Steemit Photo Challenge 15 Entry - Spider Webs

Entry 1 - Golden Orb Weaver (Nephila clavata) waiting patiently in her web.

I had to be careful not to bump into any of the supporting strands as she was directly above me and quite close too!

Entry 2 - Lair

Often found in the branches of low brush and shrubs this particular spider spins a blanket style web, then in a small cavern like construction, waits for some hapless victim to walk across it, the vibrations alert the spider and the prey is then swiftly dispatched.

Entry 3 - Tent

Jumping spiders are not only the cutest little spiders around, they also build tiny tiny little tents in which to spend the night or to lay and protect their eggs.

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After seeing your first pic, I decided to sit out this one.
Cannot beat that. :-)

Yeah! Nice pic!

Thank you @boddhisattva, your photography is good too! Also your name is fun to type out.

Thanks! I like this name too. But I write it not quite correct. Once I registered on one site and the name bodhisattva was already taken. I had to add one letter 8)

Ah, ok. I'll make sure to update my mental dictionary. :P

Thank you for the vote of confidence but you should still put something in!
I had autumn leaves in the last one, but turns out you needed a cute girl to win that time :P

Great job on showcasing the spiders in their natural habitat! The photos are so intimate that one can easily forget that there's a photographer on the other end of the camera! Each spider is unique, each web is unique, each shot is unique. Fantastic.

Thank you @birdie, they really are very different from each other, each having different lifestyles and their own perspective of the world. It's sometimes fun to imagine what life is like from their point of view.
I'm really pleased that these photos gave a sense of intimacy, spiders are a subject many people find alien and frightening.

The last one threaten (or is afraid?).

I'm glad the photo was able to elicit such a response! It might have been trying to make itself as small a possible if it spotted me moving about with the camera, on the other hand it could have been asleep; it didn't move at all. Since their eyes can't close; it's very hard to tell if they are awake or not. I didn't disturb it other than the sound of the shutter, it safely spent the night in its little tiny tent. :)

@mweich how come I had a hunch you'd have this in the bag ?
I love the tent one - awesome shot!
Good luck!

I may have had a bit of practice taking pictures of spiders ;)
I had seen little webs like that before but didn't know what made them until I find this little spider in one. The tent is actually very tough (for a web) and will stick around for quite some time if not disturbed or rained on.

The Golden Orb weaver is awesome. It looks like it was cut out of a comic book. Great photos!

Thanks! You're right the bold black and yellow with red accents is quite popular in comics!

That last little guy is so cute! That's a tiny existence, isn't it? I've looked at a lot of the photos entered in this challenge - and your group of three is my favorite series of them all. Each web and spider is unique. Each photo is great on its own. And boy, each of those spiders has a personality!

Wow, thank you so much for the great words!

You're very welcome. It's a great group of arachnids.

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