1st Year on SteemIt - Decentralization, What does it mean?

in #steemit7 years ago

 * Photo: Carsten Koall/Getty Images  

Hey Everyone, I've made it through the first year on SteemIt, and I am happy to have the experience.  I've met a lot of great people, learned a lot about crypto and earned a bit of stake.  

When I signed up for SteemIt a year ago, there were certain topics Steamian's love to talk about.

  1. The Trending Page
  2. Stake distribution
  3. Where the money comes from
  4. Tone Vays
  5. The price of Steem
  6.  The Dollar Vigilante 
  7. Sock-Puppets
  8. Flags
  9. Quality Content
  10. Other Cryptos

And... here we are.

On day 364, (yesterday) I thought about decentralization and what it means.  I've always been an advocate of Freedom and I have a built-in dislike of authority, for the sake of authority.  However, until SteemIt, I had never really conceived what it would be like to try to live and accomplish goals in a decentralized manner.  Let's face it, I was born into a middle class family in the USA, and I earned a living in Corporate America, so Centralization is what I know how to do.

I thought about Decentralization in terms of personal responsibility and more specifically, who's job is it to clean up the obvious spam, market SteemIt, build SteemIt, and promote SteemIt. If any of that needs to be done at all.  I guess each one of us has a responsibility for all of it.  

Even after a year I find the relationship between SteemIt, Inc. and the stake holders confusing.  I'm used to having deadlines and a board to answer to, quarterly meetings with the stock holders, I can't say I know how this is supposed to work.  I don't get the impression anyone else does either.  I sometimes think the prevailing influencers are attempting to automate socialization.  This is assuming a social media site is still somewhere on the list of things we are trying to accomplish.  

So, as I look at year two, I am still interested in the experiment and it really does feel like an experiment.  I don't know if I will gain a sense of direction.  Until then, I will watch and likely blog about my observations.

My view of our story is that we are an educational platform bridging the gap between mainstream and the crypto-world -- someone else called Steem the gateway crypto.  I focus on the diverse community positioned around the Globe who have all managed to figure out how to use this crypto in real-life situations, to finance real-life needs, save, trade, etc. .  We have a real story, a unique story that is unusual in the crypto space.  We have a community of people, earning, spending, trading Steem, and a platform to brag about it.  If we manage to keep the platform growing, I believe the rest will take care of it's self.  If there are eyes, investors and advertisers will come, with or without development.  

See you on the blockchain



Your last paragraph is good. We only need steemit inc, to solve onboarding issue. The rest will level out more or less by itself. We don't need all kind of steem police and regulation. The crowd is smart and will weed out bad actors. Reputation will count on the end. By reputation, I don't mean that number which you can see beside your name, but the real reputation.

I tend to agree. Let steemit, inc onboard the new users and write some code, I feel positive as long as the web stats are trending upwards

I don't pay too much attention to stats. It could be misleading. Look for instance powering up. The statistic for that is great, but almost nobody powering up except two already big accounts. Or like upvotes are up, but we have some spamming bots for commenting. You know what I mean. When steemit inc. put their stuff in a place, (which I'm sure they will) every account should buy 20 steem. The price will go to $10 immediately and masses, advertisers, and exchanges will come like vultures. That's my take on this, but I don't know anything about this. Just my logic.

I sent you a decentralized upvote and I congratulate you on your 13 Moons. Much love from California. @whatsup, Steem On!

There are still miles to go for steemit to become the type of platform it intends to be. But that's exactly why it's exciting to be around. To engage on the platform, spot strengths and weaknesses and have an incentive to share good ideas and provide feedback as a user because you yourself is invested in the currency.

To me, that sense of co-ownership, where we all benefit from the community and platform being as useful as possible, is what makes it most fascinating.

Anyway, congrats on the milestone :) curious about what I will think after a year myself. Will probably be a very different site and ecosystem when that time comes though.

A Year probably flew by for you , first of all , congratulations on the milestone . I've only been on this platform for about two months , so it was nice seeing your posts and learning more about the crypto world . This community is full of great individuals that educate one another and lead others to progress . Cheers to one year 🍻

Thank you, it has been quite a year for Steemit.

congrats on reaching your 1st year. There are plenty more to go.

right now we growing very fast , if you look at new accounts amount and traffic from may we almost got double and still growing if this trend continue we can easily evolve into bigger project, also consider that we gain strength from search engines and many our topics and comments going to top google pages because they are unique , right now we got 32% of 15m users visits from google/bing and this will only increase!

Looking forward to your second year . I have learned allot from you ,since i joined steemit . I'm glad i started folowing you

I think for anybody who is participating in something truly unique, truly unprecedented on the global scale, feeling uncertain about the future is normal. And I think that, for the long term, that's a good thing. Because then you are actually looking at solving problems, changing things instead of sitting on your couch and doing nothing

When nothing is certain, anything is possible
-Casey Neistat

I think most people don't understand how small of a niche this is, and how 'on the bleeding edge' we all are. When I was on reddit, everybody used to joke about "oh reddit has become too mainstream we should go somewhere else lol" and yet, reddit is perhaps the least mainstream of the major social media platforms. And yet, reddit has 300 million users. Steemit has 300k users.

Of course, this can mean, that this site never becomes big, that it eventually stops growing and dies, but it also can mean that it one day becomes really big, and changes the world.

Congratulations, what a year!

ahh a whole year! Time flies by when you're not looking at it :D Congrats on staying here so long and I hope you're not planning to leave Steemit any time soon :)

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