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RE: The Blessing of Rain

in #steemitbloggers6 years ago

I'm a total introvert who likes to stay anonymous but I do love talking to people and encouraging them

so like @shadowspub

they appear to be a powerful, mysterious bunch

so like @jackmiller and @grow-pro

Oh, and I assume it would take away from my Engagement League time also?

Good Lord!! why in the world would you stop doing just what you are doing?

I'm tempted to tell you why we need two ecoinstant's but I don't think I better at this time!

One of my son is more than enough...thank you very much so yes you are right in not telling me "why' at this time.......


howdy this fine thursday Miss Snook! I read the rules, absolutely love what I saw, I am old fashioned and loyal to a fault and would be totally dedicated to ya'll and your organization and love supporting and encouraging others.

hahaha! God bless you Ma'am!
I don't know who shadowspub is but I've seen jackmiller because of his buying byteballs and I've seen grow-pro too, because he's with jackmiller right? but I don't know what else they do. sorry I'm clueless.

I have to go to your blog and learn something about you, you seem highly educated, probably used to be a psychologist.

sounds like you need to visit Pimp Your Post Thursday and meet @shadowspub ... it's on twice on Thursdays.

I'll check it out, thank you!

Everything @pathtosuccess said and don't forget to drink coffee, truckloads of coffee as sometimes those parties can cause time to fly!

I'm so happy to hear that :D

Hope your day is going wonderful!!!

I'm so happy to hear that :D

Hope your day is going wonderful!!!

Pimp your post Thursday is going on. Come join us.

yes Ma'am that sounds good but because I had to be gone today until just now, I'm hours behind on commenting and replies. Ecoinstant and I created a monster, a good one, when we contacted so many new people last week, we didn't know they'd all reply back! lol. Now we're buried.
God bless you for your help and all that you do!

no worries @janton!! in your own time.

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