
omg!!! hahahaha!!! As much as I love to COOK with celery, I cannot STAND it raw! lol

Me neither. I hate it raw and my mother used to put celery salt on everything. Urg!!! I only started using it in my cooking in Plumstead. I think I'd only just started growing up. LOL. Now I even have some in the garden! I am, though, quite careful what I put it in. Fabulous in a vegetarian jambalaya recipe I have.....

That sounds like some serious celery progress!!!! hahahaha!!! I love it in soups and stews! have definitely developed an appreciation for it cooked as the flavour it adds is wonderful.... although, having said that... I cook with the stalks and they say that on the mature plants, it is actually the leaves which hold most of the flavour!

Actually, on the soup celery which doesn't have such long stalks, there's flavour in everything. Check this out :D


OMG that looks DIVINE!!!!!! what is that? Butternut?

Yip, roasted. That was the veg option for one of the Sunday Suppers with lentils for the protein. I've also done it with chickpeas. Both work. Then this is how I presented the meat option - pork - slow cooked with plums

Daaaaaamn!!!!!!!! That really looks SO bloody good!!!! And just LOOOOOK at that pork @zord189 lol

Hahahaha! You will have to visit and be here on a Sunday. LOL Just teasing....a year on, my plating skills have improved... :D

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