Tomatoes, Tea with Audrey Hepburn and Dinner Decisions - #Ulog Entry No. 5

in #steemitbloggers6 years ago (edited)


So heading into day three of resisting the urge to stuff my face full of carbs and I am feeling quite good about the whole thing… everything in life gets easier the longer you persist with it. Referring back to my mentioning how I used to eat on a daily basis when I had my shop, I would seldom eat anything until about 11.30am and then I would not eat again until dinner time. Now I know that many people are great breakfast advocates, but I have never really enjoyed eating the second I wake up. My stomach is simply not ready for food that quickly lol.

Tomatoes, Tea with Audrey Hepburn and Dinner Decisions - #Ulog Entry No. 4

I got up a little later today than I have the last two days, but I didn’t get to be quite as early last night… so that was to be expected.

So, speaking of eating healthier, I thought I would share my brunch with you, because it takes a relative amount of restraint (for me anyway) to eat like this again… but as simple as the plate of food seems, it is actually packed full of awesome things!

Starting with the obvious, eggs are a fantastic source of protein which as we all know, is great in alleviating those hunger pangs for longer periods of time. Oh and if you are wondering where the other half of the egg is…. I already ate it! Lol! They also contain antioxidants which are great for eye health – not to mention that they also lower the risk of heart disease. The cheese on the plate, is another fantastic source of protein. Cucumber is one of those foods that people generally love or hate – I have always been a lover and I really think it is totally undervalued as a superfood.They are a great source of hydration, they have anti-inflammatory properties, anti-ageing properties (yay!!! Lol) and are exceptionally low in calories. As for the rocket, (that’s the green stuff on the plate) well that unsuspecting herb has a whole myriad of benefits and the best thing of all is it literally grows like a weed! I actually did a blog post on it recently… let me see if I can find it…. One moment please…. Bing! THERE IT IS Go and take a look at al the awesomeness of this herb. In the tradition of saving the best for last…. The tomato! Honestly one of the best raw foods you can eat! Here is a great article outlining some of the many benefits of tomatoes 11 Amazing Health Benefits of Tomatoes

So, whilst possibly a rather boring looking plate of food to many, it sure as hell makes up for it in terms of nutritional value and benefit.


The weather is a little bit miffy outside today, so I decided that it would be a good day to stay indoors, but again, much like yesterday I have opted for slightly different location… my bed! Haha! As you can see, my cat Holly and I are slumming it together today, whilst I enjoy a nice hot cup of rooibos tea with Audrey after having my brunch ;)



As I sit here now, I am trying to decide what to make for dinner this evening and the magazine which I made use of as a backdrop for the above brunch photos lol is giving me a little bit of Winter inspiration…. Ironically, the random issue which I pulled from the pile of magazines sitting on top of the display cabinet just happened to be an old Winter issue, so has plenty yummy things to choose from, all of which are perfect for today’s weather….

This one has my attention – but I am still deciding what “carb free carb” to serve it with… perhaps some cauli rice! Have you ever tried cauli rice or cauli mash? Or… perhaps I could serve it with some zoodles and turn it into a “curried pasta”…. Hmmm… decisions decisions…. And we all know that NOTHING accompanies curry, pasta and cold weather better than a delicious glass of red wine! Yay! Haha!


I will be sure to share the cooking of whichever route I do decide to go for, in a post tomorrow.

It is almost time to go and fetch my little man from school, so I am going to sign off for now, because I want to catch up on a few other things before I leave.

Have a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious day everyone! MWAH!


Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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Oh, and if you wanna meet the
wannabe photographer in me...


Great choice. I love everything on the plate.... Audrey Hepren is great too. I used to watch all her movies on the movie channel when I watched television. She is classy.
Looks good to me resteemed

hehehe thanks hon! and yes - a TRUE lady!!!

That cheese on the plate looks suspiciously like... cheddar? :) Looking forward to that curried pasta recipe and post.

Correcto! You win..... a slice of cheese? :D

El-emmental, my dear Watson :D (ok, i'll take my coat now...)

flick lol

oh and I will be sure to share the recipe tomorrow :) (Did you edit that or am I just blind?) LOL

haha yeah, i did edit my first comment, adding to it :)

haha ok great! At least I know I wasn't seeing things ;)

You got me at Audrey Hepburn! LOL. So glad there are no celery sticks on that plate!

omg!!! hahahaha!!! As much as I love to COOK with celery, I cannot STAND it raw! lol

Me neither. I hate it raw and my mother used to put celery salt on everything. Urg!!! I only started using it in my cooking in Plumstead. I think I'd only just started growing up. LOL. Now I even have some in the garden! I am, though, quite careful what I put it in. Fabulous in a vegetarian jambalaya recipe I have.....

That sounds like some serious celery progress!!!! hahahaha!!! I love it in soups and stews! have definitely developed an appreciation for it cooked as the flavour it adds is wonderful.... although, having said that... I cook with the stalks and they say that on the mature plants, it is actually the leaves which hold most of the flavour!

Actually, on the soup celery which doesn't have such long stalks, there's flavour in everything. Check this out :D


OMG that looks DIVINE!!!!!! what is that? Butternut?

Yip, roasted. That was the veg option for one of the Sunday Suppers with lentils for the protein. I've also done it with chickpeas. Both work. Then this is how I presented the meat option - pork - slow cooked with plums

Daaaaaamn!!!!!!!! That really looks SO bloody good!!!! And just LOOOOOK at that pork @zord189 lol

Looks good @jaynie. Love how you snuck your beloved Rocket on there. I thought that was only for midnight snacks hahaha.

hahahaha @jusipassetti.... SADLY, I have had to reevaluate the approval of those midnight snacks lol - well, at least the salticrax part of them anyway LOL

Wow ! your colorful dinner make me mouth watering. This plate is suitable for my Diet plan. Thank you for your sharing how to eat healthy. Love it !!

Glad you found it appealing :) Thanks for stopping by and for sharing your thoughts :)

Snack type food right up my alley for lunch, love everything on that dish, quick easy and nourishing.

Will make you jealous, I have a curry tree in my garden (not the small bush), curry is great with fresh leaves. Coriander is a must on curry well for me it is, that dish looks good for roti dish.

BTW awesome photography and just love the cat all curled up into a winter ball of fluff.

I absolutely LOVE coriander @joanstewart and yes, I did add it in to yesterdays recipe. I have a bush of Vietnamese coriander in my garden which grows like a weed... a much more pungent flavour but wonderful in Thai curries too. Thanks for the lovely feedback and for stopping by. xxx

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