🤬The Steemit Name Challenge🤬 (What's in a Name?)

in #steemitnamechallenge6 years ago (edited)

I was tagged by @saffisara to participate in a fun lil' challenge created by @felobtc and decided to participate as I am often asked how I came up with such a SUPER SEXY name. 🤪

The Rules:
▪️Tell us in your post how you chose the current Steemit username you have, the story behind it.
▪️Tell us your real name!
▪️If you could change your current Steemit username, which name would you choose and why? If you have a possible usernames list, mention it!
▪️Use the tag #steemitnamechallenge so that I can track all the posts and check them out
▪️Nominate 5 people for this challenge


  • It was a dark and stormy night (or day)...and I finally got onto Steemit through the help of @ausbitbank because I was having a very hard time getting onboarded (thank you sir!). My life was completely different then and I can't believe that it has been exactly one year since I got on the Steemit train but I digress...I picked my name as a joke! I thought of the least sexy and most nerdy name I could and it stuck. Also I have been told I fit the mold of what the "personality type" of a BattleAxe Woman is, SO there is that as well. 😜

  • נשמתי my name, Hebrew Name (Shalom), you will have to use a translator to see what it says :P

  • If I could change my Steemit name then I would choose Chardonnay Lambo, don't ask me why ;)

  • My Five Nominations

This was fun! I hope this answered some burning questions about my jet-setting lifestyle (not jet-setting at all, more like a sloth crawl setting). See you on the Flip-Side! 😘

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He he, Chardonnay Lambo. I like that! Get on mine here soon :)

this man injected just one hit of the crypto and now look!

he is now in the bat country :P

Hahaha. I love this. Interesting choice of an alternate name I must say - although I like your original one better :)

thanks, yeah I sorta just thought of a name just for this post but ya' know....."artistic license" lol

Chardonnay Gulfstream doesn't have the same ring to it ... :P

so very, very , very true
thanks @elgeko for again depicting my persona with anything but a nicely baked banana nut bread .......although love baking, muffins!

That was a sexy story @battleaxe, really fun and as I can see, I'll die with the doubt about Chardonnay Lambo.

If Translator worked well, your name is really beautiful!! Thank you for being part of this challenge and spreading the word!

I pride my Steemit Career on Sexy Stories!

Chardonnay Lambo Now that would be such a cool user name I can see why you would like it

pretty sure if I had picked that my payouts would be higher, lmfao :P
thanks for the support
alliance fam

LOL with Steemit one never really knows when it comes ot popularity and payouts, maybe a better name would have helped mine, but in all honesty I think its other thangs that affect payouts and often its not related to the quality of the content, but I am not going to change who I am just to suck up and get better rewards on here

I will stay me and my little rewards and be a happy camper

same here, seen enough flashes in the pans make a ton and a month later are out......how middle path and zen of us

Indeed have seen the same, I know I will never be rich I dont have thre killer instinct for that but I am happy with who I am so its all good with me

most rich people (not all) seem to enjoy squishing others and not giving back very much in general...... but I know that karma is real and being a greedy narcissist doesn't spare you in the end
Soros may live to be 120 but he gets to wind up in the same spot all walks of life do..(actually , he'll be in Hell am guessing so can't really say that with certainty)

thats All so very true

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

Thank You! <3

Told ya ;)

It's obvious to me. You are sipping Chardonnay while you wait for your Lambo.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


that is so true (in an alternate dimension that was ripped open because of CERN) :P

Dang it! I can't do this challenge, because I was SUPER boring, and just chose my real name. * pout *

Love the story behind your handle, נשמתי (and yes, I translated it... 😊) And if I could go back and change my user name, I'd go with InternetG33k - my very first blog in the interwebz was for a local newspaper's online edition, and I called it, "Confessions of an InternetG33k."

love it, ha haaaa, well Geek Power fist bump cause geeky women are aces in my book (if I had a book, which I do not...not yet) :P

Nice to meet you Nishmati ;)

ahhh, is that what it is in your language, sweeeeet, I like it Neshama/Nishmati/Sally Sue

I think the word "neshama" exists in Arabic, I'm sure I heard it in a song when I was young and I tried to guess what it means( I think it means brave men or knights, plural)
Nishmati is, according to google, how to spell נשמתי in english

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