For Better Steemit: Persistence is Great Teacher (#5)

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Peristance always pay out in our life. Albert Einstein had said that his great discoveries was made from 99% persistence and only 1% of geniality.

Many people who come here on Steemit are astonished with amounts of Steem dollars subscribed below the articles in trending channel. Many of them, in seeking of fast success, start with quantity instead of quality. But between quantity and spamming is thin edge. In the world of Steem quantity mostly give no good results and spamming is quite a dangerous attempt where flags are not very pleasant experience.
But after some time majority of new red fishes here find out that the best way to prosper in this ecosystem is write quality blogs and be patient with earnings. Persistence and devotion eventually start to pay off and what was once impossible become reality. Earnings start to pour in and confidence of newbie Steemian start to grow. I also not recommend self upvoting. It's show your care about money not about what you are writing. I rather use some upvoting bot (@minnowbooster is nice for start) to bust my earnings. Essentially voting bots are conglomerates of Steem power pooled together from community of users. This combined upvoting power is then put to use for other red fishes and minnows to bust earnings. This process help to distribute reward pool more evenly because some whales are selfish and want to accumulate as much wealth as they can drain from the reward pool. Next story is about persistence end devotion to give you courage to go on.

Once was a kingdom with greedy king. He want to drain all wealth from his people and be rich beyond all. Even salt was taxed and people have to eat unsalted food because kings bailiffs and catchpolls was scouting the country for people smuggling salt around and helping poor people to just eat decently.
In the mountains king have large salt mines where salt was extruded in wast quantities and sold for gold to the neighbor kings who have no salt in their kingdoms.
A poor miner work in the mine for king and one day he put a handful of salt in his pocket to bring it home for his family and neighbors. But sentries catch him on the way home and put him to the jail.
Everybody who dare to steel from king have to be put to death was the law signed by the greedy king. So poor miner was sentenced to hanging rope. As judge ask him for the last wish before they hang him the miner ask judge:
"Your Highness, higher up int the mountain there is a village whit so bad road from the valley that every year avalanches sweep away people from the road when they try to go home. I'm a miner and can dig into a mountain your Highness, please let me dig a tunnel from the valley to the village that people will not be swiped from road any more and come safely home through this tunnel. After I'm finished let the rope end my life"
The judge think for a while and then let the miner to dig this tunnel. One of kings bailiffs was sent to guard the miner digging. So miner was digging and digging and bailiff watch him. Months passed then years and gradually bailiff, just from spear time he had, start to help the miner. Again years are passing by as they are digging persistently the tunnel together and when they finally finished the tunnel the time for hanging the miner came.
Then bailiff said: " How can I hang you now, when you become my great teacher!" So they went to this mountain village where they live for the rest of their lives.

And as always!
All the money and wealth of this world is worthless if we lose each other!
Previous post #4, next post #6.

Here you can read about my campaign Upvote Myself no More.

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