I Don't Like NAKED Posts! (A small rant...)

in #rant6 years ago

I was getting into writing a post about the neuro-psychology of abuse and violence, but ended up suddenly sidetracked.

Maybe I've already said this before... but I just really don't like "Naked" content.

Yeah, I'm WATCHING you...

No, I'm not talking about topless girls or guys doing the Full Monty... I'm talking about photos, and video clips, and memes and other stuff where the original poster just can't be freakin' bothered to write even ten words to let us know why the frak their "content" was worth posting.

I'm not asking for f*cking "War and Peace" here!

"I saw this dog, and it was really cute and reminded me of my childhood puppy." is perfectly adequate.

Simply the post heading "Dog" and a picture... not so much. It's sloppy, it's lazy, and it's annoying. And it clutters up the already pretty meaningless Internet with even more meaninglessness.

Flower from our garden...

And I don't really care if you're from Baklaliviatatlaglooshenstein and "have no English;" there's something called "Google Translate" and it does a damn fine job on pretty much all languages, including yours. Certainly enough to translate a 15-word caption that says "This is my all-time favorite song, it makes me happy everytime I hear it!" on your video post.

Remember, Steemit is a SOCIAL site. 

And "social" means you should make at least a rudimentary attempt at interaction. As in, communication with your audience. Yeah, that!

OK, I'm done now. Go back to whatever you were doing... but please remember "Just say NO to Naked Posts!

We now return to our regularly scheduled programming.

How about YOU? If this post wasn't directly aimed at you and made you squirm a little, as a result... what's YOUR take on "naked" photos, videos, sound files, memes and such? Are you OK with them, or does it seem a bit lazy? Or like someone is just trying to piggyback on someone else's content, with no effort? Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- be part of the conversation!

Animated banner created by @zord189

(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Created at 180715 19:43 PDT


Aww get outta my head

Uhhh ya

It's sloppy, it's lazy, and it's annoying.

hahahaha! I had such a good giggle at that! I think this is the first time I have seen a little steam coming out your ears @denmarkguy hehehe ;) but you are so right! I honestly just shake my head in despair at posts like that (if you can even call them posts!) lol!

And another thing... aside from the option of Google translate they could also write those few words in their own language too.

@jaynie, you know I tend to be pretty calm and Zen with most stuff... on the other hand, you're one of the hardest workers around here, and I've been busting my chops here for a long time, and I just reach my limits on this kind of "exploitation." But because that's pretty much what it is... once you take whatever wrapping of excuses and apologetics there may be away.

In many ways, I'm all onboard with the whole "freedom" thing... and the ideology that sits behind the sort of "Anarcho Capitalism" that has a heavy influence here on Steemit.

The problem with ideologies is that they generally only exist in isolated bubbles and think tanks... and forget such human things as "psychology" and "greed" and "sociopathy." By all means, let's hand out freedom on a plate, but understand that doing so also results in a denial of freedom, even if indirectly.

However when this "freedom" for ALL ends up resulting in the freedom handed to greedy sociopaths impinging on the freedom granted to a "tribe" with *different" values ("one bad apple can ruin the batch"), then what kind of "freedom" is that, actually?

I know I'm preaching to the choir, here... so this little rant isn't directed AT you, just offered as a follow-up!

The last burst that needed to come out... hahahaha!!! And all absolutely 200% true! I have my rant days too as you know well ;) LOL - nothing wrong with that... it's called being REAL :)

I'm not a visual person; I prefer writing and text.
I just saw a post the other day by @cizzo about crap posts earning SO much and quality posts earning pennies, if lucky. His post made me smile and nod my head in agreement; as did yours.

Take those posts to instagram, Twitter or somewhere else... I know everyone can post what they want... but c'mon.. give me some sustenance to feed my brain and soul.

And it becomes the age old argument @goldendawne, one I've watched ever since I started here... some people care that content here should have "value" (and that's subective) while others don't care... they see whatever you post here merely as a "marker" or "gateway" to tweak the system for rewards; essentially, "content" is merely a vehicle for "mining" Steem.

Even though that angle of approach to getting Steem would typically suggest you set up and run a witness... but who am I?

