Steemit Sandwich Contest Week #87 / しゃきしゃきレタスのツナ・たまごサンド

in #steemitsandwichcontest5 years ago (edited)


This is my entry to the 87th Steemit Sandwich Contest hosted by @jaybird. Thank you for hosting the constest!

Steemit Sandwich Contest Week 87 - CONTEST NOW OPEN! THEME: "Blow @mondoshawan's Mind" - [3 Prizes + Sponsors Mondoshawan & @llfarms]

Somehow I felt like making Japanese style toast bread sandwiches. Especially I liked the fresh crispy lettuce together with other ingredients :) Ja it's warm more than 20 degrees today. Sandwich season starts!


Tuna sandwich

  • Home baked sandwich bread
  • Tuna
  • Pickled cucumber
  • Onion
  • Olive
  • Caper
  • Lettuce
  • mayonnaise, mustard

Egg sandwich

  • Home baked sandwich bread
  • Fried egg
  • Pickled cucumber
  • Onion
  • Lettuce
  • mayonnaise, mustard

寒い季節はご飯とあたたかいものを食べたくなるのですが、今日は20度を超えてサンドイッチ日和です。日本的なサンドイッチを食べたくなり、昨日焼いた食パンでツナと卵のサンドイッチを作りました。今週はこれで毎週 @jaybird さんが開催しているサンドイッチコンテスト SSC に参加します。

Steemit Sandwich Contest Week 87 - CONTEST NOW OPEN! THEME: "Blow @mondoshawan's Mind" - [3 Prizes + Sponsors Mondoshawan & @llfarms]


書きながら毎度気づく忘れ物ですが、今回はディルを卵サンドに入れ忘れました・・・ ;)

Sort: know @mondoshawan loves his pickled cucumber! :) And so do I, especially with tuna. Great presentation and pics @akipponn

Glad to know there are pickled cucumber lovers in the SSC community as my boyfriend doesn't like it ;)

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Arigato esteemapp :)

おぉ、Caper 入りのツナサンドイッチ、美味しそう。私、ツナはマヨネーズ、塩、胡椒とあえて、ツナマヨおにぎりをよく作ります (^^)

ツナマヨおいしいですよね!中高時代大好きなおにぎりで、塾に通う日に間食に食べていたのを思い出しました。まだちょっとツナが残っていてご飯もあるので明日のお昼はツナマヨ丼にしようかな :)


Posted using Partiko iOS

いやー、、、端っこをよく見ると開いてしまっていて、串でさした方がよかったかななんて思っていました。でもあいさんにほめてもらえてうれしいです :) ツナ缶久々においしかったです。環境への影響を考えるとあまりもりもり食べられないものの、ありがたくいただきました。


お魚とケイパーはよく合うと思います :)

Hi Akipponn, please can you tell me what's the japanese style on making a sandwich?!

Good point! It's too much stick to my Japanese mind and forgot to explain it. Typical Japanese style sandwiches are thin and with toast bread (often lack ingredients in corners ...) like these sold in convenience stores:


The image is from Yamazaki Bread web site.

:bigsmile: okay, thanks for your answer... (in the picture they even have cut the crust...) haha

That's right cutting the crust is also a characteristic of Japanese sandwich. Often bakeries give the crust away for free in a bag for human snack or for animal food (at least as long as it's still the same as my childhood).

I would go for that... the crust of bread is what I'm really addicted to... :smirk:

All really great ingredients, love your Japanese style sandwich @akkiponn! I saw your reply to @mondoshawan, think I must have some Japanese blood somewhere as I always cut my crusts off when eating sandwiches and also love super thin slices of bread;)

Posted using Partiko Android

Hahaha. I thought it's something unique in Japan. We may exchanged something as I like the end part of the bread almost all surrounded by crust :D

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