The world in 4 dimensions - Trance excercises - My own thoughts and experiences

I recently read an article that experimentally demonstrated the existence of the fourth dimension(If you have enough patience, you can read it here and here!) I have even learned at school that objects have 3 extents (length, width and height) and the fourth extend or dimension is the time. I've already felt it was a bullshit, because vector quantities were mixed with scalar quantities. Well, the forth dimension is a new extend in space. A 4-dimensional world is incomprehensible with human brain logic and it can not be measured directly with 3 dimensional instruments. It's dynamic, it's constantly changing and it's very easy to get lost in it. We could be so wrong that a life would be too small to return to the starting point.

The Mandelbulb3D program illustrates this problem well. When I zoom in on a fractal, it often changes its shape or completely disappears. Sometimes fooling me because I still use my logical brain.

mbulb2017-10-07-009 copy.jpg

The left hemisphere is unable to break the limits of the 3 dimensions. Not so, the right hemisphere, which is very homey in this wonderful world. When we dream, we move in a very flexible world. Like in a fairy tale, I will be where I want, my soul flies and knows no bounds. Deep meditation has the same effect. When I'm in trance, I can see what others see.

Let's see an example of my personal experiences. Some days ago we had a trans session in Miskolc, and there was a practice when our leader went to a rock in trance and scraped a triangle and wave line on it. Of course, nobody knew it in advance! Then I saw it very clearly, with a plus cross-in-a-circle on it! So interesting, that others also saw this cross-in-a-circle I created!


Other times, on a drum circle, one of the drummers said, he wanted a short trance-drumming. He began to drum and I saw a big owl at first, then a horse, and dancing people around a fireplace.

Dinnyés-Behajtás2009 179.jpg

When he finished drumming, he said he summoned an owl. Other people saw horses and dancing people around fire. Coincidence? Absolutely not! By my opinion, we all dropped in a 4-dimension world, in the same place!


I have some questions to you. Glad to see your comments bellow!

  • Do you often remember your dreams?

  • Have you ever been in trance?

  • Did you have such experiences?

To be continued!

Pictures are only illustrations, each one is my original photo.




I find writing your dreams down as soon as you wake up helps you to remember them. You have to do it in a way where you are sort of half a sleep because you are less likely to over think it and the memories will come back easier. Sometimes I have written well over 6 pages and have been able to recall so much detail. It's not like this for every dream but I feel like you can teach yourself to remember by doing this practice.

I have also had an experience with a drum circle where during the journey I was given a "key" which was a crystal cube. I was with a group of people who all participated and we all shared our experiences. Almost everyone said they received an item that was a "key." One woman said she saw an entity join us all together and watched them give us all our keys. It was quiet a bizarre and unexplainable experience.

Wow, this is an amazing experience! Drumming is a great tool to achieve trance and i often use it. Also use drumming when i'm healing myself or other people. Memory and inner vision are the result of a learning process. There may be a lot to develop, I did not see or percieve anything at first.Children up to the age of 7 are still very good at seeing things that adults need to learn again.

I have only experienced a drum circle once but I have worked with people involving trance sittings. It is much easier for children to experience these things because they have not allowed the conditioning of the world to inhibit their abilities. I think if it is nurtured at a younger age as you become older it is easier to keep to the practice. But you're right there is always opportunity to develop, it just requires learning and patience.

seriously most times i hardly remember my dreams.i dont know why OWLS do scare me.happy sunday awesome article

There is an easy solution to remember your dreams: take a paper and a pencil, hold it at your bed, and if you wake up at night, write down your dream. You can use only some keywords. Then continue sleeping. When you get up, keywords will remind you to your dreams.

Yeah awesome advice, I've been doing that for a long time and it really does help :D

Very informative post, friend!!!! True, we have studied only three dimensions but an amazing addition i.e fourth dimension also exists. yep, I remember my dreams...... I admire your work as I visit your blog on every sitting.

Nagyon erdekes ez a post- od. Megerdemel egy kis "elmerengest" :-)
En meg a 25 evvel ezelotti almaimra is emlekszem. nemelyikre.
Bolcs tanitom mondta egyszer - As a bator aki nem transzol
Many experiences i have in this matter :-)

Az a bátor aki nem transzol? Érdekes kérdés...talán azzal függ össze, hogy szembe mer-e nézni az ember a 3D-s világ problémáival és meg tudja-e oldani őket. Másrészt a transzhoz, vagyis a révüléshez is kell némi bátorság. Ott igazi önvalónkkal szembesülhetünk, ami bizony lehet nagyon ijesztő is.

"Az a bator aki nem transzol"-t ugy ertette hogy batorsag kell ugy elni hogy nem transzolsz. :-)

yes I remember my dreams sometimes is unreal with unfamiliar faces , cities. I will try Mandelbulb3D. I follow you. If you want check my page.

I encourage you to write down your dreams and try Mandelbulb, too!

Thanks so much! :)))

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