TransparencyBot - Daily Report Card as of Yesterday 5/14/18

in #steemit6 years ago

This is the daily summary for Transparency Bot as of the end of the day yesterday.

For more information on this project, you can view the introduction post here.

Image source

How to Read this Report:

  • The number of comments (and blog posts) posted by transparencybot each day.
  • The number of replies made directly to the comments left by transparencybot.
  • The number of upvotes it received that day. (Does not include upvotes from transparencybot (if any).
  • The number of downvotes it received that day.


All in all, transparencybot is being seen as a constructive and useful display of information for all those interested to analyze.

Here are yesterday's top upvoters. Thank you VERY much for the support, this is so VERY important to our long term success!


Why do we need more transparency?

Yes, transparency Bot is presenting information that IS available on the blockchain, but NOT otherwise available on Steemit.

Transparency allows all of us who care about this platform to know what is going on, directly see how it affects us, become more educated as to what can be done and then; hopefully, act in a way that protects our platform for years to come.

As of 4/18/18, @transparencybot will begin upvoting random posts that use the #nobidbot tag and have not used bidbots on the post.
The number of random votes it does a day depends on its remaining voting power. Later on, a filter to select only authors with reputation's of perhaps 60 (or 50) and below may be incorporated, but for now it is wide open.

This is a non-profit initiative, all funds received by or delegated to it will be used directly for this mission only. No one, including myself is being paid for any service or product. Please consider supporting it by upvoting this post and/or the comments left by @transparencybot.

A VERY huge thank you to our delegators!


If you would like to delegate directly, you can do so by clicking on the following links. You can remove your delegation at any time. Be sure to leave at least 50 SP in your account.

50SP 100SP 250SP 500SP 1000SP 5000SP.



Click on the image to view full screen

My campaign started with this article dated 2/6/18 and continued forward with multiple articles that used bidbots and futher exposed how bidbots could be used to bring ANY article, both of high quality and low, onto the trending list.

It reads:

No really, this is a post on nothing of use, not anything in particular and certainly nothing worth upvoting.

But it may well serve to be very useful tool in demonstrating some of the techniques used by many Steemian's, whales and minnows alike to grab a few (or a lot) of votes for rather marginal or useless articles.

If you have ever wondered why some articles you read and some authors you run across have SO many upvotes and so many followers, well stay tuned --- I'll be exposing some of these techniques is the days ahead.

All profits for the article and the remaining articles using bots were donated!

@Transparencybot is a continuation of the campaign by many to bring quality back to the trending list.

Firstly, the trending list can't be fixed. You should have learned this by now. It can't be fixed especially by going after bot usage. Not that I am for/against bots. I think all things can be abused, so it's moot. What is important is that it's a minor part of the problem. In fact, if bot abuse went away, it would just exacerbate the other issues because a decrease in bot abuse leads to an increase in curation abuse.

  • Voting circles
  • Friends voting friends
  • Family voting family
  • Communities voting communities

You get the picture. There are people that vote simply for the curation and others that vote to help out people they know. It's not to improve the content whatsoever. This leads to a its-about-who-you-know where the more whales you know, the more successful you are situation.

Unfortunately, that also throws off the trending page. It's just less prevalent because bot abuse is so pervasive at the moment.

That's only part of it though. Besides the trending page being unfixable, it also shouldn't be fixed because it's a bad idea in the first place. A trending page makes sense for other forms of social media; however, steemit's unique community and the fact that there's a revenue stream attached makes it so that any feed is gamed for monetary benefit. EVEN THIS BOT is an example of that and therefore proof that it's unfixable. The concept of the trending page is that more popular items float to the top, but popularity is determined by votes which are monetarily determined. More money improves voting (investment). The only way to move higher up the trending page is to throw more money at it. This gives an unfair advantage to users that have been here longer as well as those with just tons of disposable income/savings.

This is actually where bot abuse comes in. Users that normally wouldn't have the ability to move up the trending page now can do so. This includes spammers, scammers, and legitimate content creators alike. Bots are a double-edged sword. Finally users can move up the trending page, but at a cost of bad content moving up with them.

In the end, it's the trending page that is bad, not the bots. If this account wants to help the trending page, this bot is also bad. Not to mention, it's an obvious scam itself.

Thanks for the reply.

I really agree with many of your points and it is a very complex problem. I do believe there will be multiple 3rd party fixes to this problem that will eventually cause Steemit @ned to make some very needed changes to allow better filtering and sorting on both the trending page and personal feeds.

Here is a great example.

There are a lot of good solutions including custom condensers like Busy, SteemPlus or SugarSteem

@ned and steemit inc. may not be the solution. One of the points behind steem is to be decentralized. A single condenser is counter intuitive to that. While steemit inc really puts in a lot of work and effort to make improvements and bring features, it's unreasonable to assume all problems can and will be fixed.

Any of those are worth investing in and supporting over this bot. Admittedly this bot isn't a solution and distracts from real solutions.

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