Finding time for steemit and all the rest of the things we do...

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Sometimes time just disappears...

It has not been that long ago that I traveled over to steemit to read an article. I had seen a couple of posts here and there that showed up from google searches and various topics but I had never signed up. I thought to myself "why not" and went ahead and did it.

After arriving on the scene at Steemit I was somewhat overwhelmed but as with anything I felt it best to just jump in aimlessly and start wandering around. I started to read about how if you just followed people and voted on their stuff then they would do the same for you. So I started to do just that. I basically was following anyone who had a lot of followers regardless of their content etc.

After doing this I started making a few acquaintances here and there and I found my way over to @minnowsupport and then from there I made my way over to their discord channel.

I hung out there for a little bit and I wrote some posts on Steemit covering various topics of interest of mine. I had high hopes that a whale would swim by and notice me. Guess what, a whale did swim by and notice me! I felt like everything was going great and I had managed to be seen.

What I had failed to realize was that I have so many projects going most of the time that I really couldn't afford to spread myself thinner than I was.

As you can see from the pictures above and below this was a project I had been avoiding for sometime. My wife and I own a property that had an abandoned home on it that had to be torn down. She had reminded me of it several times and there was a deadline of July 14th with the city or they would do it and charge us. So as you can see I managed to tear it down thanks to the power of a Deere.


So I normally have about 25 bizillion things going on and now I have Steemit as well. What I have discovered is that Steemit is a vast and wonderful world that is literally capable of burning up every moment of time you can conjure! LOL. This is a good thing in my book but at the same time there are all kinds of other things to take care of as well. So this leads me to a point!

My feed on Steemit had become overwhelming. I could click on feed every minute and I would see 5-6 new posts. This is impossible to keep up with and so I decided starting today I was going to make a change on how I use Steemit. At first I thought I would try to visit all areas where I had knowledge and involve myself in multiple communities. Now I have decided to direct my focus more towards the things that I am passionate about.

I really came to Steemit more for the social aspect than anything. I have found a great group of people that I really enjoy hanging out with over on the @whaleshares dicord. If you are not familiar with whaleshares check out this post by @jphenderson.

The Steemit community is huge and growing more all the time. I want to spend so much time here but I realize I must keep myself focused in real life as well. I will still be posting daily but I will not be putting as much time into trying to help every single person I meet. (habit) Instead I intend to try to continue to find like minded individuals with whom I hope to have great conversations with for a long time into the future.

I would like to give thanks to @patelincho, @nepd, @walterz, @manishmike10, @jphenderson, @officialfuzzy and everyone else who keeps me laughing and smiling.

To laugh is to live and smile is to know love.

The Last Sage


I appreciate your honest post and it's awesome that you tore that house down! Look forward to seeing more from you

Thanks so much for your reply. It can be taxing the amount of time we spend on our projects!

The Last Sage

Yeah Steemit just sucks the time away if you let it. Checking in every few days works for me except when I get sucked in for a while.

Whatever happened to the contest you were running?

I am going to finish it up tomorrow. My a/c broke and I having mining rigs in my computer room. Its literally like 110 degrees in here right now. I should have a/c by mid morning then full steem ahead. Sorry for the delay.

The Last Sage

I feel for you, had the same problem here.

Great post! I agree, we need to focus our attention in the best way possible on steemit, because it's possible to get so caught up in it that you run out of time for anything else. But nevertheless real life continues. Thanks for sharing this :)

Thanks for the reply. I have actually not even posted today and I don't believe I am going to... Grrr but as you just said real life continues...

The Last Sage

Haha yeah steemit and the chats can really take up time lol.
Good post man, meditative almost. Glad you torn down that house, sometimes a lil destruction creates the perfect path for novelty.

Dude I love getting upboated!!! That is a classic GIF!!

I love it 😁 my wallet just told me you sent me 10 SBD ! I didn't know were to reply, so here is My Thankyou. I' m on my phone and restricted chat soon 😇

Thank you for the entry and the great read!!

Steem Power coming right up :-)
great post !.jpg

Tipping 1 in Your Honour My Friend

Yep, so is the progression of Steemians. I can't blame you for having to focus your energies or you would not get anything done. I have noticed some Steemians with lots of followers have 0 people they follow. I don't think it's meant to be rude, in fact, I think it's quite the opposite. They know they have to efficient with their time and don't want to cause ill feelings by following certain people and not others.

Nice work on the demolition! That looked like loads of fun. Bulldozers and destruction are a combination like peanut butter and jelly!

Oh...and thanks for the winnings from the contest. That was a pleasant surprise. Steem Power here I come!

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