If the "cash miners" end up dominating the landscape, this site WILL go away. The chances are approximately... 100%. And many people don't actually care. "Durability" and "sustainability" is not part of their landscape; they will merely move to the next opportunity and do the same thing.

I happen to be a long-term thinker and operator; I don't think of the world in terms of short term "exploitive hops." But that's just me.

Haha..take it easy on me..I am new here...so was just wondering what naked post means..
After reading the whole post one thing's for sure - I am never putting a naked post haha...

Hi Alice, welcome to Steemit!

From looking at your first two posts, I don't think you are even close to what I was talking about here! You look to already be well on your way, so no worries.

I hope you enjoy your time here with us!

Thank you so much for the warm welcome...
Really nice meeting you...I really like this platform...
Have a great day ahead...

howdy sir denmarkguy! yes sir, naked posts are everywhere and got alot worse, it seems anyway, when prices went down. I find it irritating and a waste of time. A photo and a couple of sentences, is that a post?
If it's a hilarious meme or photo then ok I get it, it could be fun but that's rare also.
you've been on here forever, is the quality the same or better or worse than a year ago?
thank you sir.. a fine, non-naked post!

@janton, I suppose it all depends on what we're here for.

Compared to a year ago, a lot of people now are just here as part of a broad based "money grab." A year ago... basically till Steem started spiking, price-wise, there were still a lot of idealistic people here, hoping this could become a social media game changer.

Many of us are still here, but in the meantime I think a lot of the more recent arrivals (present company excepted) are more oriented towards finding ways to get "money for nothing."

I have no basic issue with short posts, memes, photos and so on... what I have an issue with is obvious "zero effort/zero originality." My inclination is to ask "why bother?"

The answer to which, of course, is "because I can get paid." And that's the ONLY thing of interest to many people.

Don't get me wrong, I like to get paid, too. But I prefer to get paid for "something" I perceive might actually add some value to someone's day/life, somewhere.

yes sir @denmarkguy..well you certainly are one of the best bloggers/writers/authors who definitely put out great quality content and add to the value everyday.
This platform is still a social media game changer is it not?

I think it's still a game changer @janton... I'm hopeful more people will settle into the idea that this really could be a long term contender and a way for people to get rewarded for social content. But... with that idea standing apart from some notion that this is either just a "cash grab" OR that putting up social content is somehow "how to make a living" for everyone. Because it's not. Can a lot of people get on Steemit and get paid enough for an occasional pizza? Sure! Can a lot of people come on here and turn it into "their job?" Not a hope in hell! The number of people being able to turn this into a life might be... 0.01% of the total membership. IF that...

Anything much more than that is pretty much delusion and pie in the sky.

So we need to sell a different paradigm to the world. NOT "Get on Steemit and get rich!" but "Being on Steemit is a LOT better than being on facebook... where you'll be rewarded absolutely NOTHING. What's better? $100 here, or $0.00 there?"

Unfortunately, a lot of people would rather live in a fantasy world of their own making, than reality...

howdy today @denmarkguy! well sir, I agree with everything you said with the only question being: can this become a good money maker if the price goes up to $100 or even $1000?
Then you could make some money right?
thank you sir for your thoughts and wisdom.

Honestly, I don't know what "a good money maker" looks like.

Disregarding whether or not the Facebook social media model is "exploiting" people or not, we know that the "value" of a social media account's content is about $20 +/- a year. That's a matter of public record you can extract from Facebook's public statement filings as a public corporation.

Assuming, for a moment, that we want to stay within the realms of "reality," then we shouldn't really expect the "average account" on Steemit to have a value much above $20 a year, either.

Now, that number is skewed by the fact that the vast majority of social media accounts are — in fact — inactive or almost inactive. The old 90/10 rule is pretty much in effect: 90% of the content is created by 10% of the accounts.

So now we are perhaps playing with the average active account being worth maybe $180 a year, in terms of the value created.

Of course, there will be a vast activity range among those top 10%. Someone like you, who can crank out almost 1000 comments a week will end up at the extreme top end of the pile, assuming this remains a "meritocracy," to some degree.

So to answer your question... this could be a "good money maker," to you but not necessarily to a lot of other people. But still, the question remains: What is "good?"

