Steemit exclusive WORLD PREMIERE of THE JUJU GUM CONSPIRACY / Episode 10 / No Monica

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


We've rolled out the red carpet, and given you VIP tickets to witness a historical moment for both film and the blockchain. We're thrilled you're joining us for the first ever release of a full length film on Steemit, grab your popcorn but be aware that there are known side effects from chewing THE JUJU!

If you just joined us start with EPISODE 01


Episode 10: No Monica


14 original never aired anywhere else episodes. One episode a day (at 8pm EST timezone) for 2 weeks straight. We will keep the video links active for one month, until February 8th.

From us to you with love,
@vachemorte and @juliakponsford

*Disclaimer: Some people have had changes in behavior such as agitation, hostility, depression, anxiety, panic, aggression, anger, mania, abnormal sensations, hallucinations, paranoia, or confusion while chewing JUJU GUM. If you notice some of these changes continue chewing JUJU GUM and get medical attention at some point but no need to rush.

Behind the scenes series posts by co-creator @juliakponsford:
the script / the casting / making the props / locations / outside promotion

Our interview with INFAMOUSLY FAMOUS MAGAZINE about this first ever feature film WORLD PREMIERE on STEEMIT.


Very cool work! I really enjoy watching the whole movie so far!

Thanks teamsteem I'm glad your enjoying it, keep on chewing it's almost at the end :D

Salut Guillaume bien content que tu apprécie le film jusqu'à présent, c'est un produit 100% montréalais s'en est peut-être la raison :) Comme Julia le mentionne nous en sommes presque au dénouement complet de la série car le dernier épisode va être poster ce dimanche. On a quelques surprises à l'horaire d'ici là, histoire de récompenser les auditeurs attentif. Continue de mâcher la gomme JUJU ...mais soit prudent avec les effets secondaires.

J'écoutais ton interview dimanche avec Aggroed. C'est ce que m'a redonné envie de recommencer l'écoute ou j'étais rendu. Je ne le regrette pas au contraire. J'attends les nouvelle épisodes chaque jour.

Haha ouais pas super à l'aise sur les ondes mais je représente l'accent Québecois à ma façon, avec une fraction seulement de ton enthousiasme par-contre! À ce soir!

Man you guys did a great job on this project! The actors too, they are all really fit for their roles. There are just so many things in this movie that makes it so cool, all the little details are just so unique and add to the mix, from the tampered chocolate peanuts to that couch in Cedric and Monica's appartment. It's such a treat to see that particular cachet that Montreal brings to the mix, the old factories, the many places, familiar but hard to pinpoint, it adds a certain feel to it that I love! The juju juice, lol, it was just a matter of time eh? Great stuff you guys!

Yo! You made it that far and we are almost there.. you will be rewarded. Julia and I think the end wraps the whole thing up nicely, so let me now if you guys agree later. If it doesn't, I will be fully available to go have a beer with you guys to clear things up...

oh maaan, I loved that scene! And then they all drink the juju together. so good. What a great gif too! haha. Loving the general trajectory guys, you have done so well on this project xoxoxox

Thank you Basil you are amazing we are really happy you are watching!!

I need more JUJU GUM!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH, gotta have it @*#%!!!!!!! They are in Ced's head!!!! Come on why isn't tomorrow here already!!

We are almost there, keep chewing until sunday night and you will see the light... :P

on a more serious note tho you guys have done an awesome job! I really have been enjoying the show for sure!!! Can't wait to see how it all ends!!!! Hope you have an awesome rest of the week!

Thank you you are really kind. But I am not joking you will see the light in ep14, the conclusion of the JUJU GUM CONSPIRACY. Love

Oh shit they gonna make him kill Monica? Fuuuuuuuuuu

Maybe... maybe not. You have to see for yourself :) Hugs.

Not yet Cedric....... 🔫🔫🔫

Ha! I gotta get some JUJU Juice. Does the butterfly shirt = MK Ultra Monarch mind control tie-in? Enquiring minds want to know.

When I start to feel blue;
I just have a chew!

You are the first to notice, well done.... many references to conspiracy stuff, from well hidden to super in your face. She puked on her shirt, she needed a new shirt, here's a shirt "with fucking butterly on it" I don't want to wear this (refuse to get controlled) they offer the shirt as they start to induce mind control...
We are sneaky clever but you are even smarter to call it out.

Nice! I'm gonna watch the last 7 again tonight because my wife needs to catch up. I'll have to keep an eye out for more sneaky clever shit. :)

Oh shit! The Juju juice!! Juju everything!!

....even I am Juju.
(cuts hand and bleeds Juju)

That's the spirit!!!

it's amazing .. until now I had not stopped to see it ... you are doing a super job ... I have laughed a lot with the casting and the series looks great !!! soo dope! and the music of scenes ... in short. a great job ... my congratulations ... I guess you do not stop a lot of work ...

Glad you enjoy keep chewing!!

Juju means charm in my dialect.

I know :) I thought it was pretty cool when I looked it up. From what I understand it could be also a witch doctor in certain tribe or a spell... What is your dialect?


This post has been voted on from MSP3K courtesy of @isaria from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ).

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