How to write and structure great Steemit Blogs

in #steemitguide7 years ago (edited)

How to write and structure great Steemit articles.jpg

A good blog article starts with a great Headline. Your headline comes from your idea for the post that you are writing. So, in this case, my article is all about creating great blog articles that are well written, visually appealing and have some SEO elements added so that Google can love what we do.

So here is the title for this blog article – How to write and structure great Steemit Blogs

How to write and structure great Steemit Blogs – Getting started

So we have a title How to write and structure great Steemit Blogs. Now it is time to write. Get the body of the post down. At this point, you should be excited about what you’re saying so write freely and quickly as ideas come to you. When you are done give your article a quick proofread and look for breaks where you can add sub-headings. You can see examples of sub-headings throughout this post. Use the ## and ### markdown tags to create sub-headings so that Google recognizes that the headings are important within the blog post.

Check your grammar and spellings

This is dead simple to do if you add the Grammarly Google Chrome Extension. You can grab it from the Grammarly Website or you can add it from the Chrome Store


Grammarly will highlight any spelling or grammar issues for you to review. Unfortunately with Steemit Grammarly only highlights errors you can't auto correct them. Maybe this is something that the Steemit Developers can fix in the future?

Add your images

You need at least one image. I always go for 2 to 3 images but you can add more if they are required. I have articles on Infobunny that have 8 plus, those articles tend to be How To guides so often show examples of how something is done. You can already see that I have added 2 images above and number 3 below.

Time for some SEO

SEO is a requirement on any article that you want to be seen on the SERPS. But all the SEO in the world won’t get you page 1 results unless there is zero competition or unless Google trusts your site and you have managed to build some TrustRank. If you are not sure what TrustRank is then you can check out my Does Google Trust Your Site article.

So SEO doesn’t guarantee page 1 results but what it does do is show Google that your site is optimized to give the best user experience it can and SEO elements will rank you above those who have no optimized pages

So here are some SEO tips

We spoke about the heading tags earlier. Apply ## and ## to all subheadings. Images need to have alt image text added and image descriptions added so that they are found and ranked on Google Images need to be named before you add so that Google can see the titles of the images. It is also not a bad idea to optimize your image size so that they show correctly on social sites and are not cut off or cropped. This is not as easy as you think as all social sites display images at different ratios.

I would suggest optimizing for the socials that you most use or are the most popular.

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More Steemit SEO

Internal linking is not only a SEO requirement it is also just a great idea to add to promote related articles within Steemit. If you touch on something that you have already written about then link readers to it. You should also establish your Cornerstone content and link to that. Tell Google which articles you consider your best work.

Even More Steemit SEO

If your self-hosted on WordPress then you probably have a good SEO Plugin installed. I recommend the Yoast SEO Plugin because it is pretty comprehensive covering all your requirements. It even covers readability. Readability is the measure of how easy it is for a reader to understand the written text. Why am i mentioning this well this leads us to a great Steemit Tip.
Create your articles within Wordpress then just cut and paste the text into your Steemit Editor and then just make the finishing touches. If you do this your be able to see all the aspects of SEO and apply them so they carry over to Steemit.

How to write and structure great Steemit Blogs– Final Thoughts

When you are done with all of the above you should have something that resembles what you are reading and looking at here. But we are still not finished. Now it is time to leverage your followers and social influence.

Was this article useful? Let me know in the comments below.


This is a Steemit specific version of an article that was first written for Infobunny - How To Structure Great Blog Articles



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Great read, I didn't even thing about SEO much till this blog post. Also great tip about editing in Wordpress. UPVOTED!

THANK YOU im following you now

Thanks, I followed you also!

Added Grammarly because mine is pretty poor sometimes. :-)

Yeah, it doesn't let you autocorrect you need to edit the text manually but still very useful. But if you compoase outside of Steemit it works fine then you can cut and paste into Steemit

There's an easy argument to be made as to the value of reinforcement in having to edit yourself. Lazy editing leads very quickly to lazy thinking in general.

Excellent reminders anyway!! Thanks for putting this out.

Your welcome.

"Was this helpful?" Yes! Even though most of us have written blogs before, it is nice to have it all spelled out in plain English. Thank you for this. Appreciate the clarity of this well-thought-out piece.

Upvoted and Resteemed

Thanks Wigle ;-)

The pleasure is mine.

A very useful post thanks.

I just didn't know

I had no idea before about the correct formatting and now with more effort and practice I can improve my blogs!

Thats the idea

I've tried to to take your advice for this post. Do you have any ways I can improve? I'd really appreciate you taking the time to have a look.

i would say write more text so you can split the images more. I would then also sign off on your posts with a signature and link to any other relevant posts you have made

Thanks, I'll do that.

Thanks for the tips, we newbies need all the help we can get, Followed, resteemed and upvoted.

Great post! I'd like to resteem it, but for some reason, I can't.

I am learning so much every day. Great posts like this really help. Thank you so much @infobunny!

Of course I upvoted your post. I also shared it on twitter.

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