Steemit Person of the Year Nominations - Vote and nominate your choices

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Round 1 - Vote & nominate your steemit user choices for Steemit Person of the Year

To expand on @betamusic's idea I would like to further collect ideas and nominations to see how interested the community is interested in this idea as her post got come feedback initially. You can see her post here: "The Steemians of the Year " An idea to recognize to the writers more influential.

This could be a way to recognize many users who have grown so much in their own lives and also in others. Through posting on as a writer, artist, photographer, or other skills and talents. This has provided a way for people to value their own knowledge and work of their own and others. Both getting and giving votes be valued on the steemit platform.

With these votes sharing value between users. This sharing and growing value in and through the community. With the blackchain part of the decentralized factor helps break down barriers and encourages personally valued creations. Maybe this project could help display people from many walks of life as a way to demonstarte to potential new people that anyone can get involved with their ideas and thought and earn reward tokens (STEEM).

Steemit has started changing many people's and community's lives and could potentially many more! We could give these people recognition for themselves and others as great examples and what many of can be more capable and rewarded for though steemit with steem!

TheRecognition (credit to @betamusic)

As I have said in this post, this is just an idea to complement our work, if someone wants to support it I will be careful to form a group and make it reality with you.

In Steemit are a great family of diversity of cultures, between Steemians us know!, know the value of each writer and with our Upvote and Resteem value your work, or it punish with a Downvote, but us makes missing know who has been that more impact has had in it platform?, is by that, that feel, that this is, a great Idea.

Please feel free to vote on your nominations and comment others you would like to add.

Following are @betamusic's initial nominations:

@Ned, @dantheman, @knozaki2015, @gavvet, @ericvancewalton, @sirwinchester, @tuck-fheman, @charlieshrem, @theprophet0, @heiditravels, @gargon, @stellabelle, @fyrstikken, @dollarvigilante, @pfunk, @roelandp, @cass, @anyx, @mrs.steemit, @kevinwong, @donkeypong, @craig-grant, @papa-pepper, @smailer, @thecryptofiend, @blocktrades, @berniesanders

...that I have helped constantly and I have motivated every day to my would be my nominees to "Steemians of the year".

And which is your list for "the Steemians of the year" writes your comments and if want are going to reward and recognize to them "Steemians more influential".

Thanks to @betamusic for initializing this idea and talking to me about working together and with anyone else that may be interested.

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Just to say. Most people don't realise quite how much of an effort this guy puts in around here.

He is one of the hardest working people on the platform and he is one of the few people that goes out of his way to comment too. I've observed it myself. I don't know quite how he does it. You can't comment (at least not the way he does) using a bot.

You might not always agree with him (I don't) but I don't think you can't fail to respect him and like him.

He will probably try to get himself removed from the voting here but I think that is mark of the kind of person he is.

I agree smooth is an outstanding community member.

I vote for @pfunk. From what I've seen while participating and lurking in chat, pfunk is one of the most helpful and considerate people we have on Steemit.

  • He taught me how to setup a miner.
  • He's the reason one of our post collected nearly $5k.
  • He donated 400 SBD to buy a clothes washer for someone in need.
  • He (and @smooth) taught me about camera's and got me into photography.
  • He's in chat helping people day and night for months at a time.
  • He's posted some of the most helpful guides for Steemians.
  • He's now a witness.
  • And on and on 'til the break of dawn.

Good point. Add @pfunk to the list too.

Already added and has about 70 votes. :)

Flattered, but I withdraw from consideration. We're all working hard. There must be at least 20 other people on here who deserve this more than I do.

Thank you for your humility, just for that you deserve to be here a big hug @donkeypong

Lol. That is why you should be on here!

All round great guy. Gets a lot of stick but is pretty cool and does a lot for Steemit. Also I called him a troll years ago and his good humour won me round! Plus his advice made me a bit of money too.

He's an all around character. Not afraid to speak his mind and be himself.

I summed up my opinion in the comment section under this post some time ago...

Nominate @tuck-fheman

I renounce tuck-fheman's nomination. Too controversial. Always posting sarcastic stuff people have a hard time understanding. Points out peoples foibles and misdeeds in comics. He's a hack. Everything he knows about Steem he learned from @pfunk, @smooth or @nextgencrypto. ;)

How dare you! I won't have thing said against him:)

LOL, great post. Thumbs Up from #Canadastan for that one

and he even quit posting for a long time and renounced his posting key :)

Nominate @andrarchy

A real unsung hero here. Does a lot that people aren't even aware of. Really deserves some recognition.

Agreed. Just to share my thought. Going to cut out the top nominees. Then do another round. To help lessen the effect of the top voted choices that automatically go to the top.

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