The Law Of Nebulous Verbosity Applied: Bullshitting The Bullshitters

in #steemiteducation7 years ago

Stanislaw Andrzejewski: Courtesy Google Images

[At the behest of my dear friend @giantbear I'm going to write a series on education (she said she'd take my lunch money and tell everybody I'm the one that's been eating all the paste if I didn't). I've never made a secret of my disdain for academia and the phonies that run it... So before doing my piece about my Homeschooling Pedagogy, I thought I'd take a couple of lighthearted pokes at academics]

There are three principles- when it comes to academia- of which I'm particularly fond: First is Sturgeon's Law- 90% of Science Fiction is bullshit because 90% of everything is bullshit (applicable far beyond sci-fi) and Stanislaw Andrzejewski's Law of Nebulous Verbosity- Verbiage increases to the extent that ambition exceeds knowledge. The third, and my personal favorite, is Occam's Razor- The simplest explanation is invariably the best (and yes, I know that this is paraphrasing).

One day Tom Bertonneau (someone who will pop up frequently in my posts- more on him later) and I were having coffee at the a local bistro. Dr. Bertonneau- who had gone from CMU to the Mackinaw Center- said something about putting the first two of these laws to the test. He suggested that I write a paper to present at an upcoming academic conference. So, I put together a 50 page word salad... complete and total bullshit. I did, however, base it on a sound foundation- a political theory I'd been playing with for a while.

I quoted every crack pot from Hesiod to Schopenhauer, then gave it the lofty sounding title: The Will to Power: An Analysis of Power Distribution Developed Within a Quadra-Modal Political Typology Model. We took it to an academic conference at nearbt Ferris State Univ. so I could present it along with the other bullshitters.

Well, it didn't take long to figure we had come to the right place... The woman who presented just before me had written a paper applying Marxist principles to Botany. Then it was my turn. I had already presented at several conferences before. My Sophomore year I published a paper on NAFTA that I presented 3-4 times including the APSA (American Political Science Assn) conference in Washington... I was already becoming an old hand at bullshitting the bullshiters.

I presented my paper and it went over their heads like a TWA: Bertonneau sat in the back laughing his ass off during the whole presentation (especially Q&A). He had good reason to be amused- they didn't get it at all... there was nothing to get. But, pseudo-intellectuals being what they are, they had to come up with some pertinent questions, such as: "Do you consider your model Aristotelian?" To which I replied" No, it's more Heraclitian... Based on, as I'm sure you're aware, his principle of dynamic equilibrium." He nodded sagely. (Heraclitus had no principle of dynamic equilibrium, that belongs to me; the closest Heraclitus came was his concept of flux- the world is constantly changing- nothing about equilibrium)... You gotta love a phony!

Tomorrow: More on the "Art of Creative Bullshitting."

GIF by @papa-pepper



A famous example of this is "Transgressing the Boundaries: Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity" by Alan Sokal, a physicist. It was bullshit² and he got it published in a "social studies" "journal".

It's ridiculous... I should have taken a course in grant-writing... I could have gotten rich writing crap nobody understands!


I'm going to do a similar post today- one I wrote a long time ago and redid. It's similar but from a political/philosophical perspective.

Checked it, every time I read some article by a post-modernist I wonder how they can look in the mirror after spouting such intricate nonsense.

Easy... They believe it!

Just finished your story, wow. I guess my story won't be that much of a shock for people.

Not sure which story... but send me a link to yours

Your story from childhood to returning to boston

Ah, I thought that's what you meant... I guess you found it ok! I'm looking forward to yours!

and I will when I actually write it out.

This reminds me of the vitriolic Schopenhauer threw against Hegel. See his actual quotes at the end of this comic:

That was great... Now I've got to find more! we said in the ChairForce..."if you can't dazzle them with brilliance..baffle them with bullshit"

They've been getting rich and famous keeping the American taxpayer bullshitted for decades!

I trust the part about giantbear, she is a domineering jerk ,I would give my front teeths to have the vocabulary and information you do. Continuously a delight to peruse.

Thank you... Be nice to my friend!

A bit off-topic, but you may like it: here's a bit about an abandoned car, reviewed by some art critics under the mistaken apprehension it was an art piece:

"I just love the way he's used the car like an empty canvas and let the rust eat itself into the overall design with such devastating spontaneity. It's art, David, neo-functional mannerism, cerebral but oblique."

It's from The Party by Godley and Cream, and I love to quote it whenever an occasion presents itself. Invariably, sage nodding all around.

It sounds a bit like Trevanian in Shibumi Describing Nicolai Hel's Volvo... Hel's favorite sport is "Volvo bashing."

Does it make the garden grow?

No unfortunately... Only their salaries!

I believe the part about giantbear, she is a bully hahaha. Wow what stories you have to tell and I would give my front teeths to have the vocabulary and knowledge you do. Always a joy to read.

Thank you my dear... I'll bet that by the time you're 72 you will too!

Hhaha thanks for the vote of confidence - In my home language I am great so who knows, maybe I will get there with English also

See... You're already ahead of me, all I have is English!

Hahaha only because I live in a country with 11 official languages, so actually I am far behind -

I always wanted to learn German... what a remarkable language- compound nouns- what a great idea!

I tried it when I was at school but my der and das got a bit confused - I love reading but I have difficulty learning a new language - for that matter I am loosing my mind a more each day so a lot of things are forgotten hahhaa

Just wait until you're my age... I go into another room for something and then stand there wondering what I went after!

I have to agree with what @anneke said, I'm always amazed at your vast knowledge, all the stories, all the words. Indeed, always a pleasure.

Thank you, it comes with age (and lots and lots of reading!)

you really did that? In real life? ...

I haven't heard of any story like that before. Saw it only in the movies.

It's kind of mean, though.

Was thinking about a story myself when I was in the mood to talk bullshit and only one story comes into my mind, years ago:

That was in the United States during my visits (a very good friend of mine lives in California) and I was introduced to a girl named "Mandy". She was simple minded and obviously gullible. She asked me about Germany and her question was, if we have cars over here. I looked at my friend Norman, who already started to make grimaces and I answered seriously: "No, we are very behind and still use horse-drawn carriages. In fact, there's not much industry in my country and we struggle to make a living." She nodded in sympathy as if saying: "Oh, how sad for you." Norm burst into laughter but she still didn't get it and I made up stories all evening long.

Whenever Norm and I get in touch he brings up "Mandy" and wants to pee himself. Of course, that is another caliber and I actually felt a little bit ashamed that I made fun out of her. Don't know if I would do it today.

But I must admit that nevertheless your story amused me a lot!

Of course it's true. If something isn't true, I tag it "fiction."

I had no doubt that it is true.


I'm going to start citing that paper, but I'm going to make up quotes to go with it; maybe change your name, too?

Why would I change my name???

If I'm throwing bullshit around, you might not want your name attached to it

As long as you quote me accurately... no such thing as bad publicity. Like the old saying goes, just make sure you spell my name right!

my evil plan was to include bullshit quotes, and use your beautifully titled paper as the source.

hit a snag halfway through the comment when i realized you might not want your paper used that way!

That's fine... actually it turned out not to be bullshit at all. The more I thought about the more sense it began to make. It became the basis for my book I can't get to on the floppy's
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I wonder if it will read WP 6.0 for DOS?

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