#TRACKOFTHEDAY - What song is "DOING IT" for you today?! (11.06.2018)

in #steemitbloggers6 years ago

Life without music is a complete non-negotiable as far as I am concerned. There is honestly NEVER a moment in my world where I do not have music playing from somewhere… whether it’s in the lounge while I am working, the kitchen while I am cooking, the bathroom while I am showering, or in the car while I am driving…
there is ALWAYS music… Music to me, is soul food!

It does not matter whether you have loved it for
ten minutes or ten years....
Let's HEAR it!!!


#TRACKOFTHEDAY - What song is "DOING IT" for you today?! (11.06.2018)


For those that are not familiar with how #trackoftheday works...
This is how we roll...


Share a LINK to a song which you are really "FEELING" today
in the comments section of this post.

1st place receives a 100% upvote from me on their track (comment)
2nd place receives a 50% upvote on their track (comment)
3rd place receives a 25% upvote on their track (comment)


My #TrackOfTheDay isssss.......

I discovered this track accidentally about a year ago
and I fell in love with it within the first 3 seconds!
I find it truly unique!




Here are my 3 selections from the previous post...



This is SUCH an awesome track!!! And yes, quite true, it is a wonderful collaboration of cultures, styles and sounds! Thank you for sharing it!



I have to agree with you on this one... it had my attention in the first five seconds! Love it and have added it to my playlist! Awesome share, thanks!



haha thank you hon for the awesome Birthday track!! Epic retake on the classic Beatles version!!!!! LOVE IT!!!! Added to my playlist!


Thanks for sharing your picks peeps

Keep em coming xxx



Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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Warning: There is some profanity in this one. Big fan of the song, but the video? Not as much.

AWESOME Share! you got my 100% upvote which has been shared in the latest #trackoftheday.... https://steemit.com/steemitbloggers/@jaynie/trackoftheday-what-song-is-doing-it-for-you-today-17-06-2018 Thanks for participating ;)

Ahh, I used to listen to this song some time ago. Brings back some memories :P

My track of the day is this. It boosts my mood!

AWESOME Share! you got my 50% upvote which has been shared in the latest #trackoftheday.... https://steemit.com/steemitbloggers/@jaynie/trackoftheday-what-song-is-doing-it-for-you-today-17-06-2018 Thanks for participating ;)

This is an odd bit... it always touches me when I am in that "reflective state" that precedes needing to bust my butt like crazy for an indeterminate amount of time... just to keep from falling off a cliff...

And no, I'm actually not into Anime...

AWESOME Share! you got my 25% upvote which has been shared in the latest #trackoftheday.... https://steemit.com/steemitbloggers/@jaynie/trackoftheday-what-song-is-doing-it-for-you-today-17-06-2018 Thanks for participating ;)

Everything I love in one - cinematics, a Two Steps From Hell song, and the Witcher games. The games are rated M and the cinematic does have death in it, but personally I still think it's amazing and the song is so, so fitting :)

Today I am sad because I remind my dad to rest in peace, this song perfectly describes that feeling, if someone lost a father or another loved one listen to this song.

Music has this power - to help us deal with the sad things in life as well as intensify the happy ones. Time and music: the great healers.

an accidental love, sometimes we do not find what we are looking for, but we found something that we were looking for by accident


So I'm going to go local for today though; a beautiful piece by Yemi Slade. Les disques de Mon pere. I think it's her version of the original song.

I have a serious love/hate relationship with your #trackoftheday posts !!! I hate the fact that it takes at least half an hour out of my day ... but love the fact that I learn about such diverse sounds.... picking up new artists to investigate for my playlists. Keep up the good work ..... and no I have NOT listened to any of these as I am busy...but have bookmarked the post.

@themagus hahahaha!!! Glad you enjoy them and yes, agreed! I love adding new finds to my playlist! It has increased substantially since I started this series 😎👍 but surely you can work and listen to music.... hehehehe 😆 I think you are just trying to get out of work lol 😎👍

Work? What is that?

@themagus no idea 😎 insert evil laugh here

Loving your selection today, even on first (but not last) listen. Hadn't come across her before. Back to the mists of time for my choice:


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