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RE: 📷 Steemit Photo Challenge #5 — Theme Announcement! | Aug. 18 - 21

in #steemitphotochallenge8 years ago (edited)

This Challenge Requires Photo Verification

Simply have the subject (not you) at the location hold up a sign saying 'Steemit Photo Challenge #5' (or whatever works) and include it with your submission post. It doesn't need to be embedded, it can be linked, just don't make me search for it. This is also to further ensure that you have their permission to take/submit the photograph.

For all of you who tend to skip the reading part involved with looking at a post.
;) Blue


Please note:

The purpose of the photo verification is NOT just to prove that you own the photograph

The Purpose of the verification is to force photographers to take a brand spanking new image this weekend and submit it.

I know this is more difficult, and that's the point :)

Let's see how it goes.

If you seen any of my other posts you know that I think this is a great idea and attempting to capture new photos this weekend for the challenge adds so much more to it. There's been a lot of great photos taken in the past and perhaps the time to share them will come, but I like the adventure of attempting to create something new. Thanks for the reminder blue, and for steemimg.

I almost wish we weren't making this a requirement...rules out candid street photography portraits. Then again, always other contests and that could be a future challenge of it's own.

I'd like to, but I can't because I've got to stick to the rules for everyone.. You didn't know the theme when you went to the shoot, so it's really not taken specifically for the challenge it just happened to be appropriate for what would be the theme. Sorry man!

I have to agree with this. I have a multitude of photos in my archive that would be great for this, and that I don't have a problem proving are mine, but because of this rule I can't use them. I'll get in there eventually. ;-)

Yeah I think most people just use old photos from their archive when the idea is to create new stuff. For this one, though, I wanted to enforce the originality, it's a REAL challenge!

This one is particularly tough because of that, so we'll see what happens.

I shot a series last night at a local playhouse, a pre production of their show. I'd love to use something from this, and can even provide meta data, clips from email with time stamps lol if that works or some other form of proof. Having them hold up a sign, for a paid gig would have been kinda un professional. Any wiggle room on this?

I tend to agree but also it can be fun to mix things up and use this as an option to really force people into a quick shoot. Which is a skill all on it's own! Perhaps it doesn't need to be like this every time, but I certainly think it is a cool idea because after all, this is the Photo CHALLENGE right? You never know what those crazy judges might throw at us next!

You never know!!!! buaaha ha haaa

You bet, these are lots of fun, and shhhh you're giving them ideas, haha

I agree. I like more candid shots, so it really diminishes my creativity to have to set something up with someone I can do a photo verification with.

Hummm, I am unfortunately attending a funeral today.....plenty emotive outpouring available.....I just cannot see myself handing the bereaved a placard with Steemit on Only kidding , I would never be so disrespectful as to take a camera along....

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