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RE: Is Steemit Run Like a Third World Country?

in #steemit7 years ago

Oh my god. I never even heard of a bot. Sounds so techy. ugggg. How do I figure this out now. my goodness. This whole thing has been overwhelming for me. I just got my first smart phone a couple months ago. And joined Facebook like 2 years ago and never post on there. I'm like a real freak of nature, all I've done my whole adult life is travel and teach English. That's all I know. Ok. I'll have to spend some time learning this bot thing now.

Thank you for taking me under your wing. I'm like the least ignorant person you could meet in person. But on steemit, and computer land I'm a total ignoramus. So thank you for your help in every way, seems as if I certainly need it.

@biglipmama has been helping me along and I've given her some insight into my negativity and why. Here what I just replied to her.

"Thank you so much. Appreciate it. I have some more insight into the platform from my perspective and why I got so negative. Maybe it's something useful for you to consider when talking to the higher ups.

Basically I read a lot about steemit and watched videos too, all about how the platform works BEFORE I signed up. A common theme that I picked up on, is that if you post quality good informative work then you will succeed, and you will have post after post make good money and a growing following......end of story. That's it. I was reading and seeing that over and over.

That is not the reality of the platform. That more or less was a straight up lie. I don't like being bait and switched. The reality is that posting good info and content is not the recipe to success here. You NEED to go onto other peoples blogs and comment on their stuff, whether you are interested or not. I don't recall reading that as being part of the recipe to success when I started here.

I feel like I now have to be almost a phony and spend my whole day commenting on other people blogs as if I'm interested. Even if I am interested, I prefer other forms of entertainment away from my computer screen.

So for me to learn that I now am going to spend the whole day on my computer commenting on others stuff so I can succeed on here was not what I anticipated from the start. I now have accepted it and will do what I can. But that is the cold hard truth from my experience from before I even signed up.

Hope you understand a little better about where my confusion and negativity has come from.

On a more positive note. I have enjoyed the friends I've made and the back and forth penpal style relationships, and especially the real life meet ups with @luczypher in Mexico, and @fitinfun in Bangkok. So for me that has been a bonus worth appreciating. I sincerely enjoy the growing friendship that you and I now have. Thank you again for your help and encouraging words! :)

Truly yours- Dan"


Yeah it kinda is a bait and switch, though kinda not. The judgement of "good quality content" is a subjective one made by the community. This means steem is more an attention economy - though there are efforts to change this.
The upvote bots are many. I like @randowhale and @minnowbooster and @resteembot. I'll spot you some of their upvotes on a future post of yours so you can see how they work.
But, once you get to the point you have reliable earnings from your posts, then probably stop using the upvote bots because their comment spam is a bit off-putting gor your audience.

Thanks again for keeping up with me and having my back. I'm no longer bitter and disturbed by the platform, now that I understand it so well. Bait and switch or whatever. The problem is that the recipe to success on I've never seen spelled out to me like I've concluded.

Without you, @twinner, @karenmckersie, @lukestokes, @flipstar, @lucyzher and other dolphin and whales noticing me, I would have surely left the system. But now that I truly understand that if you want to make money and get noticed, you need backers with steempower, and their powerful votes. So thank you for backing me. I look at i now as basically being sponsored, like a skateboarder and a clothing line. You are one of my sponsors! Thank you!

I can give you the most perfect example too. @diabolika had this one whale who must of thought she was cute or something. So he resteemed like everything she wrote for her first two weeks. She was kicking ass and making money. Then suddenly he stopped resteeming her stuff. You can see her earnings plummet the moment he started ignoring her. She admitted to me she went from flying high to banging her head against a wall instantly.

So like you said. A third world country is about who you know to get ahead. Got it and have accepted it. I'm happy to know you! So thank you so much for your help and support.

I've been socializing with the whales. They are really nice good people. One has over 700k in steem we have a lot in common. He's now following me and will likely have my back too on here which would be great.

I get it though. They have invested in the platform, they should have clout of who succeeds. But as a newbie, you have to reach out to them or you're just lost in the trash heap of minnows.

With my new understanding and perspective of the platform, you just have to play ball with the big boys on here, so I am. I can already see it reflecting in my earnings.

So that is my new approach to steemit. That is the key that nobody talks about. That is something I never read. All you read is good content and you will succeed. But it's all about networking with the 1% along with quality work. Now that I've cracked the steemit code, I think I'll be successful on here.

Thanks again for the bot info and your support. I'll surely look into when I find the time. Maybe as the one percent you should make things easier on yourself, and pick 20 minnow authors and religiously support them. Cut and dry, clean and simple. Might make things easier on yourself too. Just a thought.

I'll surely be in-touch



Good suggestion. I've sponsored a few contests targetted at minnows and have delegated SP to a few minnows who are particularly active community builders. I also sponsor three different bots that are targetted at minnows. Right now I'm working in my own income producing bots and those will reinvest a back into my minnow building enterprises. I'll unveil another community initiative later. Others things going on too. Quite busy actually. Tomorrow I present ideas about marketing in steem to some digital marketers. That should see more vslue flow into the community - without corrupting it with ads.
Not really leaving myself much time to write.
Good on you for networking with the whales. I don't think many want to keep this a third world economy, but neither are they charities and they don't need to be.

You are a shining light in the steemit community. Had no idea how active you are to make this place "first world". So interesting to learn from someone like you that knows the technology.

I'm About to post some fun info about the incredible value of the resorts here in Ko Phe Ngan, Thailand. Wait until you see the beachfront place I'm staying at for as little as 9 dollars a night for a fan room.

Then another one about Ecuador being an up and coming country in South America.

Keep up the great work!


You've got the X-factor!

Very informative.

This is so impressive.

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