The Daily Coverup - 4/13/18 - Transparency Under Attack.

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

The following voters have downvoted the bidbot summary comment left by @Transparencybot.

For more information on this project, you can view the introduction post here.

What is this report?

This report shows the who downvoted and also provides a link to that comment to allow you to restore its visibility (by upvoting the comment) if you so choose.

  • Voter = The account that cast the heaviest downvote.
  • VIS = The remaining visibility of the comment. Zero means the comment is no longer visible.
  • DV = The down vote weight cast by the voter.
  • REP = The reputation of the voter.
  • Link = The link to the comment that was downvoted.

The list is updated automatically multiple times daily. The visibility of these comments can be very dynamic.

Thank you upvoter's for your support!


If you believe in transparency on this platform, then please help out by casting an upvote on one or more the links above so they remain visible.

The wonderful thing about Steemit and the Steem blockchain is everything is transparent!

Transparency Bot is presenting information that IS available on the blockchain, but NOT otherwise available on Steemit.

Transparency allows all of us who care about this platform to know what is going on, directly see how it affects us, become more educated as to what can be done and then; hopefully, act in a way that protects our platform for years to come.

@TransparencyBot needs your help, this must be a community effort or it WILL fail.

This is a non-profit initiative, all funds received by or delegated to it will be used directly for this mission only. No one, including myself is being paid for any service or product. Please consider supporting it by upvoting this post and/or the comments left by @transparencybot.

If you would like to delegate direclty to @tranparencybot you can do so by clicking on the following links. You can remove your delegation at anytime. Be sure to leave at least 50 SP in your account.

50SP 100SP 250SP 500SP 1000SP 5000SP.




We'll it is very apparent the battle is starting to take shape.

Many people are opposed to this mission for multiple reasons (per their feedback) and many more are supporters.

Since transparencybot does not have enough SP to fend off any type of concentrated attack, it is simply up to the community to decide if the bot should stick around.

Already, in just a few days, it seems the number of comments the bot is posting on has been reduced. This is a direct indication as to the effectiveness of this tool.

I will be creating a daily post on this progress.

When @introbot first started and asking people not to introduce themselves more than once, I received an inrush of very hateful, cruel and personal attacks by those who had been using this tag as their personal posting area.

There were hundreds of users posting hundreds of times, daily and weekly in the tag, making it completely useless for that which is was intended.

After only a few short weeks, the number of repeat introductions in the tag dropped dramatically and now only a few remain. The bot has been hugely successful.

This mission is no different and it will take a little time for the results to filter in.

I do hope that this time will be granted, the platform is surely worth it.

At this point it is TRULY up to the community to decide.


I'm really confused as to why ngc downvoted you. He is always complaining about bid botted junk. I know he runs Randowhale so may be a conflict there.

If you can't get feedback from him to maybe amend your process to his liking, may be more successful.

Indeed. Many conflicted people and much conflict.

Many want to support but are afraid that they will be stomped on.

We'll see what happens.


they should be afraid. Spam is not tolerated on the blockchain

Amazing work. I think editing the auto comment was a good idea, it still informs people but gives less valid excuses for anyone to be against it without looking like they are trying to hide something. Good work!

Thank you!

I continue to react to constructive feedback from the community to tailor the bot as required to help insure its effectiveness and of course support. I believe we have a pretty good balance now.

Blessings and thanks again for all the input and of course delegation.

How many people’s pages did transparencybot comment on today?
For transparency purposes your bot commented on 27 different pages in last 24hrs with zero relevance to the authors work. Some of it probably sucked... some of it may be good. Do you know? I don’t I am only here to report how many comments you make per day.

I've got to say, the overwhelming majority of steemit posts @transparencybot comments on are, well, garbage, and I've looked at quite a few of them. Transparency bot is at least trying to do something. Also, flagged the shit out of your other comments on here because they annoyed me, but upvoted this one, because you actually engaged in a meaningful way.

I usually always engage in a meaningful way. It’s not what the bot is doing.. it is how. Yes many things are trash. The bot does not distinguish... also who is to decide what is value.. changes from person to person. Unsolicited stuff like this should stay off people’s comments. As I said before this bot never touched a post of mine. If the system allows for this then that’s the system. Until real solutions are in place who really can say right or wrong? As always he who has most money wins.

You know how we get real solutions? By trying out various new ones. Whether @transparencybot succeeds or fails- and I'm not particularly sanguine about its chances- it's at least an attempt at correcting the problem. Hell of a lot better than doing nothing.

The bot does not distinguish between trash or not. That is correct. The bot doesn't make a decision on quality of content. The bot makes a tally of money injected into a post to get it in-front of peoples eyes and then posts the results.

Sure the value of material posted varies from person to person but value of SBD and STEEM is actually the same to all. I believe this bot is trying to combat the statement "As always he who has most money wins." not lie in bed with it.

Also you said you flagged the rest of my posts because they annoyed you. Maybe other people would be entertained. See you are policing what others do... did you have to flag... nope you could of just not read it. See somehow what you think seems to matter more. Why is that? Did my pictures offend you? Why are you the one to decide?

