Steemit Name, Love it/Shove it, & Behind the Curtain Challenges - Mega Version Post

in #steemitnamechallenge6 years ago (edited)



Pixabay pictures 1, 2 edited on photoshop

Lately, I swear every day I log on (that is clearly an exaggeration) I have been tagged/nominated in a new challenge. Well, I do have lots going on so often times I forget to make a post about it but yet keep a tally in my head of what needs to be done. I figured out that today I had 3 (Yes 3) challenges to do. I considered posting them individually but then I would just be spamming with frequency (and I do have an additional post to get out today too so that would be like 4 posts), so instead I decided to do this one Mega Post.

To be fair, it probably won't be an exceptionally LONG post, but it will be A LOT of Jenny in one place (that's me, in case you didn't know). Since I have a lot to cover, let's get on with it.


Steemit Name Challenge


Pixabay Image - edited in Photoshop

I was nominated by @felobtc who is also the creator of this challenge. Here are the rules for this Challenge:


Clipped from @felobtc challenge

How I chose my current Steemit username (TopKpop):

I am not sure how exciting this story will be, but here it goes...

I decided back in July 2017 that I was going to start blogging, for fun mainly. I love Kpop (duh right? I mean it is part of my name) but why I chose TopKpop was because I already owned the domain, have had a twitter account since 2011 (which I admittedly barely use anymore), a facebook page, and was just starting to do Youtube reaction videos. I figured the one thing I loved to talk about was K-pop (or however you want to spell it - Kpop, K-pop), so I kept the theme and made the name here.


My Real Name:

This is actually nothing new. My name is Jenny. Well, technically it is Jennifer and I often go by Jen but for some reason, I have always wanted to be called Jenny, so here I am called Jenny.

If you could change your Steemit username:

I honestly don't think I would. Even though a bunch of people always have problems saying my name at first, which is always funny to hear and to see people struggle with it, I really like my name. It says a lot about my major like and at this point, it is something I have had for so long, so I just lean into it.

Nominate 5 people:

Well, I have been doing a good bit of challenges and haven't really kept track totally of who has done what, so I am going to skip this part. However, I do hope that anyone who has read this and hasn't done this challenge will take it on anyways. In that case...I NOMINATE YOU! The reader who has not yet done this challenge. There, that was easy.



Love it or Shove it Challenge


I was nominated for this challenge by @saffisara. The original creator of this was @snowpea. Here are the rules:


Snipped from @snowpeas original post

Things I love:

I will try and share things I haven't already, which may be tough.

loveagain.png Steaming Hot Bubble Baths
loveagain.png Being outside (under cover) and staring up at the sky during a lightning storm
loveagain.png Waterfalls. I love the sound of them. The look of them. The smell of it. The moisture. I could probably sit beside one all day.
loveagain.png Shiny things. Shiny chandeliers, shiny earrings, stuff that catches the light and just lights up a room.
loveagain.png Sleep. Contrary to the amount of time you will see me online and with a bit less sleep than I should be getting, I actually love sleep.

Things I dislike (shove):

Again I will try and share things I haven't too much already.

shove.png Fake and ingenuine people.
shove.png Reading either very technical or very boring textbooks, history books, or even really any genre like that.
shove.png Getting a pressure headache on an airplane.
shove.png Seeing, watching, reading or being told about Animals being harmed or killed.
shove.png Getting snapped with a towel

Nominate People:

Again, I NOMINATE YOU, if you haven't already done this challenge.



Behind the Curtain Challenge


I was nominated for this challenge by @enginewitty. It was created by @freedomtowrite. Here are the rules:

Snipped from @enginewitty's post

What I see while working on Steemit and such:


This is it! This is my set up. Behind the monitor, you will see one of my box lights (I do have another but it is in another room at the moment). All the magic of TopKpop (Jenny) happens right here. It is my space and my set up and I love it. Now you have a little glimpse of what it looks like for me when I am doing the Steemit thing (and everything else).

Nominate people:

Surprise! I am doing the same thing. I Nominate YOU if you haven't done this challenge.


This certainly was a fun-filled post. 3 Challenges in one post. I hope you had fun reading it all. I must say, it was quite a task trying to figure out answers to some of these.

I do hope to see some of you who have not yet participated, participate.

Until next time...

Stay Awesome my fellow Steemians!



GReat post coving a few challenges and good t learn a little more about you
I must say your desk is so organized :)

Not going to lie - I tidied it up a bit just for this shot ;)

Lol maybe me would need a lot of tidying

oh gosh I can't believe I replied using that oye.

Lol 😂 I did notice that

Way to do them all together. I actually really like the Behind the Curtain one too, perhaps I should jump aboard, but it's gonna make me look like quite the

I say do it! Who cares (or just at least wipe your surface before you take a pic ) just be you :)

Nice! Three challenges in one. Go you! I've been nominated for challenges and left them hanging. But really enjoying seeing the ones people post! As for waterfalls, a big YES!!! :)

Woohoo! Waterfalls! Gosh I really do love them. Yeah they seem to scratch at the back of my mind (although I'm sure I've missed some), but usually I try to do them (the fun ones anyways).

I absolutely loooved this darling 🤗 And how you got all this in one post and made it so brilliant I dunno but you did.
Love to know more about you and even if I know a lot I always learn something new 😉 love the waterfalls to and sleep even if I never really does that
Cool to se your working place and great idea about nominate all who hasn't done those challenges, that way Noone gets to be forgotten 😊 loved your behind the curtain to... Lol
Love you sister and as always this was Amazing ❤️❤️❤️❤️

I'm going to take it as you love it all! Thanks for always being supportive. My goal was totally to share some things people didn't really know (harder than I thought it would be since apparently I share too much). It was fun doing it all in one though. Love you too darling 💜

Look at you go!! You always are up for surprises, hehe, I really admire your personality, fantastically clever!!
Your post are so professional & inviting @topkpop
Thank you for putting so much care, love, dedication, work into them & sharing them with us <3
Mucho respect, love & squeezy huggins are making their way directly for you <3

Epic muti tag and challenge post, I liked your graphics for Love and Shove - waterfalls is a good one for love, and I would definitely shove people harming animals. Nice clear and tidy workspace for getting things done - including the adorable picture drawn for you by your children.


hehe great idea I think I'll do the same to my challenges lol
And maybe I will challenge you for some of them loool

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