Weekly Commentary On My Top Comment Interactions On Steemit - #1

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Interaction Is One Of The Main Forms Of Steemit Currency

The Purpose Of This Series

As we proceed on our Steemit journey of growth and discovery we begin to realize that a MAJOR catalyst for our growth on the platform is gained through the interaction we have with other like-minded - and sometimes even NON-like-minded - Steemians, who can educate, inspire, and/or challenge us in developing new ideas and topics for further exploration. Part of this process arises through the content of other people's posts, but ANOTHER major part of this evolves through interactions via comments. It's interesting to note that on Steemit the primary "post" AND the "comment" are BOTH labeled as "posts". This makes clear the idea that comments have the potential to be EQUALLY - if not MORE - valuable (at times) compared to "proper" posts.

I have therefore decided that it would be interesting - and likely helpful to others - to create a series where I show some of the most helpful comment interactions I have had one Steemit, with people who have turned me on to new areas of inquiry, inspired the development of my writing and artistic style through example, etc. As there have been NUMEROUS occasions where various Steemians have introduced me to topics and content which have made a MAJOR positive changes in my life and artistic/intellectual pursuits, I believe these interactions are worthy of being recorded, reflected upon, and commented upon. Therefore, this series is an effort to analyze and showcase some of the especially valuable interactions I have had on this platform. My hope is that some/many of the people reading the posts in this series may gain THEIR OWN inspiration from the comments presented here, AND that I can help show people the value of reflecting on the valuable interactions we all experience in dialogue with other Steemians. Perhaps my STYLE/METHOD of commenting may also help readers gain some insight in how to maximize the value/effectiveness of their commenting activities. If these posts help readers gain more value in their overall experience on Steemit then I consider this series a success. I will try to limit my analysis to ONE or TWO of the most valuable interactions I have had each week, as this will likely keep the amount - and depth - of information manageable for the reader.

As always, feel free to leave any feedback in the comments section. If your input is especially good, I may even include your comment(s) in the next episodes of this series ;->

Good luck


Top Interaction #1

Post : https://steemit.com/poetry/@rensoul17/winter-s-poetic-messenger-day-4

Week 1_ rensoul17_initial review of my poetry profile.jpg

The above showcase of my poetry writing in @rensoul17's "Poet Showcase" series really provoked some SERIOUS contemplation about the nature of my poetic art. As most people who follow my work surely know by now, I am a STRONG BELIEVER in the POWER of WORDS. In fact, I believe that most of our experience in the world occurs in QUICK "FLASHES" of thought-meaning which are often expressed in words (in some form : written, spoke, etc.). When @rensoul17 used the term "flash poetry" to describe my poetic style in her comment it immediately ACTIVATED me. More specifically, I was turned on by the MULTIDIMENSIONAL meaning of the concept of "flash", since it concept applies to both poetry AND photography, and since my main poem series is a poetry/photography hybrid form this concept of "flash" applies on many levels. Her comment spurred me to meditate further on this concept of "flash". To me, reality is essentially just a series of "experience flashes". That is, things happen to us as a result of our existing, and our consciousness processes those experiences into sort of "flashes" - or snippets - of experience, so that we can most efficiently process those experiences. My poetic style reflects my perception of existential reality, and the words of the poems INDEED resemble the quick "flashes" of the camera shutter used to create the photo which the poem is based on. This interaction is therefore a PERFECT example of how JUST ONE WORD in someone's comment can ACTIVATE us on many levels, and promote some SERIES philosophical contemplation on our artistic process, as well as acting as a catalyst for further development of that process. These kinds of (comment) interactions STAY WITH US as we proceed in our life experience BOTH ON and OFF of Steemit.

My follow-up response to @rensoul17 created a further productive effect for BOTH parties, as evidenced here :

Week 1_rensoul17_reponse comment1.jpg

From this follow-up interaction you can see that I was able to BOTH express the valuable insight that @rensoul17 provided to me in her initial analysis of my poetic work/style, AS WELL AS presenting some different ways of looking at her comment which helped her gain further insight into the profound point she had initially raised. At the same time, I suggested some potential ways this new perspective could be used in producing future content (ex. "your thought-promoting prefaces are evolving..." In this way I was able to point out some new directions she could take with the meditative "preface" section of the posts in this series. You can see in her response that this was effective, and it turns out that in subsequent posts she was able to VERY EFFECTIVELY do this. For instance, in the most recent (Part 5) post in this series, you can see how she examines quite deeply the concept of snow, and how snow relates to winter, and the artistic moods and metaphors which are connected with snow, and winter, and art : https://steemit.com/poetry/@rensoul17/winter-s-poetic-messengers-day-5

The ultimate point here is that interaction through comments hold GREAT potential for transformation, as other people can help add new perspectives, ideas, information, etc. which can catalyze the development of our pursuits - whether those be intellectual, artistic, spiritual, or others. So take some time to contemplate some of the valuable comments you receive on your posts, and try to turn these interactions into something which can benefits all parties involved - as well as others who read these comments into the future.


Great post, I would say this is what separates Steemit from things like Facebook other than it running on the blockchain and crypto. But the content of the post usually holds more value here, the world is full of things being so fast paced people don't really take the time to share and really connect with each other. I try to leave comments that invoke a response that leads to conversation. Doesn't always work, but hey I'm still new here. Upvoted and I'll be following your posts.

Hi @mikehustleinc! You are the FIRST person to comment on this new series I have launched! I am happy to see that some people have found the value I am intending in this series. Yes, I completely agree with you that due to the nature of Steemit - which I like to refer to as "The Free Market Of Ideas" people are actually INCENTIVIZED to put more time and effort into their comments. Through this incentivisation the whole Steemit community benefits through higher quality interaction overall. Thanks for the follow, and keep up your efforts here. If you are CONSISTENT you WILL get the sort of response/results you are looking for...

So true! Engagement with each other makes us grow AND it grows the platform. And we all profit from learning from each other!

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