A rallying cry to British Steemians. Let's help each other and Britain.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Steemians of Britain let's support each other. I don't mean by blindly upvoting, resteeming etc just because we're Brits. I mean follow, read, comment, support, advise on what's going on here and in our country. Steemit is a revelation and could be the catalyst for real change in Britain as it grows.

Yesterday's election proves their is no unity so let's unite here.

I was thinking about this last night and was inspired by a great Steemian down under called @sirknight when he posted this.......


Check out @sirknight he's a top bloke and his Star Trek piece the other day was great. Check the comments, the debate was epic! I've resteemed it so it's in my thread.

Here's an example of what I mean. I posted this a couple of days ago. Look at the first comment, it got more votes than the post! I guarantee they're all from the same country.


Anyway back to the point of this post. I used to live in Oz and know how they stick together and rally around each other and not just in adversity. It's why they're so bloody difficult to beat at most sports.

Its about time we did the same, and I mean all of Britain, England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. I know their is a technicality around Ireland but I don't give a sh#t. And I don't just mean Brits in Britain I mean Brits everywhere in the world. We're all pretty much the same and have been divided over, religion, politics, football, rugby, city rivalries, all manner of bullsh#t for to long. This suits our leaders as divided we it makes us easy to manipulate.


Let's not be like that here on Steemit, let's support each other so we have a united community here unlike our actual communities. I read this piece also yesterday that says Steemit could become it own country and its a fascinating idea.


I've already had great support from Brit Steemians in the last few weeks helping guide me through.

Big thanks to @outerground for creating the TremendosPercy avatar.

You see if we can unite under the flag of Steemit we can help each other with information, views, opinions, photos that are relevant to us in Britain and we won't be easily manipulated because we will be collectively informed.

I guarantee this kind of thing is happening around the world right now where Steemians in India, China, Japan, Korea, US, just pick a country are clubbing together to help and support each other to succeed on this unique platform.

So what do you say folks?

Will you do it?

What the worst that could happen? You'd get a few more followers, get Upvoted more often if your posts are worthy, engage with more people like yourselves. It all sounds positive to me.

Let's not let our political system define who we are, let's do that ourselves and unite under the flag of Steemit.

We may end up creating something worth upvoting for.

Please comment with your name, why your at Steemit, how you got here, where you are (optional), resteem this post and follow me @tremendospercy and each other.

Thanks for coming to @tremendospercy I hope to see you soon.




Brit steemian here!! Nice to meet you I'll follow you

Welcome and thanks. Followed

Hey TP, must have missed this yesterday as I was a bit busy. Count me in my friend. I'm here to get people asking questions, break down the walls of perception, spread a bit of love and have some fun along the way! All the best to you my man.

Thanks amigo.
Really cool of you to say.
We've been divided deliberately so we won't rise against the system.
We've gotta start somewhere trying to turn the tide.
Thanks again dude.

Nicest thing anyone has ever said about me mate - you are a keeper TP. Glad we ran into each other so early on in STEEMIT. Up-voted and resteemed.

You're a class act dude.
Jeez mate it must be nearly bed time for you.
Catch ya later.
Cheers for the comments and support.


Little minnows form 'schools' for safety from predators and probably other good reasons known only to the fishies. So why not form a 'school' and see what comes of it. I think it's a great idea.
I should mention that I am an ex-American expat living in UK for the past 4 years. I've always been an Anglophile, maybe it's because of my ancestry. Before moving here I was an avid watcher of all the Britcoms on PBS--LOL! Not sure if that counts but I support your idea in any case.

Also I don't personally know a single person on Steemit apart from 2-3 people who joined to read my ramblings however they don't post.
I've always advocated looking after yourself and your own affairs and the rallying call is totally unlike me.
I just feel passionate about Steemit like nothing before, it's weird and I'm a bit of a loner in many ways and at 50 years old I thought I was done changing.
Who knew.

Dude, I'd like to see the world unite under Steemit but not in a NWO way like the power brokers would like.
One country at a time.
Thanks for the info I'm still new-ish under 4 weeks and didn't know you needed to protect yourself.
That sounds worrying.

"Ye rang me lord"


"Reporting for duty...Sir!!!"


Upvoted and Followed


You're welcome fella! ;-D

Nice one Percy, been following you and was thinking of calling out to the Brit steemers to see if we can get things moving. @stephenkendal and friends are doing a great job currently.

Ps. I'm an expat so not sure if I'm still included, sod knows what's going on in Brexit land!

All Brits everywhere dude.
I was an expat and I would have loved this platform when I was away.
The Internet wasn't even a thing when I left the country.
Thanks for the support. Get it out to everyone so we can make a difference.
Cheers for commenting buddy.

UK Steemian here ❤️💙 I follow back everyone!

You are followed and thanks for the hearts!
Look forward to reading your blog and check all my stuff @tremendospercy

Hey, glad you liked my article! :D


Sorry buddy my eyesight is crap.

Most of ours isn't, it's extremely straining on your eyes to try reading your text.

I'll try and tone it down in future if it's bothering people.
I wasn't aware and wouldn't want put people off reading the message because of something so easily rectifiable.
Thanks for commenting anyway I hope the bold text doesn't dissuade you from coming back In future.

Lol yeah, no hard feelings :'D

Hey Dude, none taken.
Peace 😎

am not a brit but i feel the energy in your post, its great for you to try to unite your countrymen here, i wish you the best. btw i love your badge.

Thanks buddy. Just thought I'd follow the example of @sirknight in Australia to try and rally a bit of support around each other.
I do fear we are very divided here in Britain, due to us being 4 countries who are trained to be in a constant state of rivalry.
It's not gonna be easy but a few have rallies and are hopefully following and supporting each other.
Thanks for commenting and again good luck.
Hopefully it'll catch on

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