Vegan Kale Lasagna with Cauliflower Cashew "Cheese" (My Non-Entry for the Steemit Culinary Challenge 31)

in #steemitculinarychallenge7 years ago (edited)


Heya steemit foodies! I hope you are all ready for some vegan cooking this week. Thanks @woman-onthe-wing for your lovely intro, organizing this challenge, and giving me the opportunity to be this week's judge!

Thanks, @smooth and @sirwinchester for your continuous support!

Though I'm not 100 percent plant-based muncher I just love the creativity that goes into these dishes. I still eat meat or fish on occasion and cook 2 to 3 meals a week with fish or meat for my hubby. Though I adore the plant-based lifestyle and would love to go 100 percent plant-based, my hubby isn't ready for that.

Maybe he never will. And that's just fine!! I'm very proud of him for reducing his meat and fish intake to only 2 to 3 meals a week. When we met each other more than 16 years ago he was the biggest carnivore you could think of! Now many years later he loves his veggies and fruits, especially after seeing what it has done to his health. But that's a story for later.

If you are not a vegan... try at least to go vegan for 1 day each week! Meatless Monday's is a great initiative! It's healthy, it's colorful, and it's super delicious! And our planet and its furry inhabitants will thank you for it ღ ღ

Good luck to you all!!! Let the vegan cooking begin ;)

Vegan Kale Lasagna with Cauliflower Cashew Cheese

I couldn't resist sharing one of my fav vegan dishes, vegan lasagna, with you to get the week started!


Ingredients (serves 3)

6-8 lasagna noodles
1/2-1 cup panko

For the veggie sauce

3/4 cup onion, chopped
3 cloves of garlic, minced
2 cups zucchini, chopped
1 cup bell pepper, chopped
3 cups tomatoes, chopped
3 cup shredded kale
1/4-1/2-cup water
1 bay leaf
1 tsp dried thyme
2 tsp dried oregano
Sea salt and black pepper to taste

For the "cheesy" sauce

1 cups unsalted raw cashews
3 cup cauliflower florets
2 clove of garlic
2 cup vegetable stock
1/3 cup nutritional yeast
1 small lime, juice only
Sea salt and black pepper to taste



For the tomato sauce: In a pot, heat cooking oil over medium heat. Saute onion for 2-3 minutes. Stir regularly. Add garlic and cook 1-2 minutes more. Then add zucchini and bell pepper and cook for another minute. Sir in tomatoes, water, and herbs. Cover and simmer for 15-20 minutes. last few minutes add kale and cook until wilted.


Meanwhile, mak ethe cauliflower cheesy sauce. Cook the cauliflower, garlic, and cashews in vegetable stock until the cauliflower is tender. When ready, drain but keep the cooking liquid. Add to a blender with all other cheesy sauce ingredients and blend using cooking liquid as needed to get cheesy, creamy texture.



Preheat oven to 200C or 400F.

Layering: 1/3 of the tomatoes sauce, pasta layer, 1/2 of the cheese sauce, 1/3 of the tomato sauce, pasta layer, the remaining tomato sauce, remaining cheese. To finish top with panko breadcrumbs.



Cook in the oven for 10-25 minutes. last few minutes turn on the grill and cook until nicely browned.



Bon Appetit! Have a great weekend ;-)


If you enjoyed reading this post, make sure to follow my news feed here

Or check out my health and recipe blog for more yummy recipes!


Gorgeous food post as always. Beautiful photography. Good luck in the challenge

Thanks @gringalicious! It's a non-entry this week since I'm the judge, but couldn't resist cooking something hehe!

sounds and looks all sorts of interesting

Thanks @doitvoluntarily! You gotta love nutritional yeast.

That looks beautiful and tasty!
I made lasagna last night with a lot of spinach and homemade tomato sauce.

Thank you @lakshmi! Nothing beats the flavors of homemade. That's sounds great too!

Yes, it turned out great!

I'm not a vegan or even a vegetarian, but I sure enjoy plenty of meals without meat, eggs, or dairy. There is so much good food out there that's just made from plants! I am always surprised at seeing how versatile cauliflower is! This lasagna looks great!

Thanks @haphazard-hstead! I'm glad you like it! And you are absolutely right! So much yummy food out there! Cauliflower is amazing in plant-based cooking.... you can make fried rice, pizza crust, sauces, and so much more!

I think I'll plant a lot more cauliflower in my fall garden this year!

Hehe! You should ;)

Man! This looks GOOD!

It sure was! Since I make vegan lasagnas a lot my skill is definitely improving hehe! Thanks for you ongoing support @kotturinn! You are such a sweet and loving person! I hope we find the time to meet up some time!

I only had lasagna 2 times in my entire life, it was just the regular kind I guess, I've never made it myself though. Maybe I will try your recipe, it sure sounds tasty!
And you're welcome, thank you for sharing healthy recipes! Hopefully we do meet! Are you going to Steemfest by chance?

Prob not this time :( Although I would love to. SF1 was really cool! But we have to be at a crypto venue in Barcelona end September-beginning of October. Before that, we go visit a friend in Finland and then quick stop in Belgium to say hi to family and friends. So i think we will just be gone when it's steemfest. Going away for more than 6 weeks is just too long... also it's going to be my hubby's ICO so I bet he is going to be so busy! And since I'm involved in the company too I will be busy too I reckon hehe. Maybe I stay in Europe! Not sure yet! Are you going?

Whoa! You're one busy lady!!! Sounds though like you're going to have a great journey! I love Europe, I haven't been to a whole lot of countries there though. I think we are going to go, at least we're gonna try, it's gonna be me, @matt-a, @robrigo, @spurious-claims and perhaps @chernen and @rahulyadav and a few more people if everything goes according to the plan! I hope we make it!
Sadly, I didn't go to SF1, I wasn't active on here at the time though, oh well!

I hope you all get to make it! It's great fun!

Yum... This looks delicious!

Thanks @chernern! It sure was yum ;)

Well done Amy! Great nutritional density!

Thanks @rebeccaryan! It turned our really great!

YUUUUUUUM! I love the sound of your cheesey sauce... I will have to try this out! Have fun judging the entries this week!

I sure will and you have to try this one! Think it was the best vegan lasagna ever! The cauliflower cashew was just yum! Have a great week ;)

Wow this cheesy sauce looks insanely good! Lasagne used to be a favourite of mine pre vegan. Will have to give this a try b

vegan lasagnas are one of my fav foods! must say that this one might be the best we ever made. Especially the addition of the cauliflower in the sauce... just yum and it made it so creamy! Enjoy and thanks for dropping by @harrietbradley!

This looks absolutely amazing! I had a delicious raw vegan zucchini sunflower pesto lasagna at the local vegan deli the other day, oh my goodness I'm still dreaming about it.

This looks so creamy and delicious, I love cauliflower.

Making your own vegan lasagna is so easy and yum! A while ago I used pumpkin as the pasta layer. That was so good now I think of it. Think I might combine the two recipes in a next experiment! Enjoy the rest of te week ;)

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