Not goodbye, just See you soon!

in #steemithelp6 years ago (edited)

When I returned to Steemit after my hiatus, I came back to a very different world. After leaving behind some nice followers, a great community, and interested readers – I wasn't sure that I would come back to a place that felt like “home”.

I don't remember who first told me about Pimp Your Post Thursday, but I decided to go. Too terrified to speak, but too smart to miss out on an opportunity to make new connections, I went and sat quietly in the “corner”. Unbeknownst to me, the host of the show had a careful eye on all those who might be too timid to try PYPT. She gently coaxed me out of the corner, (had to ask me three times) and I finally obliged. Convincing myself that nothing could possibly go wrong, I worked up the nerve to pimp my post. It was going great! Then, as only Murphy and his troublesome law could predict, halfway through the “pimping', I broke the chat. When I returned, I laughed so hard and so long. The host welcomed me back, laughed along with me, and I don't think I've stopped laughing with her since then.

If you don't know the name of the host, let me give you a few hints. She's our “mom”, “sis”, our Fairy Godmother, mentor to many, and our Saint Shadows.


I found my first home in her Steemit Ramble upon returning to Steemit. Every Thursday was like a little “Welcome Home” as soon as we'd hear the familiar sounds of @shadowspub starting up the show.

When I began Welcome Wagon, the thought of opening up a new server was daunting to me. Plus, it was kinda fun talking about the prospect of a secret channel on a host server. @shadowspub didn't hesitate to offer, and poor @artemisnorth went to work making our super secret channel, hidden in the heart of the Steemit Ramble.

So why do I say this is a Bittersweet Beginning?

Well, eventually chicks outgrow the nest! It's a great feeling to know that our wings are big enough to take us to new places – but there's a part of us that will miss being under @shadowspub's wing. Thankfully, you can always go home. PYPT is still twice every Thursday (or an all-day Thursday event if you count the aftershow), and our hostess is ever-present with a warm “welcome home”.

Thank you to my right hand (and left hand?) @bluefinstudios for creating our new home and making it look so official. If we can enjoy half the warmth that we had in the Ramble, I'll consider this new home a huge success! Thank you for everything, @shadowspub!

@dreemsteem, for the Welcome Wagon


This gif created by the wonderfully artistic @liberty-minded

Image Source:Soaring Bird


Okay, I find it boring to see a post and no comments so, I gave a vote and thought i would comment. Welcome back from hiatus. I wonder why people keep using that word, but that is okay, I guess I use it too, quite frequently, I like taking pauses and having gaps in life a lot, and some times I think I have that pause knee ah (yeah I could not figure out how to spell it) disease thing that William Shatner has. So welcome back from your travels into pauseKneeah land. It is nice to see more people and groups taking a leading role at helping to onboard the new users, and to give them warm and hearty welcomes.

Even though I have never been in PYPT and listened to the show, it was @shadowspub that showed me Discord. It took a little while before I even used it, then I started using discord, got up to 14 rooms, and then had to do a reset of all the rooms I had loaded. So I trimmed back to 4 rooms, and a whole lot of good that did, a month and a half later back to the point I need to trim back again.

Well anyway, I know not much of a real pertinent comment, but you did mention steemit ramble.

hahahahahaa well thank you fo the comment - and a nice long comment too! :) I love them!

oh - yes - my hiatus - it was actually a very long one! :) I joined in 2016 - and left in the beginning of 2017, returning at the tail end of 2017. lots happened during that year! hehehehe

so coming back was a little bit intimidating! @shadowspub helps a lot of us ;) Glad for her presence here. I'm not sure what i would have done back then if I hadn't met her? Probably would have trailed off like so many people do. if you don't have a community that really cares for you - it can just start to feel isolating and as if things don't really matter here. Friends make the difference :)

Thanks for leaving me a comment @bashadow hehehe

It's great to see the Welcome Wagon growing so fast!!! Enjoy your new shiny digs!!! You all are doing such great work to help new people have an easier time on Steemit. Thank you so much for that too!!! <3

thanks for all YOUR help @snook!!! :) I really appreciate your friendship, your spirit, your kindness, your love, your compassion, your openness.... should i go on??? hehehe

i know you're taking some time - but PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE come back to SteemPeering hehehehe
(when you're ready - I'll keep your spot warm for you! hehehe)

"poor @artemisnorth"... what exactly did you put her through? LOL

oh @pathtosuccess .... only every single question/need I ever had!!!!! You were smart enough to tell me "let's see if you can figure this one out!"

but she was just too kind for her own good! hehehehe thank you @artemisnorth! :) and you'll be happy to know... @bluefinstudios has stepped into the role of my helpless victim helpful person now! LOLOLOLOLOL <3

Lovely! This is so considerate and kind of you, @dreemsteem. Some gestures of yours remind me of a refined gentleman who gently touches his bowler hat every time he sees a lady passing by.
Certain words of yours are like a comforting hug! It is no wonder that a person like you feels at home here. The feeling of "home" is what you carry with you. I love to see it spreading out like a nice blanket on a rocking chair. This moment deserves a fine hot chocolate and a tin of choco chip cookies. Adorable, indeed!

Oh thank you @ravijojla!!! :) I've absolutely loved getting to know you through Welcome Wagon! And.. the gestures you mentioned. Is that like "the art of chivalry"????? wink

I appreciate that you felt the hug - it was definitely present in that post, and I love that others could feel it as well! Home, rocking chairs, hot cocoa and cookies..... when can I come visit you now????? :)

Any time, dear! My home is always wide open for you. My cookies, you'll see. People are fighting for them ;-)

well now i just want cookies. and more cookies. LOL

The secret army is growing. When will you take over?
I'm glad I have a few friends amongst you so hopefully I'll be safe during your reign :D

@hazem91!!!! LOLOLOL i told you - world domination is not on my To-Do List! hehehehehehehe

but you will always be a friend ;) and always safe with me! <3

Hi @welcomewagon, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

Join us on Thursdays for Pimp Your Post Thursday at 11am EDT or 7PM EDT in the Steemit Ramble Discord or:

If you’d like to nominate someone’s post just visit the Steemit Ramble Discord. If I use the post, you earn a portion of the rewards.

Pimp Your Post Thursday is a live curation show where you get to know others and they you. You can promote your post or someone you think needs more notice.

I enjoyed reading your post since i had been into hiatus as you called it just like me and i also don't know how to start my way again..when i read your reply to @bashadow, i laugh because your hiatus was really long compared to mine, and it justifies all your grateful mentions

This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.

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