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RE: RANT ALERT!!! - WHO IS THE BOSS?! - Teacher OR Student?!

in #steemitbloggers6 years ago (edited)

"Jude was not co-operating during class today and was very busyy bossing around his peers. " - I find this statement to be an attack on Jude's personality and it does not sound like the teacher is on his side at all, which for me is a MUST, especially if I am paying huge sums for my kid to get individual attention. All kids are different and like adults, they have quirks, the issue is that kids have quirks, but they are too little to handle them correctly, or take responsibility for them. Teachers SHOULD understand this and help as much as they can, NOT point fingers.

My son is only three, but we have placed him in a Waldorf school, and will keep him there. Their syllabus is completely out there, but their approach is simply amazing! My little "threenager" is quite the rebel, but not once have his teachers recognized this as an issue, they meet with my hubby and I every so often and together we come up with plans and strategies to keep our kiddo in line.


Your first paragraph hit the nail on the head, and as far as the school goes, their ENTIRE ETHOS is about embracing the child, no matter their "quirk" - and for the most part, are AMAZING at this.

We met with principal and teacher today and seem to have found a happy middle ground forward.... so lets see... I am all "for" lovey dovey teaching, BUT when discipline needs to be given, then it NEEDS to be given and today, she was TOLD to be firmer with my son. she said she is quite happy to take a harder approach with him - and I am happy with that. so lets see.... we said we would re-connect at the end of the term. Both me and the principal have agreed that Jude is very.... well, - "persuasive" (cough....manipulative) and need s a FIRMER approach, otherwise he will very "sexily" walk all over you... HAHAAHA (true story! lol)

So... time will tell :)

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