For a while, I was doing "well" on now defunct content site Squidoo; regularly hanging out among the top 500 users on a site that was (at the time) ranked among the top 100 sites, worldwide. Even so, my best months got me maybe $1200 a month. That was pretty close to "elite" when it comes to blogging, but still pretty much minimum wage, as compared to being a software engineer, for example.

I don't know if that comes close to answering your question contextually, but I hope so.

howdy today @denmarkguy! I'm so thankful that I found you because you have so much knowledge of this type of business or side hustle or whatever we call it. I guess true writers and authors like you call it your Passion and the world is blessed because of it, too bad the income hasn't been there but there is some room for hope.

As for Steemit it all comes down to the value of Steem and the growth in numbers for Steemit, all we have to do is wait for Steem to reach $2000! lol.
thank you so much sir, yes you answered my question so masterfully.

OK, so that's an exception.
A very solid post that pretty much speaks for itself.
Congratulations, sir...

Thank you.
since the irony of the robotic reply was not considered appropriate I was forced to eschew all things metallic...an iron post just wouldn't do.

I considered stone...but I'm not a fan of cannabis..
so PostOak had to do.

Works for me.
Of course, these days with all the "transmission error" and "Gateway Busy" messages, you sometimes end up with this...

ha, ha, ha @everittdmcikey. That's hilarious. I am obviously easily please! 😂

Certainly enough to translate a 15-word caption that says "This is my all-time favorite song, it makes me happy everytime I hear it!" on your video post.

"Note to myself" Reduce the amount of babbling in my posts till the point they looks 'naked enough' so @denmarkguy writes a nice article about my 'nude & raw' content trying at least a rudimentary attempt to get rid of soliloquies and increase interaction on my blog through his cool recommendations. }:)

I have no issues with your philosophical dissertations, friend @por500bolos! Seems to me you have your own personal style dialed in pretty well!

Besides, you've been perusing this place even longer than I have, so my guess is you actually know the "corridors" of Steemit better than I do....

Thank you mate for your always well appreciated upvote and encouraging wise comment. :)

Yeah! I know I must have my own personal style dialed in pretty well here my friend. That's the reason about why I always follow and read your posts. Your experienced, clever & more chill out and calmer approach to tell the 'thangs' always have given me new ideas and inspiration to aboard new issues & subjects from new perspectives. Although, I'm afraid, lately, looks like I'm the one who is infecting you too with my more squeaking tone and shrill style. LoL

Oh! and of course that I've seen and I know about an awful lot of steemit's corridors, catacombs and all its secrets already. I am a very edgy, restless, experimental and curious beast ¿you know?. And I suspect that most of the community knows it too. So I guess that's where my eternal soliloquy comes from. Nobody seems very interested in pulling my tongue too much. };)

Here's a GEM for you @denmarkguy lol (sorry, I could not help myself) hahaha!


Oh wow, yes @jaynie!

There's a person with a serious plan! I'm truly impressed... such a cornucopia of nonsense I'm virtually gobsmacked. An image snatched from the public domain, titled (literally translated from French) "Landscape" and a number, then naked (no description) and this person posts an endless daily stream of these... which earn precisely what they are worth: pretty much NOTHING.

But wait, there's more! If you order NOW.... at about day 3.8 (the "age limit" for many bots is 4 days) this person then pays a bidbot to bid this shit up to somewhere between $3 and $15 per post. Stunning. A bit like watching a strip mining machine crawl its way through your neighbourhood!

GEM is right!

WAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Almost spat my coffee all over the screen LOL!!!

And a healthy reputation score of (61)!

Based on "gaming the system"?

That used to be called cheating.

Steemit is a SOCIAL site.

Did you become a bot, Everitt?

aw..you missed it.
a bot saying that Steemit is a social site?
the irony..the irony.

Ah well... I took it in a different direction and thought perhaps you'd defected to "the Dark Side."
All in jest, mind you...

well I AM contra-circadia-rhythmatic.
does that count?

Unless, of course, a photo is very good. Such photos are best left uncommented.

Well, it's a little different when you're sharing your own professional level photography, rather than some "cute snapshot" nabbed off the web...

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