I mainly did it because you not only posted them all, but self-upvoted them all. I probably would have ignored them if you hadn't done that- it leads me to believe that you're more of a spammer than anything.

I did it because the bot upvotes itself to top of people’s page. Same thing

Except... it doesn't upvote itself to the top of people's pages? So really not the same thing at all.

@bycoleman has never upvoted???

Don't really care about alt accounts upvoting in the context of a creator upvoting their publicly acknowledged bot creation, that's pretty reasonable. It's an account upvoting all their comments (not posts, no problem with self-upvoting posts so long as you're not posting four times a day or something) that bugs me. Even moreso when they're all replies to the same post. What you're doing is worse.

For transparency since I guess nobody can look for themselves... this bot never posted on any of my posts. However I did promote someone else’s post. Not so transparent if you don’t list who paid for the bot... sometimes it’s not the person who posts it. I just don’t like people who think their view point is the only one that matters. @bycoleman @transparencybot are self appointed hall monitors. See you tomorrow!

good point to say who paid for it. but if it does I say it should be in the comments

Always “I say” “I think”.... sure is lots of people who think they know best. I don’t claim to know the answer for the best for platform. Don’t spam other people’s posts... whether they are good to “you” or shit to “you.” Transparency is already there.

How are bidbots not spamming the trending page? What's the point in judging others for sharing their "I say" and "I think" when you do the same?

You are taking @transparencybot way too personally. No "I think" there.

"I say" means its his opinion which he is allowed. Question, why not see it for what it is, another bot trying to do the job of a government that doesn't exist. But no one likes those on steemit 😂

I understand your disappointment that you paid to support someone. We have to do it in order to fighg the crap that uses more bidbots cuz they have no followers.

I have started this discussion on @carlgnash page

Please consider to look at both sides and lets see if we can help transparencybot help US ?

You may feel commenting on bot use isn't relevant.

I disagree.

The idea behind curation is for good content to be upvoted more than not so good content, and bots break that. He's not even flagging those posts, as is @heimindanger's bot. He's just pointing it out, which is a valuable contribution to the conversation.

So, it's not spam. It is relevant to the author's work, because the author's aren't potentiating curation, they are breaking it.

I would agree if all the “money” was reviewing and rewarding. They are selling their votes. Then you have others delegating sp for return. So the problem is deeper than the people using the bots.

None of that is possible without the buyers of votes.

And your reply isn't responsive to my point, which is that comments about votebuying aren't spam on posts that buy votes.

Great work @transparencybot ! Keep going and ignoire the territorial doggies.

I think your bot is great, and anyone opposing it simply has got something to hide. You are only reporting and not punishing like grumpy cat etc. They are probably jealous that they didn’t came up with this themselves.

The report is fine just don’t put on people’s comments. If people wanna follow and look they can.

This is just the typical comment you expect from people who come here and want to kiss butt hoping that a whale will want to mate with them in exchange for a good upvote. By the comment you can tell that they don't really understand how blockchain works since they put the words Transparency and blockchain together in the same sentence. Steemit is still too young in the public's eyes to see what is wrong with this bot and how it is actually the scammer that is offering NOTHING but spamming and upvoting itself. It brings sand to the beach.. It brings your gf to the stripclub so ur not lonely and these people don't understand it because they stumbled on steemit and became haters because they probably only get a few cents here and there and their inner hater just can't stand that you can have a post with some money on it so they come here and say things that make it very clear that steemit has a ways to go before we start seeing the kind of intelligence here that is required to make a real change.

I have to say that while I find it facile to argue that @transparencybot isn't providing useful transparency (that doesn't require digging through the blockchain data personally) in an immediately and useful context (when you're considering whether to upvote a post), I do admire your attitude.

Keep spitting fire!

The fact that vote buyers are trying to hide the comments is ALL TOO TELLING. There is something inherently dishonest about using bots and your kind are merely proving the point.

The truth is vote buyers don't want their audience to know they are propping themself and each other up on hype.

oh yeah all too telling hahahaha.. that they dont like spam!! Are you guys saying that you advocate for spam on the network!????

I think the principle of transparency is a good thing but I can see the case for it being spam due to it's unsolicited nature so I get that. Still, the whole idea brings to light a real problem even if people don't like to admit it.

However, it is not made plainly evident which votes are submitted programattically via bots versus manually via a human especially to user that aren't really familiar or new to the platform.

If that were so, I'm sure some people would opt out of upvoting because some people just don't like that sort of thing when they are made aware.

Unless it's the SuperBowl, a lot of people tend to avoid commercials / paid advertisement. I know I don't come to Steem for that shit.

You flagging @steemflagrewards was some bullshit. I don't recall there being any dialogue predicating that action. No discussion at all. Nothing.

No trying to convince me of your points etc. You just went straight away with a flag.

Relevant gif.

Technically, every comment on a post could be considered unsolicited, unless the blogger asked specifically for a certain steemian to respond or a particular group to respond. When a post is made, the concept is that all interested parties respond.

