
Your originality caught my eye and I'll definitely try your recipe! I hope to report on it when I do! Now I have to look up what chuffed means but I know it's got to be good!

Definition of chuffed
: quite pleased : delighted

I'm always learning here on Steemit!

Ha ha :-) Where are you from @kus-knee, if you don't mind my asking?

It makes me very happy to hear you're thinking of trying my recipe out! I hope some day to put together a recipe book for publication, which I never would have thought of if I'd never joined Steemit. I'm currently a home-Mama and want to homechool my son, so if I can make that possible by making a living doing something I love, I'd be well chuffed!!!

Many thanks for your encouragement

Originally from Canada but living in Switzerland for the past 21 years and chuffed to be here!

:-) Now you'll be going round Switzerland with your new phrase... maybe it will catch on there too!

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