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RE: Growth Hacking the Sign Up Process of Steemit to the Next Level

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Hey @cryptoctopus - I appreciate your feedback on the welcome page. @bitcoiner and I were actually the ones who built this. It just went live on the site last night. We posted about it here, and mentioned the fact that this was only "phase 1". The main problem that we were trying to solve is that users who signup do not have any direction and were missing a lot of key information. This at least gives them the info - which is a really crucial step that we didn't have before.

There is a comment in the post that talks about making it prettier for phase 2, and lists some of the things we are planning to do. If you have any additional suggestions, feel free to add them there.


Sorry, I didn't mean to be an insult on your work. This is way way better than dropping people in the deep end of the pool. I would love the content you made to be used as a walkthrough that brings people page by page and rewarding them for completing it. Gamifying the welcome process with your content would be wonderful.

Hehe, no problem. We agree, it is 'crude'. I just wanted to give you the context :)

We made the decision not do do all the 'fancy' stuff right away, because getting the change approved and put up on the live site is a lengthy and time consuming process. We did not want to slow it down even more by trying to do everything all at once. We figured if we could at least get the content up - that would be a huge step forward from where we were before.

It is definitely very appreciated and a 100% improvement over having nothing. Looking forward to what you are going to come up with. What do you think of the reward for completing the welcome process?

I think it is a great idea! It is a complicated feature to develop (correctly) though. While I fully support it and think it would be a great addition, I think the one 'problem' will be timeline. I don't think something like this is going to be implemented in the short-term. Steemit has a lot of changes in their pipeline. Within the ~2 years though (when I predict Steemit will be done with the site), then adding something like this is definitely a possibility.

Ok, so I am creating a mock up based on the welcome page. @krnel is down to help with dev. If you could join us here with @bitcoiner : I think we could get this thing kicked off within 90 days.

One thing I will add too.. I mentioned it in the comments of @bitcoiner's post, but when I started pushing for the welcome page several months ago, it was in the same position as far as priority. It actually got done because Sneak (from Steemit) assigned it to me, and let @bitcoiner and I do the work. If we had waited for the official Steemit dev team to work on this, it would have taken a lot longer. (Again, they have a ton on their plate right now).

One thing you might want to consider is if you could get some community developers interested in this, you could work on it and submit it as a 'pull request' - like @bitcoiner and I did for the welcome page.

oh brilliant. Unfortunately I'm just a marketer and do not have the coding capabilities to execute it. :-/

But it's true, if I could find someone to work with on that stuff it would definitely help the team move along.

I personally think that if they want users, the reward system should take the front row when it comes to marketing. Turning new users into free advertiser was what brought Facebook and Dropbox to mass adoption (back when it would ask you to invite your friends via email).

I shall look for a dev who wants to cooperate with me.

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