Just a moment to get REAL!!!... and to say YES PLEASE!!! to #ULOGS!

in #steemitbloggers6 years ago (edited)

I recently engaged with @denmarkguy in the comments section of one of his posts, or mine - I forget... ok no wait - let me go find that, because it's important lol

OK.... Found them! ...So, the first was a part of a comment on a post of mine My Steemit Blog is MY PLACE for FREEDOM and EXPRESSION! - and this is the part of the comment from @denmarkguy that holds relevance to what I am about to get to...


The other occassion which comes to mind, is a comment he made on my recent Ulog entry A Dynamic and (hopefully) Delicious Day! and this screenshot is the part that caught my attention...


@denmarkguy is a blogger which I REALLY respect and enjoy. He is the "ultimate authentic" and it is precisely that which I appreciate in his character . He speaks his mind and absolutely EVERYTHING he writes about holds relevance of some kind. But beyond that - he is HUMAN in the way he writes! He expresses daily passings, goals, obligations, ponderings, confusions and essentially everything that we ALL "internally process" but don't express outwardly.

Why am I telling you about this?

Well referring back to the one above screenshot, where @denmarkguy made comment:

That's why I love what Terry ( @surpassinggoogle ) is doing with the Ulog movement... whether he realizes, or not, taking us BACK to "the Internet of PEOPLE" rather than "The Internet of Information." The information end is already overstocked... we need the people factor back... and that's what we're doing here!

When I read that, I literally STOPPED - AND - WELL - STOPPED - SOME - MORE!

At the time of reading this, I had not done a Ulog... in fact, I had not even truly "explored" what it was all about... but it was that comment which made me do just that! Well, I was SOLD! Sold on what @denmarkguy had said and sold on the concept that this entire space needs to become more "humanized".

And so,

I hesitantly did my first ulog post and WELL - that felt GOOD!!!! hahaha!! And so, I did another one, and another... and another... ok ok Jayne - don't get ahead of yourself - you are only on Ulog 5 haha!


It was so good to just be able to "blog" and EXPRESS myself and MY LIFE!

And so... it got me thinking... this is a win win for EVERYONE really.... including the spammers, plagiarists and other irrits who are currently making the Steemit feed a visual dumping ground for "naked posts", stolen goods & effortless souls. NOW.... y'all can actually just WRITE about your daily life... and SHIT SON.... who knows - you may actually earn the time of day now that we can catch a glimpse of your life what it involves and who YOU are.... so there's that! lol!

But for me, I really just MUST say that I am absolutely loving not only the "creation" of my own ULOGS - but also the reading of others. Cyberspace is a place where we all spend a lot of time connecting. For some of us it is an hour or two a day, for some its a "periodic check in" and for others it is all they have in terms of communication and bond... and I just love how this concept brings "reality" into it.

I have always been one of those people that wanted friends that actually tell them when there is a snollie in my nose, or a piece of spinach stuck in my tooth! That is REAL! Those people are true friends! They see you in your true form and they love you irrespective! I feel the same about this ULOG concept.

It allows you to be YOU - say it like it is! It is YOUR DIARY!

And by doing that, you will naturally attract those that resonate with you!

As an example, I read a ULOG pose earlier today by @snowpea which I simply loved to it's core! It was so bloody REAL! Nothing is more attractive and appealing than authenticity!!!!

This is the ULOG I am referring to....

Ulog #9: A Swallowed Tooth, A Friend In Danger, And Some Other Randoms

Honestly worth a read... if you like "the real deal".... which I do!

Anyhoo.... I am rambling! My point is... I think it is about time we all stopped trying to "post perfectly" and just started being real with one another in what we write! - I have no doubt that we have all got plenty of knowledge and daily lessons to share that we could all pretty much solve all of each of our respective life issues through post and comment engagement alone. Trust me - WHATEVER you are going through.... it is NOT as unique as you think - there is ALWAYS someone who can relate and translate and if we all started to open up, we may suddenly be presented with not only an interwebs of REALISM but an endless support structure and source of motivation.

The concept of ULOGS, is like having a public journal with an infinite support and motivational crew attached to it. lol What more could we ask for?! lol

Just a thought..... (or ten haha!).... as you were ;)

Oh and PS. The "seductive" header image (for those that have gotten this far lol) was in the hopes that the "shallow" individuals who DO tend to spam this place with CRAP, will ACTUALLY take a read... (just maybe haha) and then learn something useful for their way forward haha!!! Wishful thinking? maybe.... maybe not... lol

Header Image Credit

Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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Steemit Bloggers

Oh, and if you wanna meet the
wannabe photographer in me...


