For Better Steemit: Knowledge is Value to be Shared (#4)

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


The most important invention of the mankind was how to record and share knowledge among people. First two crucial invention of the mankind was not fire and making tools it was speech (sharing and transferring of information) and money (sharing and transferring of value) This two inventions spark all others. Merely all other inventions where born from combination of those two mothers of all inventions.
So knowledge and knowledgeable people should be rewarded to share this type of value among us. This is have to be true on Steemit also. Next story is about man who was extremely well rewarded for his knowledge.


Ones upon time there was a kingdom with the king which was ennuied to death, and became daily more dull and heavy. The servants and paladins on the court become more and more concerned about the king. They must find a way to solve this riddle before kingdom will not suffer to much. So they ask the wise people what to do and they told them that they know a man with great knowledge and he surely will be able to help them with the king.
They decided to send for him. The wise man came with a board and some wooden pieces. They present him to the king and he said to the king, that he brought with him a wonderful game which will for sure put king in better mood. When the ennuied king learned the game he was so excited about a new game that he want to reward a wise man.
The wise man humbly reply: "I want not much mighty king, just put one grain of wheat on first square of the board two on second four on the third and so on to the last square of the board."
"You not need to be so humbly mighty sage. This is surely to small reward for such a beautiful game, you have just teach me"
"It will be enough form me, my mighty king" replied wise man. So king order to give him the wheat the wise man wished.
Paladins start to calculate how many grains must give to the wise man and with horror they realize, that wise man just claim crops of entire kingdom for next three years.
Now they ware them to came to the wise man humbly and ask him if he think seriously to took all that wheat and wise man said: "No, no at all, I don't need even one grain. I just want to show you how much something could be worth"
He took his trip rod and return to the cave in the mountains.


And as always!
All the money and wealth of this world is worthless if we lose each other!
Previous post #3, next post #5.

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