VOLUPTUOUS is BEAUTIFUL! - As long as it isn't KILLING you in the process!

in #steemitbloggers6 years ago (edited)

In one way or another, I have crossed so many conversations of late about “acceptable appearance” – weight, dress, make-up etc. and to be honest – I find it all quite tiresome! Not because I am disinterested in any or all of those topics, but because I have realised that as a human race we are all fncking delusional!

We have the most enormously skewed perceptions and priorities in general! If anybody was honest enough to express and describe the “utter disaster” that we have become as “human kind”, I can assure you it would NOT be a pretty description - Definitely not “coffee table” material and even less fit for a dictionary.

No matter which way you turn these days, you are literally drowned in everything you were NOT meant to be submerged in. I have never been one to watch the news on TV, and that was momentary bliss (about 10 years ago) before social media took over. Now, trying to get away from the all-consuming negativity and brainwashing, requires having to click a million drop down menus a day, opting for the “I don’t want to see things like this anymore” selection. But even that does not make it go away entirely. We are all being bloody BRAINWASHED!

And one of the most common examples of such is the conditioning of what is acceptable in terms of physical appearance. I have been saying this for a while between family and friends – but now I am saying it here. For the last 30+ years it has been PUSHED by the media that the skinnier you are, the better. This has been nothing short of a catastrophic trend worldwide – ESPECIALLY for women! Like we didn’t already feel little enough about ourselves! Now we had every KIND of media telling and showing us that we are not slim enough, sexy enough, good enough – and so it went on.

Ai, but some dumb Mother F@#$% at the top of the fashion food chain, did not take into consideration the “dietary habits” of the 21st century and that all the ”instant this and instant that food stuffs” was going to start making people, well – FAT! “Oh goodness, what to do now?!” lol ;)

Interesting how practically EVERY and ALL fashion and beauty campaigns are suddenly starting to "embrace" ”THE REAL WOMAN” - and the pages are spilled with, yes – gorgeous voluptuous women… except for one problem… they are promoting this for all the WRONG reasons!!!!! They have realised that with the general eating habits of most people these days - there is simply NO way that they can continue to "campaign" such stick figures.


Women have been persecuting themselves for YEARS because of their weight – thanks to media! And now, suddenly the puppet master is telling us that it is once again “acceptable” to have curves and rolls! - Yes, I agree with the statement (because the former should never have occurred in the first place), but the problem is… that the “intent” behind the persuasion is NOT doing anybody ANY favours, because 90% of these (mostly young) women (and men) are living on fast food and freezer meals. Sales are up though!!! Yay!! Lol

I don’t follow much in politics, news or anything else really (if I can help it) because I believe it is all there with the intention of making us “sheeple”. Personally, I think I am better off for it. Many disagree with me – and that is ok too. There is an expression ”seeing the wood from the trees” and I suppose, to a large degree – because I have opted not to swamp myself with every SINGLE bit of media “bleep” that happens to be announced, I feel that I may perhaps have a little more clarity when it comes to perception.

I am HAPPY that the media has shifted its acceptable fashion size ZERO to be a more realistic one, fit to an “actual woman” and not a fncking Barbie! – BUT – I am not thrilled with what I feel, are the reasons behind that shift! No extreme is EVER a good thing, and that is applicable in this instance too. People need to catch a wake up – AND find a balance!

In short, what I am saying is...make sure your curves and bends don’t come from Mc Donalds and packet sauces ;)

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Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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My daughter is 13 and I often wish I could lock her away in a tower away from all media. To me, she is the most beautiful person in the whole world and I detest any message that may cause her to doubt that.


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Well it sounds to me that with a dad like you @reonlouw... she will be JUST fine x

This is really interesting - pointing out that as a culture perhaps the media is changing its messaging in order to help the business interests of companies who are ruining our nation’s health...complex consideration and a fascinating conversation starter. I’ll be thinking about this for awhile, thanks for sharing.

Bingo! - Not saying being a plus size is a bad thing, heck - I am sick to DEATH of feeling the pressures of "being thin enough" - but I simply don't buy the "pitch" which is being sold to the masses.

I honestly think the biggest problems is the old same one, still men and people talk about the women body like an object or something with a right size or similar, i think we must stop as a society thinking that a body OF ANYONE is a matter of all, a body is something personal and no one can tell us what we must do or not do with it or what is good or not on it, i had many people tell me " you are too fat or too skinny!"and i am sick about it, my body, my ideas, my matter, right?

