
It takes time man - check back in a year but keep active here. Johnny is right. The future is in cryptos because they distribute the awards (market cap) to all the users rather than the few at the top. There has been a trickle of people coming to Steem and it continues to grow. Invest today and become a voice on this platform.

I reinvest almost every cent I make from my posts into Steem and Steem Power. I'm at over 500. If I had some extra income, I would invest more, but I'm looking for a job.

all the best buddy pray you get a job soon @rogerblu

It's good to see you on Steemit Johnny! I've been following you for a few years now and I like what you're doing. Hope a lot of your followers come over to Steemit!

I'm not sure why you would want to post anything other than steemit links on your website. Maybe their is some reason I can't think of? A lot of people post their YouTube videos on Steemit so you could post your podcasts as well.

Upvoted, reestemed and following. :)

Hey thanks @pomeripossa I'll look into posting my podcasts and youtube videos here. But from what I can tell the Steemit community likes very specific content to be posted here so I don't know if crossposting everything would be the best strategy, but let's test. =)

@vegetarianbaker It's a bit too soon to tell as I just started posting on Steemit. But I've now shared my Steemit posts on my social media, through my email list, and now we'll have to wait and see. =)

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