I finally got around to writing my first Ulog today @jaynie. I found the posts "advertising" them to be a bit confusing to be honest. In fact I've written many Ulogs since I've been here I just didn't call them that. 😊

Then with others writing their own ulogs with their explanations of what is was all about I realised it was simpler than I thought, so since my last post was about how I was tackling clearing some clutter today I made it into my first Ulog.

I'm looking forward to doing more as I prefer this sort of writing to informative stuff.

Glad to hear you're enjoying it too! 😍

yes, it is just good 'ol fashioned journal entries with a "new name" - but in order to connect with the majority and to move with the times, we must adapt and evolve I suppose haha.... yes it is loads of fun, as you know well. Shit man, I have been ULOGGING since I was 9 hahaha - except my ulog was a book and it had a lock and a key LOL :)

except my ulog was a book and it had a lock and a key LOL 😂

I had one of those too @jaynie. In fact I think I've still got it. I stopped writing my diary when my brother died and never took it up consistently again.

:( sorry for your loss...

Glad to see you exploring the upgraded version though.... hehe xxx

Hi @jaynie - I'm a ulogger and enjoy it!! Followed you.

Lovely to meet you @paradise-found :) Saw your DM on discord... am about to hit dinner and crash so will get back to you tom if thats all good xxxx

Sleep well. Talk to you tomorrow. Bear Hugs!!

I'm so honored that you mentioned my post! :D Real it was, but thinking back maybe a little on the negative for some readers lol! Being authentic also means being vulnerable, but here on Steemit it's easy, because of all the amazing people who accept each other. :)

@denmarkguy is so right when he said Ulogs are all about an internet of people. Ulogs might even outnumber crypto articles soon! Nothing against crypto articles though haha. ;)

You complemented my writing style in the comments of my post, and I would like to complement yours as well. Your writing style is very fun and enjoyable to read! Much love ❤

Being authentic also means being vulnerable

SPOT ON!!!! @snowpea and that is a massive part of what makes good reading!

It really was my absolute pleasure to make mention of your post and thank you too for the compliment on my writing :)


OK @jaynie! Sorry I'm a little slow. Help me out. What's a ULOG? I've seen them and kind of get it, but what's it truly about?

just a "dear diary, this was my day" for the 21st century childrens @rwedegis hehehe :)

Thanks @jaynie! I'll have to give it a try. Just no sure who I'll put to sleep first... me or my reader! LOL!

no matter!! and tha'ts the best part! - it's YOUR ramble! Trust me, it will always appeal to someone... and if your food and photography posts are anything to go by... everyone will remain awake LOL!

You're sooooo sweet! Thank you so much!

I must admit I noticed a lot of ulog news and post, but never took the time to check out what it wqs all about.
After reading your post, I'm tempted to find out more, though. It'll be first on my to-do list tomorrow :0)

Cool Beans!! :)

It's times like these I wish I had a double upvote button ;) <333 love, love, love @jaynie! Reiki Hugs!!!!

hehehehe!!! thanks love MWAH!

Glad I read this.... ULOG is why I joined Steemit and I have been harping about that ad nauseam through many comments , replies and posts. When the 'cognescenti' write reams and reams about 'quality' and 'authentic' and 'value add' posts are required to raise Steemit up I want to puke. Quality is subjective and I joined to interact with normal people in different countries about their daily lives, cultures cuisine.....definitely cuisine ..... and to me THAT is quality ... but it would never get you on the 'trending' page.
I shal meander over to ULOG late this evening and check it out

It's the Internet of People.

It's not about quality, it's about value. Did a person share something that touched me, somehow? Taught me, made me laugh, made me empathize, made me sad, made me angry... did they leave a little piece of themselves on the table... rather than just a bunch of "word soup" serving no purpose other than fuel a misguided hope that someone might give them "money for nothing?

"Trending" is generally just all those people walking by the windows so they can watch their own artificially created images reflected in the glass...

Two weeks ago I made this response to a @markymark post which had many replies advocating 'quality' and 'relevance' and other cr@ppy words....

