Celebrating 1000 followers!! Thank you! if you are not a bot lol say HI. Fun Engagement experiment!

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)


How did you get to know me? Let me know!!!

So I joined on January but been active since February, feels like forever :) but here I am, and we are celebrating first 1000 followers on Steemit... Are you Real??

I am aware that many followers ( I do not even like that word much) may be bots but if you are real, let's make this little engagement experiment... Would you mind saying hi? or how you found me here? :)
I am aware that out of those first 1000 not all are active, or even real followers... thus this little challenge :) Just post a greeting and if you may how you found me here on Steemit :)

Is there real engagement on Steemit?

I know some of you are... I've made some lovely friends in this little while, it's been a rollercoaster of an experience and I'm grateful to each one of YOU. But out of curiosity and a little "stats" experiment if you read this and care to post a simple "hi" or even dare to reply to the question, how did you stumble upon my steemit account?
I am aware this challenge is risky but I will not be discouraged :)

So what's up next?

What would you like to see? more live broadcasts, more music? more art... ? photography? maybe vlog?
I have seen the prizes rise and sink several times... I've surfed through... still encouraged thanks precisely to those ones of you that are becoming my steemit friends. Because at the end a number is just a number

The support of a small significant group of people who care is more than enough :). I love you all!

Picture of me taken by my partner @hedac last Sunday when hiking. Today is #thursdaygreen after all
And here another from last Sunday :) in one of my favourite places :).

water nymph - by priscilla Hernandez (yidneth.com).jpg

Steepshot_footer2.PNG Steepshot IPFS IOS Android Web

Priscilla Hernandez
singer-songwriter & illustrator

  • You can also join my discord where we chat during the live Dlive performances (usually on Tuesdays)

I'm totally a bot but I'm gonna say hi anyyyyyyway....
how did we meet? Well.. once there was this old garage and had dusty stuff in it and lots of musicians hung out there and played songs and such.. and one day you walked in and sprinkled fairy dust in my eyes and I have been enchanted ever since.
And cannot believe it has been nearly 20 years. we must have hopped into a time machine somewhere along the way and arrived here at warp speed. That's the only way I can fathom where the time went.

I love the picture of you floating in the water, it's so magical, you are like Ophelia but with life inside you instead of death. Magical magical magical.

Love you, sister!
Congrats on 1,000 smart cookies who have good taste in magic! Even we bots know you're groovy.


Ohhh I am not Ophelia but an Undine... :) oh those humans pretending to be fae and you see what happens, they drown lol (just kidding)
Serena bot you are the cutest bot ever, and you give cookies and encourage me always, you are always so welcome.
You are very real to me 💓

I am not a bot! Congrats on 1000 followers! I always really enjoy your posts and stumbled upon your account when you flew into @helpie and floored us all with your insane musical talent 💕

awww thanks for the encouragement and for the chick pics and glad you're not a bot, cos you're not, aren't you?

Hi @yidneth, congrats for your achievements!
I have been busy lately, but I always try to make time to enjoy the artistic way you use to combine a lot in 1 blog, your music, your stories, and specially the photography (I know this we will have to credit @hedac).

I found you for the very first time during the curation lounge under Whaleshares Discord Server!

Take care and keep moving forward!

Awww thanks. Part of what I mine in this account will be to get hector a drone for filming, just cant afford it still. He always help me and it helps he is an amazing photographer, hoping he shares also his music which is amazing. I plot and edit mine though so I do my part preparing garments, concepts and locations and post edit. It is pretty much teamwork. We do need to upgrade gear and make more videos. And he has an insanely amount of amazing songs, videos and photos he is too lazy to share? Ahem hector! We need that drone! Post!!

Elcr thanks for NOT being a bot, for caring about animals and our planet home. And big hugs to @evecab too
How are the rescued kitten doing?

thanks @yidneth =) The kittens are sick, so not so good. I hope we can get them healthy and adopted soon... thanks for asking!! and congrats to 1000 followers =)

I absolutely love the second pic! That water looks amazing. I'm pretty sure the first time I came across you was at PYPT, but it could've been somewhere else. It was love at first sight, of course, lol! We share so many interests and talents, and a love/respect/connection to nature of course. So glad you're here!!! ((hugs))

Aw thanks Katrina, that was last Sunday... It was freeeeeeeeeeezing... but it did me so good. You know, green healing. Glad you're here too (and not a bot hahaha)

I always felt we kind of had a similar path on Steem. Started at the same time, had a very similar growth rate, part of the same groups, doing music... etc... hehe.
Im glad you finally got to the 1000 Follower mark for whatever it might mean. hehe. But its a number and we should be happy about any milestone.
Lets be honest, youtube isnt much different when it comes to subscribers.
Next up... 1000SP mark! Get it Yid :D

As you say it is just a number though provided a fun excuse to ask this :). You know what... for any weird reason you said walking the same path, and I feel that women in music in Steemit is so strongly represented :). And you'll find it funny but you mentioned walking a similar path and I was picturing us all walking on a lane Buckaroo banzai ending credits style XD It's a very geeky old movie (an analog thing would be Bee gees walking ahead boldly ) hahaha XD it made me giggle :)

Same to you goddess! all the best!

Haha.. I try to say this always when ever someone makes the claim that women are poorly represented or somehow disenfranchised on Steem. We have as much of an opportunity here as anyone else.

I just watched the trailer for Buckaroo Banzai and it seems super fun. The actors i love every one of them. haha.
Gonna watch it right now. :D

Hahaha it's a weird movie from the 80s but it has some glorious weird moments... There is a quote from that movie that is absolutely brilliant



If you look in youtube for buckaroo credits you'll know what I meant with my mental image hahha it just came there XD with us, you Serena, I, lilly, Isaria, bonnie, seriously all of us in that fashion.... hahahah Don't ask me why, I giggled aloud :)

There a rather solid girl power in the platform I believe

rock on sis!

Woohoo. Congrats to 1k followers. Keep up your good work. I like your voice and the art you do.

Congratulations, it's a great feeling crossing the 1000 followers milestone.

Aww thank you. Glad you are real too lol giggles! I know many will be bots but this post felt sweet and encouraging. It is just a number but felt like a milestone achieved. Thanks for the kind support always. I just came back from hiking and of course another cold bath in the river. Tired snd smiling. Very inspired too. thank you

Hi - no bot here :) - I think I heard your beautiful voice first at the open mic :)- Congratz to 1000 followers! I don't like this word either ...we should create another word ;)

Yes, I never liked the world fan, follower... then friends kind of seems too personal though some of you eventually become of course... I wonder... but yes the world follower implies "to follow" someone and I'm not leading anything, I'm just creating a space to share my dreams with you and I'm glad to whoever find the way to encourage me to share them :) thanks! I need to enter again open mic :)

I love your posts, pictures, music and costumes.

You really bring excellent content to steemit, and help to share the beauty of this world through your lenses.

I found you either through PYPT, Steem Star Network, or maybe MSPWaves. I believe it was Isariahs music show... hard to say.

Thanks for being.

Awww that's very sweet and thanks for all the kind encouragement :)

Getting to know you through the PYPT.
I am just not great at the comments.

ohhh no problem, :) you're definitely not a robot :) and I know who you are :) XD thanks for making the effort :) you're very welcome :)

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