
Dachte mir schon, dass bei den URLs einige Steemians mit der Zunge schnalzen. Danke Dir, liebe @vieanna. Das alles haben @double-u und @twinner angezettelt. Genau so einen Link hat einer zum anderen und der zu mir geschickt. Dann gab es ein AHA und ich war hellwach!

I didn't understand because I didn't translate anymore
too tired and sleepy already
was about to unplug but I remember my ribbiting friend
sleep tight mijn liebe kicker (okay .. I know that's probably wrong spelling but you understand right hihihih )

Thank you very much for your late visit, dear @englishtchrivy. The Kicker is spelled all right and I feel honoured a lot, you came by with your very last power of the day to try to understand. I hope you've had a refreshing sleep during this tropical night. Have a nice day, dear friend.

I would never miss out on you as long as am online
someone told me in the chat your posts are usually funny in a unique way
yes I had a good sleep that night thank you!

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