8 Things I Think Steemit REALLY Need to Improve!

in #steemit7 years ago

Its exactly 8 days today since I started using Steemit for real. Though I've been on the platform for up to 6 months now, but if you read my post on how I plan to increase my income in 2017 with Steemit, you'll understand what I mean when I said I started using Steemit for real 8 days ago.

Steemit is a great social media platform, and I've become addicted to it! But since I started using Steemit over a week now, I've noticed some things I wouldn't want to categorize as "flaws" on the platform, and I really think these things should be worked on, so as to improve the overall user experience on the website.

Option to resteem my own post

I noticed that after writing a post on Steemit, that's just the end of it, no way to bring a dead post back to life or keep the post alive; unless my followers just see it on their feed and thats all.

In most cases, we tend to work really hard when we are still new on Steemit, and often those hard work don't get to have a nice reward until we start getting followed by the right people; and after that, we start wishing those followers could see some of our old contents so they can possibly upvote them. Sometimes at our leisure time also, we browse through our old posts and find some articles we've written in the past that seems good, and often we would like to repost them so new followers can see them. All these can only be achieved easily with a Resteem button, but unfortunately, it's not available to us for our own very posts.

I think Steemit should work on this and add this feature, as it'll go a long way in rewarding our past sweats, and also allow us to resurrect dead posts.

Followers needs to be arranged in a time descending order not alphabetically please!

This is giving me headache, big time. Sometimes I notice my followers increased already, and on getting to the list, I just loose track of the new followers. I would love to follow some people who followed me, but how do I do this when I don't even know the exact people that just followed me?

I really suggest that the followers list should be shown according to the time they followed me, in a descending order. It's bad enough that I don't get notified when I have a new follower, arranging the followers list alphabetically isn't helping the matter.

Improved security system

I believe as Steemit grows, and more people starts discovering the platform and registering on it, chances are that more people will start figuring out how to hack people's account and earnings. I think an extra layer of security like 2 factor authentication with Google Authenticator should be added to the login screen. This will go an extra length in securing people's account and earnings since a code needs to be confirmed before someone logs in. This is just my opinion regarding this aspect.

Improved notification system, please

I don't know why I don't get notified when someone mentions me in a post, when someone resteems my post, and when I get followed. I believe Steemit should improve on this aspect too. How do we keep track of how we or our post is doing if we don't get notified when someone resteems our post, or mentions us in a post.

Account analytics

It's very important that we're able to keep track of improvements on our account. There should be an option to view my account overview or analytics, where I can see the new followers I had in a week, month, etc. Where I can see how people engaged with my posts in a month. Where I can see the post with the highest number of upvotes or earnings. And where I can see where my traffics are coming from.

Ability to toggle between different post editing view

There is an option/link Editor that allows you to format posts easily on Steemit, it's like an inbuilt editor. Why most new users don't know there is an option that allows you to write post without any markdown knowledge is that at the moment you start typing, the option disappears. Unless you click on the option first, type, then switch back to HTML view, you can't preserve the option.

This shouldn't be how this page works, it should allow you to toggle between the editor and markdown view irrespective of whether you've started using a particular view or not.

Drafted Posts

I believe Steemit should implement an option that allows us to have a couple of drafted posts, and not only one as it currently has.

More feelings

I don't really know how to put this last improvement suggestion. What I'm trying to say is, Steemit should improve on the user experience so that the users and the platform itself develop some kind of connections. Urgh, this isn't coming out really well. I think an example will do. When I just got my first author reward, I just got a notification in a gray background, informing me about the reward and that was it. This seemed a little boring to me, being rewarded is a great thing! and it's exciting. I expected this kind of notification to be presented in a green background at least, with like a champions league cup or something. What I mean is, it should be presented in a more lively way.

When a new user gets his first reward or publishes his first post, it should be presented in an exciting way like "Congratulations on your first reward!" "You just published your first post! Here is a guide on how to build a good community" etc. I hope I clarified this point somehow.


So this is all the improvements I suggest. I understand that Steemit is at its beta stage and I'm sure that more cool features will be added to the full release. Any additions or subtractions? Kindly let me know in the comment section. Thanks for taking your time to read this!

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Very good ideas ! I agree.

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