STEEMIT Weekend Camp Fire Series! Weekend 40 : We are Steemit Family. Come Visit Around the Fire with your Family Every Weekend!

STEEMIT Campfire BD Branded Template Cover 850x500.jpg


Weekends are slow, meant for Fun, Relaxing with Family & Friends, and this is what we are here.

Leave the Flags & Problems at the Office. Meet up for Anything Goes, Friendly, Encouraging Weekend Fun, Talks and Friendship here every Friday Nite through Sunday Nite.

Blogging on Weekends can be slow. Around the Campfire here we will be respectful to each other, have some fun, play some games, eat some food, have some drinks (Hydration is super important!) - and treat this EVERY weekend series like a nice weekend getaway from the race.


Encourage each other. Kindness. Community Building. Welcoming all Steemians with no Class Distinction. Friendship. Relationship Building. Food. Fun. Music. Campfire Shenanigans.

Visit my Page Fridays through Sunday and poke around, chat with people, have fun!!

1 Post on my Page Every Friday Nite runs for the whole weekend - Share the link on others pages where you feel you can and invite people. New people! Older Steemians! Everyone is welcome!

1 page to visit. | 1 simple Hashtag to find/use/share. | 1 Platform. | 1 Family.

HashTag / Tag: #SteemitCampFire

What I'm sharing in replies on Steemit so it does not offend or spam people

I started a new Weekend Steemit Campfire Series ! - it just was posted.

Check that out, I am trying to still find ways to build community and love and kindness here.

On my page every Friday nite - Runs for the whole weekend til Sunday nite,

#SteemitCampFire !!

Link Dropping Diverting People Elsewhere:


Please do not drop links to blog posts at the fire diverting people away from the purpose here - gathering people in one place, this is not a post promotion place just because it is a high engagement post.


The last while of everyone dropping links on the #SteemitCampFire - is getting a bit much. I do not mind the odd one, but this kinda can deflect the purpose here - gathering people in one place and not too much diversion elsewhere.

Hope you are not upset but it has been worsening. We all do it from time to time, but a high engagement post is more prone to this. Please keep this in mind.

Link to the First Week/ Run in this new Every-Weekend -- All-Weekend series! -


Link to a past recent #SteemitCampfire post:

How has your week been? How are you doing there??? We have your favourite food and drink right here, so grab it, and a seat, what's on your mind Steemit Family???

If you feel my posts are undervalued or you want to donate to tip me - I would appreciate it very much.


LiteCoin (LTC) - LKdsnvSXk9JW99EiNicFMGKc1FXiBo9tUE

Ethereum (ETH) - 0x3Ad69Ff057C9533ca667B2d7E3E557F5eeFd4477

Ethereum Classic (ETC) - 0x5ab2b08d4ce8d454eb9d1ecc65c6d8b0c5f9784c

EOS (EOS) - 0xD37bEFf5bf07E3aa432de00cE0AaA8df603A4fB0

Bitcoin (BTC) - 18J6RRuzX4V7b2CDbx7tWZYNBLkkGWsvWX

DASH - XgZvsvSZgPkNbmGbRhc3S1Pt2JAc7QHwiS

PIVX - DA3azxQqJiX9t7EviuacpamfNhMi2zGAUh

Stratis (STRAT) - SNsJp6v1jXvKWy4XcXSXfNQ9zhSJJppJgv

ZCash (ZEC) - t1aCPEYELkGaf3GtgGTiCEDo7XfPm4QEwmL

Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.
This has really upset some people but I do not force my opinions on others, or need to communicate every detail of my life or issues, most people do not care anyways. I invested around 10 hours or more a day on Steemit most of my first 13 mths here, I just do not have that time in my life right now, and that includes for replies and voting/curation.
I have done my best, sorry if you do not understand like some are clearly having a problem with. It's a blogging platform, and I will do my best at everything, and to keep blogging.
Carry On.

How has your week been? How are you doing there??? We have your favourite food and drink right here, so grab it, and a seat, what's on your mind Steemit Family???


Hi all, I've been absent a few weekends, been a busy bee promoting Steemit and setting up a Steemit mastermind group and answering endless emails and managing to post every day. I don't want it to let up though, it's good to be busy. Love to all snuggling around the campfire.

Thanks for stopping in with an update for us!

I enjoy staying busy myself otherwise the mind wonders too much and I get a bit stir-crazy! Thanks for stopping by the campfire. Have a great weekend!

Great stream 👍⚡

Well, winter is officially over here. Once we get a few days in a row with highs in the 80's, there's usually no more cold weather again until December (November if we're lucky). We take what little winter we get in these parts. Time to turn on the AC and turn off the heater. Sigh. There's something nice and cozy about turning on the heater and getting into your pajamas with some hot chocolate and a good book or TV show.

Good stuff Steph, that does not rhyme but close LOL.

Have you registered on Binance yet?

DM me or in another post reply to avoid links here etc if you need a code.

Nearly 0 fees for most of the rest of the month!!!!

Accumulation challenge accepted


Lol! I actually did register on Binance a few weeks ago, when they opened it up for new registrations again. I haven't used it yet, and haven't verified my account there yet, but I've got a user name and password. :) I've been on Bittrex for about a year, and haven't used any other exchange yet, but I signed up for Binance because I thought it was good to have a backup. Not to put all my crypto eggs in one basket, as they say.

I was in before all the lockouts started. I've used it quite a bit without doxxing myself with the state following me around like they do LOL.

