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RE: The world in 4 dimensions - Trance excercises - My own thoughts and experiences

in #steemiteducation7 years ago

I find writing your dreams down as soon as you wake up helps you to remember them. You have to do it in a way where you are sort of half a sleep because you are less likely to over think it and the memories will come back easier. Sometimes I have written well over 6 pages and have been able to recall so much detail. It's not like this for every dream but I feel like you can teach yourself to remember by doing this practice.

I have also had an experience with a drum circle where during the journey I was given a "key" which was a crystal cube. I was with a group of people who all participated and we all shared our experiences. Almost everyone said they received an item that was a "key." One woman said she saw an entity join us all together and watched them give us all our keys. It was quiet a bizarre and unexplainable experience.


Wow, this is an amazing experience! Drumming is a great tool to achieve trance and i often use it. Also use drumming when i'm healing myself or other people. Memory and inner vision are the result of a learning process. There may be a lot to develop, I did not see or percieve anything at first.Children up to the age of 7 are still very good at seeing things that adults need to learn again.

I have only experienced a drum circle once but I have worked with people involving trance sittings. It is much easier for children to experience these things because they have not allowed the conditioning of the world to inhibit their abilities. I think if it is nurtured at a younger age as you become older it is easier to keep to the practice. But you're right there is always opportunity to develop, it just requires learning and patience.

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