasphemous to Italians, Jesus Christ, even saying Jesus Christ wrong is blasphemous😝

ahahah, all right all right. You won. (And you know too much about Italians)

Only the northern ones🤔 I figure the southern ones are like Texans with better spaghetti.

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