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RE: 1st Year on SteemIt - Decentralization, What does it mean?

in #steemit7 years ago

I think for anybody who is participating in something truly unique, truly unprecedented on the global scale, feeling uncertain about the future is normal. And I think that, for the long term, that's a good thing. Because then you are actually looking at solving problems, changing things instead of sitting on your couch and doing nothing

When nothing is certain, anything is possible
-Casey Neistat

I think most people don't understand how small of a niche this is, and how 'on the bleeding edge' we all are. When I was on reddit, everybody used to joke about "oh reddit has become too mainstream we should go somewhere else lol" and yet, reddit is perhaps the least mainstream of the major social media platforms. And yet, reddit has 300 million users. Steemit has 300k users.

Of course, this can mean, that this site never becomes big, that it eventually stops growing and dies, but it also can mean that it one day becomes really big, and changes the world.

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