I keep reading "Excellent" and "Good" content ...... but what criteria or characteristics does a post require to meet these subjective labels? The 'Trending' page is full of cr@p posts (by my subjective evaluation) and yet there are many Steemians toiling each day producing what I believe is 'quality' content for no or extremely little reward. Two examples I can think of offhand are @jaynie and @mrprofessor ... now these are not 'Self Improvement Blogs' or 'How to make a million dollars in Crypto' or some other life changing thesis ... but what I expect from the Steemian community .. sharing of cultures, lifestyle, cuisine and just general human interaction.
In my opinion, Bidbots and Curation Bots are killing the platform as they keep the vote pool focussed on the same group of assigned people, irrespective of what that person posts. So how does a 'newbie' get traction if a 'machine' or line of code is doing the voting?
Secondly, the 'New' page has a retention of about 40 second before a post has disappeared. So getting noticed is pretty damn random. I know it is possible to click a tag and then new but that is not instinctive. It would be good if one could 'subscribe' to TAGS such as 'Music' 'Cooking' 'Food' etc. and then when in your profile and you select 'new' it gives a dropdown to your selected tags and one can then navigate to all the new 'food', 'music' etc.
I have been here two years and still manually curate and try greet new users but it is becoming a 'zero sum' game.

I wholeheartedly agree with you @themagus - there are MANY ways in which Steemit can and should be improved, but until that time comes, I suppose it is up to us to do what we can to make a "manual shift". I am somewhat of a die hard in that respect... I will push and push and push no matter how crappy things are...

Thank you so much for that mention too. What a compliment. xxx

I could not agree more!!!! @themagus And when you do eventually get there - I hope it presents something a little less... um, well... you know what I mean ;)

I gave your mom a bit of a rev ..... as regards her vinyl collection. So far no response....

hehehe @themagus - no doubt she is fast asleep by now :) I will be sure to check her to check it tomorrow hahahaha!!! (also.... you know, these parentals and technology lol)

I was grinning when I wrote that.... I can just see the 'WTF?' expression on her face

hahahahaha!!!! nah shes got a good sense of humour ;) has she replied yet? lol I see her tomorrow... will give her a lecture lol!!!

Errrr, I think she missed the point (but please dont tell her :) )

hahahaha I will need to go take a look at this lol :)

Aw shucks @jaynie... now I'm feeling all bashful and blushing! You're too kind!

But you have my attention (a little late) and I'm delighted to see you also got Terry's attention, which is brilliant because we're all the voices that can help make this a better world for ALL of us to live in. And we do that by working together... not in some giant circlejerk, but by relating and supporting each other... even if just to say "I hear you, and I get it..."

It's all a marvelous "back to basics" thing; back to the journal you started when you were nine; the one I started when I was thirteen... and so many others. We realized back then — as we do today — that we had words to be said.

And now... we're sharing those words here.

What IS this "authenticity" thing? It's committing to writing something very close to the discussion/conversation/debate we might be having if we were sitting on your back porch with a glass of wine. It's a flow; it's not trying to "be something" or teaching someone how to boil an egg.

It's LIFE.


@denmarkguy Your eloquence with words never ceases to amaze me!!! And yes!!! That is PRECISELY it.

No need to get all rosy cheeked haha - I chose to highlight what you said because it really MEANT something to me and in essence YOUR style of writing is precisely THAT which Terry has reignited in others.

And yes, it is... LIFE! It should never feel or read as forced.

hehehe funny how i was just writting something relating to this, i will defitiely add a piece of your write up, and that of @denmarkguy, my post should be up withing 24hrs, or 48.. whenever i can get it done .

also what a coincidence that you spoke about @@@snowpea , after i just finished leaving a comment on hers. the part where she spoke about her previous Ulogs being dumb and i told her to keep on because they were great reads and they were about her, that's what makes them interesting, that's what makes them YOUlogs. F.... perfections.

i loved reading this too. i am your latest subbie.. looking forward to reading more of your YOUlogs.

@purpletanzanite Ha! A lot of coincidence in there, sheesh! :)

Agreed re. @snowpea... and Ulogs - to hell with perfection. Real is s much more interesting :)

Thank you so much for all the positive expression and I look forward to reading your post :)

When I read the headline of this Blog I was Shocked.
Because past few days were good for me and I got a chance to read few awesome blogs.
I recently joined Steemit. It's less than a month on Steemit. I love to read more and more real blogs/story written by content writer.
I read the another blog about that you are talking here.
And really that was a one on the best blog. I read exactly the same things as people are thinking around me. Everyone want to live life as same way but it's hard to live freely. I feel people are living such a world where they are slave of their own desires. People never want to leave their desires and desires makes them unhappy and Slave.
And they don't know how to exit.

Now comes on this blog so I think Steemit is the best platform where we can meet people who were enthusiasm for blogging and writing content But content writing or blogging is not an easy task. I read few of @denmarkguy blogs.

There are lots of post on Steemit but hardly few blogs are with good content yet Steemit is a good platform for blog readers and blog/content writers.

Thanks @jaynie to introduce about few good content/blog writer like @denmarkguy

Only a pleasure and thank you for taking the time to read it. Also glad you found some other nice content to read :)

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