Marketing shifted the "proper" body look in an unhealthy direction, so at least this is a correction. However, with the obesity epidemic I suspect that marketers are just trying to get models that look closer to their customers. But that doesn't help the obesity problem either (which is a problem for both men and women). There is a growing movement that says that it is ok to be overweight as long as you are healthy, but the science says otherwise: you really do want to be closer to "your" ideal weight if health is important. Of course that ideal weight is not pencil thin for most people--for most it means some curves.

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I went and bought myself bigger clothes - it took me a long time to accept with menopause and age come a bigger, different body, but now I am just accepting it and like my friend always say... if you do not like what you see, stop looking hahha. Us women are way to worried about what others think.

that is so true @anneke! I am dealing with that now and I must say, the processing of acceptance is a LOT more appealing than the effort required to remain what society deems "perfect" lol :)

O I agree - and who wants people in your life that measure your worth by the size of your clothes??

Precisely!!!! I think I am officially reaching the age of WTF you looking at?! - Let me WIGGLE all this SIZ NIZZ for you!!! hahahaha!!!

Love it.... I still feel unhappy with myself because I am not use to being plus size, but getting there... aging is not always fun and games.

I agree. Wholeheartedly. What you don't talk about is how women who can't achieve the perfect figure feel. The constant sense of body-shame and embarrassment which can have serious knock-on effects from not ever swimming in public to being ashamed and nervous when it comes to meeting and finding and staying in a relationship....

Another VERY accurate aspect of this. I lived like that most of my life and it was NOT fun!

Totally agree 100% with everything you say here! I don't watch TV or the news either because I too believe we are all being spoon fed negativity in order to control us with fear. As for changing their advertising strategies using real women, I think you are right. They have to target the masses and unfortunately as a species, we are getting bigger by the day. :/
If only they would promote eating LESS!!!! It actually isn't about what we eat as much as how much we eat. We seriously don't need even half of what we actually consume, but we are scared to let ourselves be hungry.
Intermittent Fasting has taught me so much about my old eating habits. It is now a way of life for me and has made me realise that I don't need all that much food to survive. I still need to lose this extra poundage that I have gained over the last 20 odd years of overeating, but I feel better already just for allowing my body the downtime from processing food.
Great article!
BB <3

It actually isn't about what we eat as much as how much we eat.

Bingo! I saw your conversation on our SB server the other day. My dad does that too and swears by it. Without intention I pretty much do it as well, so I could very well adapt easily to being stricter about it.

Eating and living healthy should simply be part of out education system driven by facts and science, looking at feeling healthy not looking in a mirror or stepping on scales, thinking to ones self I need to be a number.
If you feel healthy that's what matters, especially feeling comfortable wearing clothes that are made to fit
general people's not impossible sizes that technically would make ones ill.
We need to find a balance for everyone and not have influencers who state everyone needs to be a size zero...
.... Or to hit MacDonalds every meal to gain inches

So damn true! Why are kids not taught how to garden, cook etc. in school.... PRACTICAL BLOODY LIFE SKILLS MAN! As you are familiar with... I love to cook, and I HATE fast food! I am one of 4 siblings, and my household are seldom sick. The rest of my family and their offspring eat a lot of "instant this and packet that" and they are ALWAYS bloody sick!

All perceptions delivered by media are skewed.

I've actually also noticed that shift - and funny enough not only in media but also in my way liking girls. Couple of years back, I was all about perfect figure and slim girls. And now, dunnu...I just somehow like the girls the way they are - unless they're just fat hah :D I actually totally love if girl has like proper muscles from doing sports.

And regarding what u read..well it's true, they had to turn the ship. So their reasons to do it might be revenue driven, but at the end of the day - let them have their revenue. If it makes women more comfy with their bodies, it's a good thing. But yeah, I'm also glad you've highlighted that McDonald part :D


hahaha yeah - that "Mc Donalds" point being the biggest problem of all though. I am 38 and was fortunate to have a mother who taught me how to cook and enjoy the art... but I am absolutely gobsmacked at how FEW women my age and younger have NO CLUE in a kitchen... in fact, in many relationships I see now, it is the guy that cooks and sadly... in even MORE of them, its all instant food. It is simply SAD!

Yeah, I used to hate hairy men and I now date one of the hairiest men I have ever seen haha - I guess we all move in cycles LOL!!!

Ahahaha I totally hate hairy men as well and hope I don't have any cycle here and will hate them forever :D lol

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WAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!! I am somewhat relieved to hear that :P

we are our own worst enemies when it comes to that and the media certainly does not help!

A sad but realistic truth :/

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