#25 Animation - 8 Tips for Working with Animators

in #steemitbloggers7 years ago

I figured that since yesterday I posted about "8 Annoying Things Clients/bosses Say to Animators", I should also provide solutions for working with animators or so things would be much efficient and smooth sailing. This would be mainly from my perspective of what I would expect from the client.

Working with animators are actually pretty simple and we get contented pretty easily. You just need to know how to push the right buttons. Hence, I've come up with :

8 Tips for Working with Animators

No. 1 Don't be TOO controlling

A little bit of our own space and creativity will definitely make us happier. And when we're happy, we do things faster and the production rate will be higher. I've been to a company where everyday the supervisor would micromanage each and every employee in the department. He would always send a message almost every hour to check in on us and whether we're almost done with our tasks. The thing here is, a lot of us are adults and we know how important it is to meet the deadline. Meeting the deadline is already a stress factor, having the supervisor breathing down your neck isn't going to help any further.

Though, sometimes, if you feel that the animator isn't doing a good job. It is okay to talk to him/her and to understand the situation he/she is facing. Many times, the animator may not understand what you want.

No. 2 Talk to me

It's okay, I won't bite. You may ask me questions about my idea behind the animation and what inspires me to create. Most of the time, I would gladly share because it pumps me up enthusiastically when explaining my idea. Usually we animators love to talk about the stuff we came up with. So don't worry about talking TOO MUCH to me. We could you know.... talk about life and such too.

No. 3 Don't be afraid to ask questions

Haha, in addition to the tip above, we would like to let you know it's okay to ask questions. If the way I'm animating the character or the idea that I proposed has you confused, you can ask me. In fact, you SHOULD ask before it's too late. Which brings us to the next tip.

No. 4 Provide references/examples

We LOVEEE any references/examples that you can give us. Reference to the style you want or the art direction you want. Before we start doing our 'magic' on the scenes with our own creativity, you may have something else in mind. So please, provide as many references to how you want your project to look and feel before you ask us to begin. Any questions should be asked before the animators start to animate the scenes. This will also help us understand your vision of your project.

No. 5 Say NO to general feedbacks

Addition to the previous tip, you may want to prepare some references for us along with your feedback. This will not only help you and I save valuable time, it will save your cost for hiring me. Many times I've received general feedbacks such as ,'can you make the scene happier?', 'can you change the pose?' etc... Off I go with my own creativity which would usually return with more feedbacks. So... help me help you. :)

No. 6 We value appreciation A LOT

Personally, when people come to thank me sincerely for helping them with a small job, I would usually do it for free. I know.... you guys must be wondering why would zord do things for free, is he stupid? Well, if the job only takes less than 30 minutes to do, and isn't that hard, I just don't feel like charging people. BUT, I love money, so I will probably still charge you peeps. :P

But yea, jokes aside, animators love to appreciated and we will remember whatever that is said to us. The appreciation would help boost our productivity to 'go the extra mile' for you. Appreciation can come in all forms including monetary. So if you love what I do, pay me. Or if I tell you that it's a gift from me to you, love me.

No. 7 Communicate the deadline with me

'Ain't no body for time for Overtime'. What makes me happy as an animator is going home on time. It allows me to relax, destress and prepare myself for another day tomorrow. When you're communicating the deadline with me, please listen to my deadline first because I would know better how long that animation is going to take. When we've given you a quotation on the deadline, do not cut it short and ask if we could doubletime the project. Then what is the point of communicating the deadline when you don't respect what we've just said.

No. 8 Pay me on time

Animation is not an easy task. We spend countless hours and valuable creative brain juice to come out with that awesome content where you'll probably earn a million bucks advertising with it. We would really appreciate it if we get paid right after submitting the final version over. Unfortunately in Malaysia, I've seen friends of mine 'begging' for the clients to pay them and some don't even pay. This gets dragged on for a year and the client just disappear.

Yeaps, it's another night out in my office and I'm about to head home now. I can't wait for the weekend to come faster. I hope that the tips are useful for some of you who are going to hire/work with animators. Till next time~ Ciao~

Thank You

If you like what I do, check out my other posts on my artworks, photography & animations.

I'm also open for

Personalized Steemit Profile Banner,logos & GIFs

DM me on discord : zord189#7776


Credits to @pinstory & @coloringiship for this lovely photo of me.

Appreciator Footer.png

Animated Banner Created By @zord189


Hi zord189,it is a good post. Just to check with you is there other option to upload video directly to steemit platform.?so far I need to upload first to YouTube then copy address link to steemit.

You can search for @dtube. It is a platform to upload videos for Steemit.

Thank you zord. will download my content to dtube.

WHAT DO YOU WANT!!!???!!! I can feel that!
And then the PAY ME ON TIME!!! Ya! Very important...
Oh and not to forget THANK YOU!
and here's a tip! for you for being the AWESOME ZORD!!!

Thanks for the tip @elizacheng! Haha end of the day must pay. :D

You are most welcome!!!

Hi @zord189! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @elizacheng!

@elizacheng wrote lately about: Weekend Freewrite Single Prompt Option - Pasta + Makemesmile Feel free to follow @elizacheng if you like it :)

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