@Transparencybot is interested and is posting information relevant to the post, and by that alone, it is not spam.

Thanks for your support and keeping this platform sane!

Take a look at this please, I do believe this is indeed spam?

Can you please stop this many spam comments?

A lot of users are really pissed because this spam.

why shouldn't it be put on comments? it seems like pretty important information to know since we can't see exactly how much of the payout is from bots unless we use

We (we are a team) have absolutely no problem if this bot wishes to inform our users that we use bidbots to upvote nor the amount. We are confident in our work by the amount of time that we put into our research in order to write quality articles about topics that we believe our followers are truly interested in. We don't reach an ROI because we have never sold a single steem or sbd, we are a website that has been around since 2011 among the Truther community and don't intend to leave this platform anytime soon. Our problem in particular comes from the SIZE (there is a reason for the caps) of it's comments. It takes up so much space with it's comments while at the same time begging for upvotes and steem delegation... That space should be used for meaningful comments related to the article. If you MUST feel it is your duty to report our bidbot usage then stick that comment at the bottom of our page. DO NOT take up so much space that upon visiting the article someone must scroll down so far just to get to the real comments. This is spam and merits a flag (though we have not flagged this bot as of yet, in all honesty we have a bit of a bet going as to it's life expectancy due to it's methods of delivering transparency to the blockchain.. sorry that just tickles me every time I think about it) Every case is different and in ours we don't care since we are not profiting nor do we intend to change our plan to turn a profit. With that said we improve steemit since we brought our hard earned cash to this platform and did not remove any because without investors steem is worth less than a facebook like. (e.g: Do you know why sbd is worth $2? Because someone is willing to pay $2) bycoleman was smart enough to create this bot.... they should be smart enough to fix the problems with it so that their "Anti-Spam" bot does not present itself as the biggest spammer on our posts. (BTW, bycoleman has used bidbots themselves on a level that we did not even know was possible once we did some digging and seen they joined in Dec and have a rep of almost 60 and bid-botted themselves into a succesful position and an account that is worth a decent tax return even while steem is at a low... Want to know how much this hero was giving themselves when sbd was around $7-$9 a piece instead of $2? We wouldn't be Truth Beyond Lies if we didn't know the answer ^ ^)

sorry about the book we wrote if you read it all but we hope that it does atleast explain what our real problem with all of this is.

why shouldn't it be put on comments? it seems like pretty important information to know since we can't see exactly how much of the payout is from bots unless we use

What is there to hide? You can view all transactions?

If everything is transparent.... what are you doing?!

If curation does not return to 100% human "proof of brain", both steemit and STEEM will fail. If the creation of new STEEM can be gamed, it WILL be gamed, and that will destroy the expected future value of STEEM.

What we might be seeing here with whales selling their votes is that whales are realizing that STEEM is going to fail and are rushing to find a seat in a game of musical chairs. The early ones to sell their votes will take in large revenues and will try to initiate the 13 week power down just in time to not lose much when STEEM collapses. The whales who are now rushing to get into the vote selling business will take in less money before the crash, and will by their actions hasten the crash. The whales who refuse to sell their votes and who are determined to be faithful to 100% human curation will be the ones who take the biggest hit; they will be the last ones standing when the music stops, having collected no spoils from raping the rewards pool and then losing everything by never powering down at all.

So, how can the situation be saved?

(1) Support @transparencybot and any other similar initiatives.

(2) Permanently mute all bots that undermine 100% human "proof of brain" curation, as well as all users who use such bots or who attack @transparencybot.

(3) Powerdown immediately. Get out of STEEM. Your curation vote is already worthless for its intended purpose. Forget about making money here. Focus instead on building relationships, for now. If 100% human curation is restored, steemit might again become a place to self publish professionally (for money).

(4) Do not flag for any reason other than that a post is spam. Do not flag because you disapprove of what is being expressed or how it is expressed. Do not flag speech that you deem to be "hate speech". Do not flag as a matter of policy against particular users.

(5) Selfishness ruins everything. I've seen it my whole adult life. I became an activist because of this. Steemit and STEEM are worth fighting for. But make no mistake; this is war! It is going to be an all out war between those who are selfish and those who are unselfish.

(6) There are three possible outcomes: (1) If unselfish people here do nothing, steemit and STEEM will fail. If unselfish people MUTE the selfish people and refrain from flagging, some of the selfish people might learn from the example and convert to being unselfish. If the ones who convert the earliest powerdown quickly, they will lose the least, and the ones who remain selfish and who continue to game the system will lose the most, if steemit and STEEM fails. And it is possible that if enough unselfish people act in concert, this platform, and STEEM, might be saved.

A very wise summary that will probably fall on muted ears.

Massive power downs have already begun

Thank you for the support!

I got your back, dude, FWIW.

Thank you. We are not out numbered, just short on cannons.

I just found you, I like this.

Take my upvote and my follow!

So happy you provide a place for my random photography. This is an original pic. Who doesn’t love the classics!

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