Not only is it a good backup, the problems with Polo and Btrx en masse are legendary, Btrx changed the game on me 3x so far in the last year, I was not impressed, nor with them delisting #bitshares with no reason ever given.

Most people will never need more than 2 BTC which is Binance / Unverified status.

Good for you getting that done Steph.

Mark my words, your problems with Btrx are about to start with them about to enable fiat onboarding.

Yeah, I'm a bit wary of Bittrex. I haven't had a single problem with them since I started using them, but I've read plenty of complaints about them over at the Bitcointalk forum. I think I've just been luck with them so far. I'm glad I now have a backup exchange. 😃

I have already been turning on the AC myself. Florida starting to heat up mid 70's to low 80's! Soon it will be beach weather. I just hope we don't have too much of a dry season otherwise no outdoor fires due to burning bans!

I hear you, man. I'm in Florida, too.

Awesome we seem to have growing following down here in Florida of people on Steemit! I almost run into someone weekly now.

wow! this is the great post, i followed your every post. thank you, I'm going to be your real friend, so please grab a friend's hand.

Well, the weather report and a look out the window say I'm going to be having lots of fun with the snow shovel. :)

(I really shouldn't complain: it's good exercise.)

It is.

I have always switched hands and foot positions the last 25 yrs and keep everything evened out and core wise too.

That's the sprit. I never have any snow in Florida. I have to hit up the treadmill instead! I spend way to much time sitting in front of screens all day.

Have a great weekend everyone!

I am about to go enjoy a nice hamburger after this long week.

To those who are not already boiling in hot states stay warm! Rest of us already turning on our AC!

I will wish you well, I have had a lot to do around the house today, and it all takes me a long time as you know now.

I will not link drop but advise you to check my last post up tonite, awhile ago --- on Binance -- it will save you money.

LMK if you need my code to sign up. It is working for people who have no code, and have to wait, I know.

Troll in this post mouthing me off.

Funny, because when you joined, I voted up all your posts and replies, before I cashed out a PILE of Steem, to get your rep score higher in one day, than his is now, after how long here?

And I have done that to a lot of minnows... such lies from these people.

... haters and mouthpieces.

Must be someone’s alt account. Such low rep for how long he’s been around. Or he keeps trying piss into people’s breakfast and they don’t like it lol.

His comments are funny he keeps mentioning high level people trying get them to come in and upvote a post so he gets paid more money lol. I'll be laughing all night on that one.

If I only followed and comment for money id be following shitload more people. Hell I've unfollowed and stop commenting on some rather large accounts just because they where not for me anymore. It was never about the money or upvotes.

For a good time go look in his wallet. What aids when he’s not cashing out every cent he’s getting paid from same place.

And I don’t care about that thing he mentioned. I’ve known for a while 10 post a day drain a lot of voting power it’s really not a shocker as he thinks it is.

I come here for a good time and some quick updates on cryptocurrency related news. Saves me the time form having to go out and find it myself.

A camp fire with some great food and drinks would be super good now ! Its cold over here so that would be the close to perfection combo.Good friends near us and the fun is secured !

Thank you for contributing to the Steemit Community.Keep up the great work and I'm looking forward to your next posts.


We are here all weekend, every weekend on my page.

See you around this weekend!

I enjoy S'mores over the campfire! You have any favorites?

What a great weekend, nice idea and this is going to be one of its kind

Why does anyone come here?

just in case you have not noticed... Barry has claimed internet issues for months but still easily uploads and upvotes his Posts fine. @barryduton never or amost never upvotes any minnow that comments on his posts. And that is okay I guess. But why would anyone want to support this narcissist. Here is his voting history for the past 30 days:

Oops... sorry for the link drop. I put it in there before I saw your discalimer.... all the donation addresses hid it. My bad.

And... yes, I used my 0.01 for a self upvote so that well-meaning minnows might see the truth here...even if for a short second.


I upvote plenty of people and have always supported minnows, on here and offline answering them.

and I don't do it with high voting power in comments usually but just because you have an issue here, with me, while most don't -- does not really make much of a case.

My payouts have dropped like a lot of people and I also support those who have supported me.

The people closest to me, also know my personal situation and what I am dealing with.

It has nothing to do with your false claims of me being a narcissist, you likely hang out with the people who "use their stake as they see fit" as many do, but look the other way.

Check my wallet.

I've been donating to 3 people every day here, this month, to the end of Feb.

What have you done to help anyone?

The three you have been "donating" to each have multi thousands of steem. Maybe they need the liquid steem.... maybe you are buying their votes. I dont know.

I know your internet is plenty good for lots of posts. I know you upvote yourself at 86%.

Maybe those close to you know that I have misjudged you. But I used to resd your posts and wanted you to be the real deal. But my opinion became: "this guy is a narcissist". Pkays the victim. Asks for community participation and upvotes but doesnt recipticate.

Yes. We all deal with stuff. But I think my opinion is closer to the truth than your public version. Idk.


This whole time I thought you were in BC, but read a comment today saying your in the dirty 'shwa'. I'm in Kdub myself, so I think we have about the same time trek to make it to the Steem meetup in Tomato, but you got the 407 on your side, so no good excuse😄 Unless you do have a real good excuse...😂

I was run over by a car and have some fairly serious challenges these days.

I've heard a lot of great excuses for not going to Toronto, but that definitely ranks high.

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